He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3071 The most powerful meeting will be held as scheduled! ?

Chapter 2868 The most powerful meeting will be held as scheduled! ?

This memory was sealed as Chaomeng broke away from Sakaki's shackles and wandered around as he grew up.

But every late night when no one is around, I always unconsciously recall the pain of being beaten in the back of my mind.

This is beyond "memory engraved in the bone marrow" and is a memory directly engraved in the soul!

"So, is it your boy?!"

Chaomeng finally recalled it completely. He lifted his hood with his palm, revealing a head that was somewhat similar to Mew, with a pair of protruding horns on his head.

But the violent and angry look on his face, the veins already protruding on his forehead, were completely different from the peaceful and lovely dream.


In an instant, Chaomeng's whole body was covered by the deep blue light of telepathy, and even spread out. A high-frequency vibrating sound sounded out of thin air around him, as if the air was being crushed and distorted.

Xiaozhi and Kaluni both felt their hearts tightening, feeling a strong sense of oppression.

"This guy"

Even the Z2 entity that had been watching the show above Xiaozhi's face suddenly became serious.

This opponent, even if he enters the serpent form with 50% energy, is probably no match for him!

"Is this revenge?!"

Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and finally reacted.

If you remember it yourself, the other party must also remember it.

It's just that if you want to blame this incident in the first place, you have to blame Brother Chi!

However, the vast and dangerous impact of mental power has not yet completely struck.

call out!

When the swords were at war, a golden ring suddenly appeared out of thin air between the two of them, about two meters wide.

After gently turning, scenes from other spaces also appeared inside.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you are here!"

Inside was an old acquaintance, Saliman, who immediately said hello loudly.

Next to him, naturally, was the demon god Hupa, who had transformed into a two-meter-tall humanoid, standing next to him with his arms crossed.

Then the two of them crossed the golden ring and arrived at the top of the Prism Tower from the Miare venue in an instant.

Xiaozhi: ""

I just mentioned Hupa, why did he come to visit me?

Uh, then Uncle AZ should be confused now, right?

After walking out of the golden ring, Hupa naturally noticed the angry Chaomeng on the opposite side for the first time.

"Yeah, it's interesting. He's an awesome guy!"

The demon god Hupa is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth. He immediately spoke loudly and showed no weakness.

Chaomeng's face darkened, and he quickly recognized that the other party was the source of the fight between the gods in Desert City not long ago.

The opponent raised his hand and summoned the power of six ancient god thugs.

Even the arrogant Mewtwo was unable to launch a direct attack for a while.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi secretly gave them a thumbs up.

Although he and Pikachu were not afraid of facing Mewtwo, what happened in the beginning was all a misunderstanding, and there was no need for a war between them.

The most important thing is that he really doesn't want to fight Mewtwo, who is good at superpowers!


And Karuni has completely become a background. She always feels that she, the regional champion, is very invisible.

"Oh Xiaozhi, is this your friend? He looks so handsome~"

Coming out of the golden ring, Saliman didn't notice the current atmosphere. He even thought that Mewtwo was Xiaozhi's friend, so he couldn't help but praise him.

Then he nodded to Kaluni, then looked at Xiaozhi with excitement and said:

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I'm looking for you for something important! It's the conference of the strongest trainers, remember?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, why did he suddenly mention this.

Although all the Kalos people are now resurrected, the tragic destruction of city buildings makes it estimated that this most powerful meeting will be impossible to carry out.


At the mention of this conference, the anger he had just suppressed was aroused by Saliman.

Sure enough, let’s knead the flaming lion human next to him into a pulp!

"The Strongest Trainers Conference can definitely not be held in Miare City, hahaha, but it can be held directly in our Desert City~~!"

Saliman's words were shocking, making the three people around him look blank.

Xiaozhi finally understood that this boy wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to capture Humiare City.

The other party has been thinking about how to expand the influence of Desert City, and has even begun to apply for the location of the Carlos Alliance Conference four years later.

Now is indeed a good opportunity.

"Will the strongest trainers conference be held in Desert City?"

Next to her, Karuni lowered her head and repeated.

As the regional champion, she still has some say in this aspect.

Karuni was actually quite interested in this mysterious conference. Now that it was destroyed by Fradali, she felt it was a pity before.

“It’s not impossible”

She was not too resistant to this proposal.

"Held in Desert City?"

Beside him, the annoyed Chaomeng's expression gradually softened.

And Saliman was still explaining endlessly that these were all plans he had just come up with on a whim.

"Yes, our desert city actually built a large-scale battle arena a long time ago, but there were no trainers, so it has always been in a state of neglect."

As a battle enthusiast, not only the Pokémon Center but also the Alliance Conference venue has been replica built.

Now that the venue has been rested, it will be ready for use within two days at the earliest!

"As for how to get past this, it's easier!"

Xiaozhi was startled when he heard this. Miare City is not close to Desert City. There is an extremely vast and hot desert in the middle. Even if he uses flying skills continuously on the road, it will probably take half a day to reach there.

However, following Saliman's gaze

Demon god Hupa? !

Yes, if Hupa opens all six golden rings and opens six passages connecting Miare City and Desert City, he can merge the two cities into one city instantly.

The most troublesome traffic problem is no longer a problem.

"Uh, just?"

Xiaozhi looked at Demon God Hupa suspiciously.

This guy has always had his own way of doing things, how could he agree to something like this?

"Hey Xiaozhi, you forgot, I haven't used the wish of the divine pot yet~!"

However, Saliman just said proudly.

He was the first person to collect the fragments of the Qishen Pot. His wish at that time was that Desert City would grow stronger and develop.

It's just that it's difficult for the demon Hupa to realize such an illusory wish, so he put it aside for the time being.

"Now that I have confirmed my wish for the demon god Hupa, I need you to release six golden rings to connect the two cities and help me launch a grand conference!"

Saliman's wish this time was very specific.

"Hum, that demon will grant your wish."

Demon God Hupa snorted coldly. Although it took some effort, this wish was not difficult to realize.

As this is his first time, he will still take it seriously.

"Oh oh oh, it's really fun!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's expression also became happy, as if it was really okay.

After all, all the people in Miare City are currently in an extremely excited state because they have just been cured (resurrected). Is this probably a sequelae of the ultimate weapon?

A conference of the strongest trainers is undoubtedly the best way to vent your emotions!

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