He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3068 Appearance, Giant AZ!

At the same time, everyone in the city of Miare witnessed the "miracle."

Many humans and Pokémon whose bodies had been smashed to pieces by giant plants miraculously straightened their backs.

There was even a red-eyed boy whose body was crushed in half by the huge rock. He opened his eyes again with a look of shock on his face, feeling that his whole body was thick and powerful.

"What exactly is going on?"

The three kings of Carlos - Yan Kai, Dora Sena, and Zhimi were gathering together to help with the rescue, and they all looked at each other in surprise.

Even their respective partners, Giant Pincer Mantis, Tanabata Blue Bird, and Water Arrow Turtle, have all returned to full health, showing no sign of fatigue.

"Is it a gift from God?"

Dorasena murmured and looked at the sky. For a moment, she even felt that she was several years younger.

This phenomenon not only appears in various street buildings in Miare City, but also in the surrounding wild roads.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the highest point in the city, the top of the Prism Tower.

Fradali was still restrained in mid-air, and his originally scarred body had long been radiant and restored to a healthy state.

"Cure and Resurrection?!"

It was just that he kept chattering.

The ultimate weapon that was supposed to destroy everything turned into healing and resurrection

Why does this effect sound familiar? !

Until the strange energy beam was scattered, the white light disappeared, and everyone's eyes returned to the original picture.

At this moment, the city of Miare, except for the dilapidated streets and buildings,

But everyone was alive and well, and the whole city was full of life again, as if the previous disaster had never happened.

"Woolen cloth?"

Karuni opened her beautiful eyes wide. She, the regional champion, felt like she had done nothing and it was already over.

In the blink of an eye, the disaster was over.

In another blink of an eye, not even the casualties were gone? !

"The weapon was modified in the end?!"

Until this moment, Fradali finally came to his senses.

According to the records left by our ancestors, the ultimate weapon has only been activated twice in history. The second time it destroyed all living things and ended the war.

And the first time, it was used to revive a certain Pokémon!

"Can it be used to resurrect against the ultimate weapon?!"

Vladali's face suddenly turned pale.

But it's impossible. He has recruited so many top scientists from Carlos to develop and transform the final weapon dug out from the depths of the ground. He has determined that this blow will definitely bring destruction. ah!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible"

He shook his head in confusion, looking at the faint celebration sounds that could be heard around him below, and kept repeating in his mouth.

Boom, boom!

At this time, heavy footsteps were heard from where the Prism Tower climbed to the top of the entrance stairs.

It sounded like a large Pokémon, and the sound of each step was quite heavy. It immediately attracted the attention of Mewtwo and Kaluni, and they subconsciously turned their eyes away.

"Nothing is impossible, there is only one reason"

A low and hoarse man's voice came from the stairs, seeming to be responding to Fradali's doubts.

"Because no matter how powerful your scientists are, they are still not as understanding as the original owner of the machine!"

The rather confident voice settled down, and the figure was finally fully revealed.

However, after fully seeing who was coming, both Chaomeng and Karuni had stunned expressions.

It turns out that the heavy sound of climbing the stairs was not made by a large Pokémon, but by a human.

Uh, is this human?

A human being who is fully three meters tall. Although his body is slender, he still looks particularly burly despite his height.

She had long pale hair hanging down, a worn knitted round hat on her head, and a green scarf that had turned black around her neck.

The whole body is dressed in shabby gray-brown clothes, like a travel-stained tramp.

Chaomeng couldn't help but turn his head and look at Karuni, casting doubt.

You Kalos, is this body type considered normal?

Karuni: ""

She has never seen anyone taller than three meters!

And what did the other party mean by "the original owner of the machine" just now?

"It's you!"

However, Fradali recognized the other party, reluctantly turned his restrained head in mid-air, and blurted out in surprise.

This weird giant was accidentally discovered by them during an operation.

At the Miare Power Plant at that time, the people from Team Flare originally wanted to capture it and slice it for study, but were interrupted by Xiaozhi and his party who happened to pass by.

But later, the giant threw himself into the trap and took the initiative to come to the secret base of Team Flare - Shixiang Town.

So he was caught on the spot and imprisoned in a nearby secret base.

Why did he suddenly appear in Miare City at this moment?

And what did you mean by what you just said?

This giant, who has lived for who knows how many years, has long forgotten his name and simply calls himself "AZ".

Looking at Fradali being hung up, AZ's weathered face, covered by white hair, couldn't help but look sad.

"My descendants are really stupid, even though I was the same way at the time."


Fradali was a little confused as to what the white-haired giant was talking about.

As for Chaomeng and Karuni, they looked at each other in tacit understanding and waited to see what would happen.

Seems like I can see something interesting?

"Actually, I have wanted to say Fradali for a long time. You should be considered my descendant, right?"

AZ took a few steps closer and sighed slowly. The words he spoke seemed very ancient and awkward, completely different from modern grammar.

"I have forgotten my name. You can call me AZ. I am from the Kalos region thousands of years ago. I have also done the stupidest things in the world!"

The words were so shocking that even Mewtwo couldn't help but be shocked.

Humans who have lived for thousands of years?

I've only heard that ancient gods can live for thousands of years, but it's already incredible that humans can live for more than a hundred years, right? !

Seeing that Fradali had completely opened his eyes and was in a state of confusion, AZ continued to speak slowly.

"Hey, it's that Mr. Giant again?!"

Just in time, Xiaozhi flew here with the Sonic Dragon in mid-air. When he saw the three-meter-tall white-haired giant at the first sight, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

They had met him at the Miare Power Plant before, and he was a very strange man.

"Xiao Zhi, this way!"

Kaluni quickly waved to Xiaozhi, indicating that Xiaozhi should come to her side to eat melon and watch the show.


Xiaozhi took back the sonic dragon in a daze and walked towards Kaluni.

Landing on the top of the tower, he met Mewtwo in a cloak for the first time halfway.

"Brother Mewtwo? No, isn't it the same one?"

Xiaozhi was horrified, but still suppressed his expression and walked towards Kaluni ()

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