He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3066 An attack covering the entire city of Miare!

Chapter 2863 An attack covering the entire city of Miare!

At the same time, Shixiang Town, the far westernmost town in the Carlos region, has changed drastically.

Boom! !

The ground made entirely of hard stone suddenly cracked open, the ground shook, and the huge stone pillars scattered around the town also tilted and fell.

Houses and buildings in Shixiang Town collapsed one after another, and the residents fled from the center of the town in a noisy manner as if they had seen the end of the world.

The split ground actually revealed a secret underground base made entirely of thick steel walls.

Located in the center, a bunch of huge facilities like spiers slowly protrude from the ground.

It is huge, about thirty meters tall, with a pointed top and narrow bottom. The metal surface is a simple gray-green color, and there is a strange gap in the middle.


The next moment, this huge "spire" opened from the middle, and the "spires" opened and fell from four directions, looking like flowers blooming.

For a moment, it was like a gray-green steel flower blooming in the center of Shixiang Town!

The tip of the "stamen" that was still standing up in the middle became very thin, and seemed to be an energy output port.

The residents of Shixiang Town were completely confused. They sat slumped around the town and stared blankly at the steel flower rising from the ground.

Their Shixiang Town was originally a small town with a small population. Except for some inexplicable strange rocks around the town, it was unremarkable.

Who would have thought that there would be such a secret base almost as big as a small town hidden underground! ?

No one was seen coming out of the base, but it was as if the flower of steel was suddenly activated.

Boom! !

The tip pointed diagonally towards the east. Amidst the roar of a sonic boom, a translucent energy beam suddenly shot out. The terrifying impact made the ground begin to shake violently again!

Cutting across the sky, the beam of light quickly headed in that direction.

The surrounding residents looked up blankly. They could see the blurry outline of the beam in mid-air. Although it did not fall on them, everyone was frightened and their scalps felt cold.

There is a terrifying end that if you are hit, your soul will be destroyed on the spot!

Some people looked along this huge energy beam and blurted out tremblingly:

"That direction is Miare City?!"

It is said that an hour ago, something terrible happened over there in Miare City, and now all communications there are cut off.

Will it be more dangerous next time? !

"Fortunately, don't have money to go to a big city?"

Many people have this weird idea in their minds.

After the final weapon blasted out an incomparable energy beam, not long after, people in Miare City could also see a translucent silhouette coming rapidly in the sky.

Different from the overwhelming green streamer of Zigerde before

This time there was only one bunch, but even when viewed from a distance, the shape in the air was several meters wide. When it completely fell to the ground, the width would only be even more exaggerated!

"what is that?!"

"What Pokémon's move is it?"

"We just got rid of the strange plants, don't let any messy disasters happen again!"

For a time, anxious wailing sounds could be heard from all over the streets of Miare City.

The previous raging battle of violent plants had caused many casualties.

Although this number is still far from Fradali’s goal of “wiping out half”, it is also the most fatal disaster in the Carlos region in the past few hundred years!

At the exit of the Miare venue, Dr. Buratano was still helping to carry the wounded when he suddenly felt a mysterious pressure coming from the west and subconsciously looked up.

"What the hell is that?"

Even as the most knowledgeable Pokémon doctor in the area, Dr. Buratano was completely confused.

Could it be that it is another secret weapon developed by Fradali? !

Even the biting land shark next to him had just retired from the mega-evolved state to rest. At this moment, he could only stand ready and forcefully re-enter the mega-evolved alert state.

In the Miare venue, Hupa, a two-meter-tall humanoid demon god, slowly stood up from his position and stretched.

Now that there was no one in the venue and the play was over, he planned to go back to the God Pot and take a nap.

As for the aftermath of the disaster in Miare City, it had nothing to do with him.

Next to them, Saliman and Princess Sarah were well protected by the golden rings and were not harmed by the giant plants.

"The entire city is probably no longer able to host the strongest trainers conference, right?"

Saliman looked around and sighed secretly.

Speaking of which, he also wanted to see Xiaozhi's next battle performance.

Just a Miare tournament was not as good as the live match of player Ai Lan that he watched on TV before!

"By the way, can you do it?"

Saliman rolled his eyes and had an idea in his mind.

"Brother, look what that is?!"

At this time, Princess Sara suddenly pulled his sleeve and exclaimed.

Saliman and Hupa looked subconsciously and saw the translucent energy light cannon approaching quickly.

"It contains extremely exaggerated energy!"

Demon God Hupa immediately raised his eyes seriously, was it another new attack?

Can't hide!

It seems that the scope of the attack covers the entire city of Miare? !

Click! Click!

With a thought in his mind, the two golden rings continued to protect the Saliman brothers and sisters, and he stood at the front.

After all, it is an attack covering an entire city, so the power at a single point is naturally much smaller. If he forcibly blocks this small area, there will be no big problem.

Even the corners of Hupa's eyes showed joy again.

I didn’t expect there to be something good here, so let’s keep eating~! !

As for the safety of Miare City, I am not familiar with it!

Even Xiaozhi, who was flying to the top of the Prism Tower, commanded the Sonic Dragon to temporarily stop flying and subconsciously raised his head to look to the west.

"what is that?!"

He was at a very high altitude, so he could feel the surging energy contained in the slanting beam of light.

For a moment, Xiaozhi's whole body was filled with chills, and his heart was beating unconsciously. Is this another terrorist attack by Team Flare?

It was a complete carpet bombing, targeting the entire city of Miare. It was impossible to dodge.

"Damn Sonic Dragon, speed up!"

Xiaozhi could only grit his teeth and fly faster towards the top of the Prism Tower. He wanted to see what Vladali was doing.


Z2 Zigerd, who was still standing above him, looked solemnly at the approaching beam of light in the sky, silent.

This smell is very familiar.

It seems that a similar aura appeared in Carlos thousands of years ago?

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