He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3062 Champion, the strongest among humans!

Chapter 2859 Champion, the strongest among humans!

His conference was suddenly destroyed, which made Chaomeng urgently need to find a target to release his desire and vent his anger!

The pretty lady-like Gardevoir in front of her was obviously a good target.

He gently raised one of his palms, and a dark blue light ball of telepathy quickly condensed in his palm. It looked a bit like a wave missile in appearance.

But this is a superpower move that has not yet been named and defined. It only contains pure and exquisite mental power.

Karuni and Mega Gardevoir were immediately faced with a formidable enemy, and they knew they had to go all out from the beginning.

"Shadow ball!"

She whispered in her heart, Gardevoir understood, and quickly condensed a dark purple energy bomb in her palm, and its size was much larger than the ordinary shadow ball, more than one meter wide!

This is the foundation of being a regional champion. The power of the moves released is far beyond what ordinary Pokémon can match.

A huge shadow ball flew out, and the telekinesis ball that Mewtwo had condensed was no more than the size of a fist, making it seem a bit inconspicuous.


However, the two balls collided, and before the stalemate lasted for more than 3 seconds, the huge shadow ball was penetrated from the middle, and the powerful black-purple energy spread out in all directions like a leak.

And that little telekinesis ball was still flying towards me like a rainbow!


Kaluni was horrified and quickly shouted in her heart.

Mega Gardevoir understood, and immediately teleported away, disappearing in the path of the telekinetic ball.

The empty telepathy ball finally landed lightly on a thirty- to forty-story building not far away.

Boom! !

In an instant, there was a shocking, earth-shattering explosion, which blasted a huge gap in the upper half of the building.

"!" "!"

Kaluni and Gardevoir looked at each other and felt a chill in their backs.

Who is the Pokémon in front of me? !

Even a second-level god cannot have such power, right? !

"Is it possible that it is an existence on the same level as the Ancient God? Impossible, why have I never heard of this Pokémon!?"

Kaluni frowned and thought rapidly.

The words of the ancient gods will be passed down in legends all over the world, and they cannot be nameless existences.

The latter's unparalleled mental power, which even surpassed her Mega Gardevoir's, reminded Karuni of the fantasy Pokémon in the Kanto region, the legendary dream of the ancestors of all Pokémon.

But the dream figure is only the size of a baby, and it doesn't match the existence in front of you at all!

At this time, Chaomeng suddenly looked at her, making Karuni extremely alert.

"Shadow clone!"

Mega Gardevoir also split into dozens of clones in an instant, scattered around.

Facing the shadow clone that was hard to distinguish between real and fake, Chaomeng just grinned mockingly, and his superb telekinesis swept across the entire scene, and he instantly captured the location of Gardevoir's real body.

However, at this time, what Kaluni was thinking about was not to dodge, but to attack:

"Now, the magic shines!"

Mega Gardevoir's whole body was instantly covered with a layer of colorful light, which looked extremely dazzling. Even Chaomeng couldn't help but half-squinted his eyes, making it difficult to look directly.

Visual moves have been capable of transcending level challenges since ancient times.


Mega Gardevoir's figure also came behind Chaomeng in the next moment.

This is the strength of a champion. Even when using teleportation, the whole body can still maintain magical shining moves, even

Boom boom! !

Gardevoir, wearing a colorful energy coat, slammed into Mewtwo!

Bang bang!

There was a muffled sound, and Chaomeng's figure was immediately knocked and flew out in mid-air.


But after the posture was settled, Mega Gardevoir had a strange expression.

Although the magic sparkle was successfully fired, she did not feel any physical collision. Instead, she seemed to have hit a thick wall.


After hovering, Chaomeng's face showed an expression of interest for the first time.

Unexpectedly, the human and Pokémon in front of me could hit me once?

Although the attack completely hit the wall of his own telepathy and had no effect, this kind of slight resistance to himself made Chaomeng even more excited.


Chaomeng's eyes were fixed, and the next moment, he also performed teleportation.

And it was faster than Mega Gardevoir, appearing in front of the latter in an instant!

Before Gardevoir could become frightened, the vast spiritual power had already poured out, completely binding Gardevoir's body in an instant, making it difficult to move.

"Aren't the levels of telekinesis on the same level?!"

Karuni started to sweat profusely.

She is the regional champion, and even her Gardevoir has a mega-evolved mental power, so it's not a big problem to suppress a level two god!

However, Chaomeng didn't care about this. After grabbing the target, he slowly raised an arm, and a telepathic light ball quickly condensed in his palm, ready to explode in front of Gardevoir!

Until a fist-sized telekinesis ball condensed and formed, floating in front of Gardevoir.

Boom! !

The telekinesis ball cracked and exploded suddenly, even setting off a violent energy cyclone in the air.


But the smoke and dust hadn't dissipated yet, and Mewtwo's eyebrowless forehead wrinkled.

Strange, he didn't hit the target?

It's impossible. With the restraint of my own mind power, the other party's ability to move his body and limbs is completely blocked, even his instantaneous movement is completely blocked.


However, Mega Gardevoir's figure appeared out of thin air on the other side of the tower, apparently successfully breaking free.

"I see"

But soon, Chaomeng reacted.

Before being restrained by himself, Mega Gardevoir covered the surface of his body with a substantial blue film of telekinesis.

It was like wearing a pair of tight stockings all over the body, and the touch was the same as the body, so when Chaomeng's telepathic hand touched it, he didn't even notice anything.

And then, the moment the blue film around the body is dissipated, there is a gap in the restraint of mind power, and Gardevoir can use teleportation to escape.

"You are worthy of being the strongest among humans, the champion of Carlos!"

Chaomeng was not angry but happy. He temporarily put away his previous great anger and looked at the pair with a smile.

He has investigated the human world and knows that the strongest trainers among humans are the champions of each region.

No one knows which champion is the strongest, as formal battles between regional champions rarely occur.

This was his first time playing against a regional champion, and I have to say, it was indeed an eye-opener.

Kaluni did not let down her guard, and was even more horrified.

This Pokémon actually spoke? !

It's not telepathy that is the universal ability of mythical beasts, but it's just opening its mouth and speaking human language? !

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