He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3070 Could it be Brother Chaomeng?

Chapter 2867 Could it be Brother Chaomeng?

"Pikachu, another iron tail!"

The double dizziness was not enough, Xiaozhi couldn't help shouting again.


Pikachu's eyes suddenly lit up, he jumped up, swung his iron tail, and hit Fradali on the back of the head, making a "bang" sound.

Just in time to successfully knock out the previously failed Iron Tail, Pikachu felt relaxed and happy after landing.

Of course, now that Pikachu is completely relaxed about his Iron Tail, Fradali will only have a moderate concussion and his life will not be in danger.

AZ: ""

The white-haired giant couldn't help but look silent as he watched his descendants being attacked one after another.

However, he did not stop him. Vladali, who had caused the disaster, indeed deserved to be punished.


So Karuni made a look, and Gardevoir understood, and gathered her mental strength to control Fradali's body.


Seeing Fradari who was as dead as a fish, Mewtwo also lost interest in the latter and threw it to Gardevoir like trash.

This human being's mind is probably completely broken. Letting him continue to live would probably be more torture than killing him directly.

Kaluni breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she no longer needed to fight with this terrifying human Pokémon.

Hell, the opponent's pressure was so strong that even she, the regional champion, was sweating coldly.

The bottomless depth of Mewtwo even gave Karuni the feeling that the other party had not yet fully demonstrated its strength.

So her Gardevoir controlled Fradali and retreated back.

Next, the remnants of Team Flare will be dealt with, and this incident will be completely over.

"And Pachira"

Kaluni couldn't help but think of that voluptuous woman. This person would also completely lose her position as the King of Heaven.

"Then I'll take my leave!"

Having completed his mission, Giant AZ pressed his knitted hat and prepared to turn around and leave.

In the future, he will continue to wander around the Kalos region, but no longer aimlessly.

"Remember, I want to find my Huayidi!"

AZ's pupils were a little brighter than usual.

Three thousand years of wandering have completely worn away his will, like a walking corpse.

But this time the restart of the final weapon also reawakened him, and finally made AZ understand what he had been pursuing for thousands of years.

Find his Pokémon, apologize to it, and gain forgiveness!

Since he can survive for three thousand years, his flower stem must also be able to survive for three thousand years, and it must be somewhere in this world!

It's just that Fatigue is a Pokémon that can fly.

Could it be that in the past three thousand years, we have actually flown away from the Kalos region?

"Well, if you want to find someone, Uncle Giant, I have a suggestion."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his hand and interjected.

Since he didn't know what to call an old man who was over 3,000 years old, he simply called him uncle.

"Little friend, do you have any idea!?"

AZ's eyes suddenly widened under his white hair, and he looked at Xiaozhi expectantly.

"Yes, there is a Pokémon called Demon God Hoopa. He can help people find specific targets, whether they are humans or Pokémon~"

Xiaozhi introduced cheerfully.

Xiaozhi felt quite sorry to hear what the giant uncle said just now.

Although he had done something wrong, it was enough to be punished by being separated from his favorite Pokémon for three thousand years.

This made him look at Pikachu in front of him.

"If it's wrong for me and Pikachu to be separated for three thousand years, it would be torture if we were separated for only three years!"

Speaking of which, since he became a trainer, he has never been separated from Pikachu for more than three days in a row.

"The demon god should be at the Miare venue right now. There is a pair of royal brothers and sisters from Desert City next to him. It should be easy to find him."

Xiaozhi reminded again:

"But the other party has a weird personality. If you want to ask the other party for help, you have to rely on your own efforts."

Hearing this, AZ was immediately grateful. This was a greater favor than saving a life:

"Thank you so much, little friend! This is so important to me!"

It's just that he has been wandering for three thousand years and doesn't have any valuable treasures on him.

Find some time, go dig some treasures from the ruins of the former kingdom, and come back to repay Xiaozhi!

After expressing their gratitude, AZ immediately released a symbolic bird, grabbed the strange-looking Pokémon's paw, and flew down from the top of the Prism Tower.

As for Team Flare, it has nothing to do with him.

"Is it reasonable to symbolize a bird?"

Xiaozhi nodded. It is a very ancient Pokémon in the Hezhu region.

After watching the white-haired giant go, only Xiaozhi, Karuni, and Mewtwo were left on the top of the tower.


Chaomeng was still looking down in thought, thinking about where he had met Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi and Kaluni looked at each other in disbelief.

The latter already knew Chaomeng's strength and naturally did not dare to act rashly.

As for Xiaozhi, he knows better!

Brother Chi has a Mewtwo whose strength is unparalleled. Even at the level of an ancient god, it is an absolute top powerhouse.

Even after growing up to this stage, Xiaozhi still doesn't dare to have a head-on battle with the other party.

After all, it is the superpower attribute that I hate dealing with the most!

"So this Mewtwo is the indigenous Mewtwo?"

Looking at Mewtwo wearing a cloak, Xiaozhi murmured.

After all, Brother Chi and Brother Mewtwo are both from different worlds, which means there should be a Mewtwo in their homeland.

And the Mewtwo in front of him obviously does not have the calm, sophisticated and fluctuating expression of Mewtwo's brother. It is completely the most dangerous time bomb.

Speaking of which, when I passed through Changqing City at the beginning of my trip, I seemed to have beaten a "Mewtwo Brother" in the conscious world?

It is indeed my brother.

That Mewtwo was like a newborn baby. Although it was extremely powerful, it was extremely immature mentally, like a seven-year-old child.

"Could it be the same one?"

This idea just appeared in Xiaozhi's mind. As if he had a tacit understanding, Chaomeng opposite him actually raised his head and even came over with an angry look.

He remembered!

This human boy was the one who beat him up for no reason in the spiritual world!

At that time, he was still under the control of Boss Sakaki. His whole body was covered with mechanical armor that restricted his abilities, and he unconsciously carried out the instructions issued by Sakaki.

As a result, one day, his consciousness was inexplicably dragged out of his body, and he came to a fantasy spiritual world, where he also met this boy wearing a peaked cap.

The two immediately started a hand-to-hand fight, and the result was that

Instead, he was beaten unconscious? !

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