He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3067 The final weapon is the other way around!

Chapter 2864 The ultimate weapon is the other way around!

At the same moment, he was at the top of the Prism Tower.

Naturally, Chaomeng and others noticed the translucent beam of light coming from an angle.

"This human being actually did something?"

Chaomeng was quite surprised. He was so constrained by himself that he could still launch such a dangerous attack?

Even though he was as powerful as him, Chaomeng still felt threatened by the beam of light that was shooting at him.

Humans are really quite dangerous!


Without hesitating for a moment, Chaomeng raised his palm in the air, and three layers of overlapping mental barriers suddenly gathered around him.

He didn't dodge next, but let the light beam in the air fall.

He wanted to see if humanity's strongest attack could have an effect on him!

As for the next two humans, Chaomeng didn't need to protect them, so they didn't look at them seriously at all.

Of course, Fradali was still bound by the void, with the cross propped up in mid-air, looking quite tragic.

"Damn it, Fradali!!"

Kaluni cursed lowly, knowing she would have knocked Fradali out as soon as she came up.


Mega Gardevoir has teleported to behind Kaluni, holding up a telepathic barrier and standing ready.

"It's useless!! Hahaha!!"

Being caught in the air, Fradali looked at the rapidly approaching beam of light in the air with feverish eyes, laughing wildly.

The huge crushing force coming from his throat made his voice hoarse. He forced himself to speak, and blood even flowed from the corner of Fradali's mouth. At this moment, the mouth and esophagus of his throat and neck were already scarred.

"The ultimate weapon will destroy everything!!"

However, Fradali had completely forgotten the tearing pain in his throat, and laughed wildly and exhaled.

Quite on time, exactly ten minutes.

Then, the entire city of Miare will become a purgatory on earth, and everyone will be buried with him! !

Fradali opened his eyes as wide as possible, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. He wanted to see this scene with his own eyes!

The next moment, the translucent energy beam reached its destination and suddenly fell down!

Originally it was only a few meters wide in the air. With the downward trend, the width also doubled exponentially until it reached tens of thousands of kilometers, covering the entire city!

For an instant, all humans and even Pokémon in Miare City felt panicked as if they were being targeted by bullets.

The terrifying coercion covered it like a black shadow, and everyone was subconsciously fighting between two forces. It was difficult to move, and they could only look up in despair with cold sweat.

Boom boom! !

The sound of roaring gas explosions covering the entire city finally exploded, and the most powerful blow fired by the final weapon that absorbed all the energy of Yveltal, the Y God, officially fell!

In an instant, all humans and Pokémon in the city went blank, and there was a prolonged tinnitus sound coming from both sides, as if they were in nothingness.

Vladali, who was at the highest point, even tried his best to open his arms under Mewtwo's telekinesis, trying to embrace this destructive energy.

Carlos will be reborn starting today!

However, as time passed by, Fradali suddenly felt that something was not right?

Logically speaking, it should be as if he was evaporated or set on fire, and his body turned into nothingness in an instant.

But after being covered in energy for a while, nothing seemed to change in his body?

"what happened?!"

Fradali tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see some clues in the white world.

He clearly felt it, a vast and surging energy squeezing his whole body.

The final weapon should hit and work!

"Is it possible that I have arrived in heaven now?"

Before Vladali was stunned for a long time, he suddenly felt a strange warmth coming from his body and limbs.

The throat area that was originally torn open like a knife now seems to have been poured into a large bottle of cough syrup, becoming dense and silky.

The pain of squeezing and cracking bones all over his body is also gradually disappearing.

The whole person seemed to be healed, and Fradali seemed to be reborn? !

This phenomenon does not only occur to Fradali.

The same was true for Karuni and Gardevoir behind them. It was as if they were in a healing hot spring, their whole bodies were filled with warmth, and the fatigue from the previous fierce battle was swept away, and their minds were filled with energy.

"Is this a healing wave?"

Karuni felt strange in her heart. She felt as if she had been hit head-on by a healing wave, and her blood volume was rising slowly.


Even Mewtwo in mid-air had a look of astonishment on his face. The seemingly surging and dangerous energy actually had no lethality upon contact, but had a strong healing effect?

However, he did not immediately disperse the defensive barrier, but remained cautious.

Similar scenes appeared in the streets and alleys of Miare City.

All creatures hit and covered by the energy beam are being healed throughout their bodies.

On a street, Serena, who was cooperating with Carlos Queen Elle to rescue, was stunned, feeling relaxed and happy under the beam of light.

"This is?!"

He even looked down at his arm that was accidentally scratched by gravel. At this moment, the wound was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye? !

Even her demon fire red fox was exhausted long ago after the final battle, and it has been helping with the rescue since then.


But in an instant, its condition was completely restored!

Whether it's physical strength or energy and fatigue level, everything is fully restored!

"How weird?!"

Serena and Elle looked at each other with surprised expressions, and they must have felt the same thing.

By the way, that Fire King Pachira disappeared somewhere?

On the other end, at a refuge square next to the Miare venue, a large number of refugees gathered here, and Citron had also joined Doroba and the others.

Even Limone changed back to his uncle's appearance and temporarily put away the disguise of the Flame Chicken Mask.

Under the healing beam, everyone was stunned in place, not knowing what was happening.

Until the exclamations broke the deadlock and made everyone look away.

"Damn it, my friend came back to life?!"

"Ah, my Fierce Arrow Eagle has come to life too!?"

"Damn it, my boyfriend is still alive!"

Citron looked quickly, his mouth wide open, full of disbelief.

He had seen it with his own eyes before. The friends of these refugees, the Arrow Eagle, and their boyfriends all had no pulse and were completely dead!

The previous violent plants caused the death of many humans and Pokémon. This is true.

"But now, the injured are healed, and the dead are even resurrected. How is this possible?!"

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