He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3064: Activate, the ultimate weapon!

Chapter 2861 Activate, the ultimate weapon!

Some people are always curious, why do the three ancient gods of Carlos seem to have disappeared?

Even though nearly double figures of foreign ancient gods in Desert City started fighting, the three indigenous ancient gods did not react at all.

In fact, all three ancient gods were hunted by Team Flare!

It’s just that Xerneas, the god of X, was smuggled away by Hupa with the help of a golden ring on the way.

Z-God Zigerd only captured one of the core individuals, and it was also the source of today's catastrophe.

As for God Y, Yveltal

In fact, this ancient god who likes to destroy and plunder the vitality of others has always been kept in the secret base of Team Flare as an alternative plan to cause disasters.

Completely opposite to Xerneas, it will contribute its own energy and bring life to the surroundings, while its true body will turn into a dead tree and sleep, regenerating its strength.

But Yveltal is particularly good at taking the lives of others. Before entering the cocoon form and sleeping, it will plunder all the life around it. It is a very terrifying existence.

At this moment, it is being stored in Team Flare's secret underground base in Shixiang Town.

"Come on, it's time to use the life force you plundered for me, Yveltal!!"

Fradali, who was half lying on the ground, moved very covertly while controlling the instrument on his wrist. His face was fanatical, even crazy!

Looking from the back, Karuni could only see half of Fradali's head sticking out of the edge of the roof, and his back was twitching. She thought that the latter was simply frustrated because he was stopped.

Mewtwo in the sky was still looking straight at 100% Zygarde in the distant sky.

That is the most challenging opponent, everything else can be put aside for the time being!


This also allowed Fradali to successfully activate the instrument in his hand, which was the activation button for the ultimate weapon!

The ultimate weapon, this is a time-honored instrument created by his legendary ancestors thousands of years ago. It can release surging power in an instant to achieve the user's purpose.

And the energy released can also be chosen by yourself——

According to some ancestral historical records known to Vladali, his ancestors used the ultimate weapon twice in thousands of years.

The first time it was used as a medical device to bring his dead Pokémon back to life. It is said that this power can even give the target eternal life? !

The second time was a real war weapon. The destructive energy released almost wiped out everything and completely ended the ancient war that took place in the Kalos region.

But using it twice requires immense energy.

It is said that the ancestor, like Yveltal, the Y-god, squeezed the lives of countless innocent humans and Pokémon before he could activate the instrument.

Later, the ancestor seemed to feel extremely regretful for this behavior and fell into madness, so there was no record of it in the family.

"This is the greatest cause, why do we need to regret it?!"

But Fradali didn't care at all at the moment.

However, what he meant by "releasing the energy of God Y" did not actually mean awakening Yveltal and releasing it, allowing this ancient god to absorb life force everywhere.

According to the records left by his ancestors, Vladali successfully found the burial place of the final weapon, dug it out, and improved and repaired it.

It's just that this ultimate weapon has lost the ability to automatically plunder the energy of surrounding life forms, and must artificially inject energy into it.

This is also the reason why Fradali occupied the Miare Power Plant before, using electricity to try to see if it could fill enough energy to start.

It's just that the efficiency of electrical energy is too low to start.

Next, Fradali aimed at the energy of mega evolution.

This bond between humans and Pokémon is purer and more powerful than electricity!

It's just that this part has not been completely collected, so the plan to unlock the final weapon has always been an alternative.

"In that case, now it's up to you, Yveltal, to provide the energy!!"

Vladali directly targeted the ancient god.

According to legend, when Yveltal's life ends, it will absorb the life of all living creatures around it and return to the form of a cocoon.

This also means that it is different from Xerneas, who is in the form of a dead tree and has no power at all.

When Yveltal is in the egg cocoon form, it is the moment when his own power is most surging!

"Let's begin, the ultimate weapon, absorb the energy of Yveltal!!"

At the top of the Prism Tower, Vladali looked toward the west in the direction of Shixiang Town, and began to cry in his heart.

In the secret underground base in that town, he had always connected the energy output tube of the final weapon to the egg cocoon of God Y.

As he activates the machine, the final weapon will be activated, automatically absorbing Yveltal's infinite energy.

By then, the ground in Shixiang Town will be separated, and eventually the weapons will be completely exposed to the air.

When it absorbs full energy, it will be like a blooming steel flower. The "stasm" in the middle will output a sharp hole and aim diagonally at the sky.

Fradali has already set up the activation program of the final weapon. When the energy is full, it will release an energy attack in the air that can destroy everything!

And the target of this energy attack

It's the city of Miare!

The final weapon's attack coverage is even wider than the entire city of Miare!

If the Kalos map plate is regarded as countless concentric circles, then the city of Miare is the central circle, and the final coverage of the weapon is the concentric circle area close to 1/4 of the size in the center!

At that time, all creatures in Miare City and the surrounding areas, whether humans or Pokémon, will be completely destroyed by this terrifying blow!

Neither Zygarde nor Mewtwo can escape!

"Including me here, it will be my grandest burial place!!"

Fradali was ready to blow himself up and bury the entire city of Miare with him.

The final effect of wiping out all life in Miare City and the surrounding area is similar to the effect of the violent plants of Earth Punishment wreaking havoc for a whole day.

So Fradali forced himself to bear the pain in his back and stood up suddenly.

"Haha!! Carlos' future will become even more beautiful!! Haha~!!"

He opened his arms and could no longer hold back his head and laughed, his face full of madness.

Kaluni and Mewtwo, who were closest to each other, were the first to react. They looked at each other first, and both could see the strange look on each other's faces.

Is this flaming lion finally crazy?

"This is?!"

However, the next moment, Chaomeng's expression changed, and he also looked in the direction where Vladali was laughing wildly.

Although there was no change in the sky, he felt that there seemed to be something extremely terrifying in the distance in that direction? !

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