He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3065 Xiaozhi: Damn it, my most powerful meeting!

Chapter 2862 Xiaozhi: Damn it, my most powerful meeting!

"Did this human being do something?!"

Chaomeng frowned. The dangerous aura coming from that direction even made him waver.

As soon as his mind moved, Fradali's whole body suddenly tensed up, his limbs spread out like a "wood" shape, and he was caught in the air.

Mewtwo used his mental strength again and caught Fradali.


This time, Kaluni did not stop him anymore, and even took a few steps back in a tacit understanding, allowing Chaomeng to do his best.

She has already seen that this powerful humanoid Pokémon has a weird personality but does not want to do anything to destroy the world.

At least, not the enemy.

Just wait and see.

It's just that Vladali's appearance before was so strange. Could it be that Team Flare had prepared other dangerous actions besides Zygarde? !

He was restrained in mid-air, and Mewtwo's strength was not light, making all the bones in Vladali's body feel as if they had been crushed, causing extreme pain.

His throat was even blocked, preventing him from speaking smoothly.

"Haha, it's already too late. Even if I die, the whole city will accompany me to welcome new life!"

However, Vladali continued to talk intermittently despite the pain in his throat.

The intense pain in his body and the fervor in his heart made his face and facial features look abnormally distorted.

Chaomeng couldn't help but look back at Karuni, as if asking what bird song this human was talking about.

Kaluni shook her head, but her face became serious.

Fradali is not a person who will make mistakes.

Damn it, is it possible that the crisis in Miare City is not over yet? !

It’s just that the violent plants in the entire city have disappeared. Where will the source of the new disaster be? !

Upon seeing this, Mewtwo did not directly crush Fradari to death, but rather allowed the latter to maintain a mental state where all the bones in his body were crushed by huge force.

He had no intention of destroying the city of Miare.

This is just a stage for counterattack. He wants to show everyone that Chaomeng is the only great existence in the world.

But at the same time, Chaomeng has no interest in protecting Miare City and being a hero.

"Well, let's take a look."

Chaomeng was just an indifferent bystander. He wanted to see how this flaming lion human could destroy the city.

For a moment, the top of the Prism Tower seemed unusually quiet.

Fradali, who was in severe pain all over his body, became more and more excited.

Soon, no more than 10 minutes at most, the final weapon's devastating blow will come to Miare City! !

On the other side, Zygarde, who had cleared all the plants in the city, did not continue to maintain this form, nor did he use a single exclusive move to show his absolute power at this moment.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, countless green streams of light scattered from its body, pierced the sky, and flew back to every land on this planet.

The leakage of energy also caused Zigerd, who was completely in mid-air, to lose his shape.

In the green light, it transformed from a majestic black-winged giant to a huge black-scarred monster snake, and then into a thin black dog.


There was a crisp sound, and the two core individuals suddenly split apart and turned into two waves of green ooze, falling from the sky.

Bang! Bang!

Xiaozhi, who was directly below, had quick eyes and quick hands, and once again caught them one by one.

The feel this time is slightly different. Although it is still the touch of bird's nest, it is warm and more like the touch of fresh bird's nest.

"Perfect performance, you two Zygolds~!"

Xiaozhi looked around and praised with a smile.

"Awesome! Xiaoruan! Xiaomian!!"

Next to you, Yulijia couldn't wait any longer, so she waved to hold the two core individuals in her arms again, and pampered them fiercely.


Xiaoruan naturally squinted her eyes and returned to Loli's arms with a look of enjoyment.

Z2, on the other hand, was very wary of this kind of gentleness. When faced with Yulijia's grasping hand, it suddenly bounced up and landed on Xiaozhi's head, avoiding the claw.

"Hey Xiaomian!!"

Yulijia suddenly curled her lips and complained.

After Xiaozhi comforted him, he temporarily let Z2 stay on his hat.

Looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the street buildings were still in ruins, the most dangerous plants had disappeared, and the whole city suddenly became calm.

Now, this catastrophic event should be completely over, right?


Z2 snorted coldly at this. This time it was entirely the fault of the human beings themselves, and they had learned a big lesson.

Since the two cores merged just now and did not release any powerful moves, they just turned the "switch" on again, so it did not consume much physical energy.

Even after the entire planet's cellular energy supply, the physical strength of the two core individuals suddenly returned to its peak.

"I wonder how Miss Karuni is doing?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look in the direction of the Prism Tower. Miss Karuni had been on the top of the tower for some time.

He should have faced off against the mysterious super-powered Pokémon above. I wonder how the outcome would be?

Needless to say, Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel the urge to fight with the opponent.

"It's a pity that the strongest trainers conference probably won't be held!"

Xiaozhi took a look around, especially the badly damaged Miare venue, and was immediately disappointed.

He suppressed his temper and watched Serena play the entire league meeting.

It was finally his turn to fight, but the venue suffered heavy damage again.

"Damn it, Team Flare!!"

Suddenly, Xiaozhi no longer had any good impressions of this organization!

"Citron, you go meet Serena and the others first. I'll go take a look at the Prism Tower!"

So Xiaozhi reminded him, and then released his Sonic Dragon, preparing to fly towards the top of the Prism Tower.

Z2 is still standing overhead, and it also wants to take revenge on the flaming lion human!

"OK~ Xiaozhi, be careful!"

Citron nodded. He had just experienced this catastrophe, and now he was tired of following along to join in the fun.

Now he just wants to find a place to have a good sleep!

As for his prism tower, it will be better to renovate and repair it in the future!

It just so happened that during this trip to Kalos, Citron's own mechanical engineering level had been improved again, which could be used in the construction of the new Prism Tower.

But in the future, I may not have time to travel around so freely with Ash, Serena and others.

"Let's go! Boys and girls!"

The Flame Chicken Mask stood up and laughed, still staying by his children's side, preparing to act as an escort and bodyguard.

I'm not sure if some riotous plants will come out later. I'll change my clothes later!

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