He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3073 The follow-up of Team Flare

Chapter 2870 The follow-up of Team Flare

The second day of the Miare Conference finals.

After a busy day, early in the morning, a beam of sunlight shone in through the incomplete hole in the ceiling, falling right on Xiaozhi's face.

The latter stood up in a daze, stretched his body and stood up. After looking around, he was sure that the incident with Team Flare that happened yesterday was not a dream.

Although the Pokémon Center where Ash was located was not completely knocked down by the violent plants, several potholes were made.

However, it is not yet at the level of a dilapidated house and can barely be occupied by people.

"Hey, we're already lucky."

On the bed next to him, Citron also stood up and couldn't help but sigh.

They had booked accommodation early in the morning, so the rooms could still be used. However, there were still countless people in Miare who had their houses destroyed and had to sleep on the streets at night.

It’s not a big problem. Everyone has been illuminated by the energy of the final weapon. While they are excited, they also get a temporary buff of physical strength. There is no risk of catching cold at night.

It's just that the most severely damaged Prism Tower is now completely uninhabitable, which also prevents the Citron brothers and sisters from returning home.

"Morning, Xiaozhi~!"

After going out, he met Serena and Yurika, and the two girls smiled and said hello.

At this moment, Xiao Ruan in Youlijia's pocket is still sleeping soundly, and she has no intention of leaving at all.

"Is that guy Z2 gone already?"

Xiaozhi then touched the top of his head and couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Z2 had been staying up there before, but I don’t know when he left.

It's a pity that he still wants to have a good relationship with the latter. Maybe he can also have a cool ancient god who can switch fighting forms at will!

Xiaozhi shrugged and put it behind him for the time being. Now he actually didn't have such an urgent desire to conquer the ancient gods or anything like that and just let it go.

"Oh~ Serena, I heard that you are completely popular~!"

After seeing Serena, Xiaozhi couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praised with a smile, making the latter's cheeks turn red instantly.

For example, when he defeated the leaders of Team Flare, or when he brought together two Zygarde to end the disaster, the public could not actually see these things.

The people of Kalos didn't even know who it was that ended the incident.

What we actually saw were the brave trainers who still controlled their partners to help rescue during the disaster.

For example, the Four Heavenly Kings, Doropa, Tieruno, and Korni are all real people.

Among them, Serena and Elle are the most impressive.

The former is the conference champion who just won the championship, and the latter is the current Queen of Carlos. The most important thing is that they are two beauties with outstanding looks!

The kind and beautiful appearance of the two of them, who each coordinated with their own demon fire red fox, to complete the rescue yesterday, was deeply remembered in the minds of many Miare people, and for a time, no one could surpass them in popularity.

In comparison, champion Karuni seems a bit transparent.

"Hey, by the way, what was Miss Caruni doing yesterday? Isn't she the strongest champion in Carlos?"

"Well, it seems that they were still rescued at the Miare venue at first, but they disappeared quickly."

"Not as good as Serena and Elle~! These two are the goddesses I recognize!"

After walking out of the room, Xiaozhi and his party heard the buzz rising from all over the Pokémon Center.

Although the building appeared to be somewhat damaged, everyone's face was as excited as chicken blood, and there was no expression that a refugee should have.

"Isn't that Goddess Serena?!"

"Ahhh, it's Serena who just woke up, she's so beautiful even without makeup~!"

"I declare, conference champion \u003e league champion!"

Immediately, many people from the Pokémon Center rushed over. After rushing away Xiaozhi and his party, they surrounded Serena and made a fuss.

"Wow, Serena has become a big star!"

Yulijia couldn't help but sigh as she was squeezed outside.

Citron nodded. He originally thought that he could only get star-like treatment by participating in exhibition matches. But now Serena's popularity is not much inferior to that of Queen Carlos.

“It’s really amazing~”

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

Although the main contributor to this disaster, in actual terms,

He should be the one who awakened Z2 and gathered the two core entities of Zygarde into the complete body, as well as the Citron brothers and sisters, and Uncle Limone.

But Xiaozhi didn't care about these false names.

Especially seeing how distressed Serena was being surrounded by a large group of people, he had no desire to take credit.

What makes him even more curious now is, how are the preparations for the strongest trainer conference going? !

After a while, they sat in the small restaurant, eating breakfast and chatting.

Several people were still holding their mobile phones in their hands, quickly browsing the latest news.

Although the Miare disaster only happened yesterday, there are already many follow-up reports on the Internet.

"Let me sum it up first and foremost the people from Team Flare."

Citron cleared his throat and spoke quickly:

"First of all, Vladali, the leader of Team Flare and the culprit of this major incident, has been detained and imprisoned."

For committing such a serious crime, it stands to reason that he should be sentenced to death.

However, doctors have determined that Fradali seems to have some mental problem. He may be sent to a mental hospital for treatment instead of the death penalty.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Could it be caused by Pikachu's iron tail?

As for the rest of Team Flare

Like a group of high-level cadres, a bunch of female scientists with colorful hair were also arrested and will face more than ten years in prison.

The remaining members of Team Flare are also being arrested one after another.

The secret bases set up by Team Flare all over Kalos, including the underground secret base in Shixiang Town, have also been completely sealed.

It's just that the final weapon stored in Shixiang Town and the black-red "dome" are dangerous objects and can only wait for subsequent experts to deal with them.

"The only pity is that the whereabouts of Kuseloski, the chief scientist of Team Flare, are unknown."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but recall the chubby male scientist sitting on the flying saucer aircraft.

That cunning fat man seemed to have run away early in the morning.

However, after this battle, Team Flare, a behemoth that had been entrenched in Kalos for many years, was completely destroyed.

"Well, it seems like all the big organizations I've seen have perished?"

Xiaozhi suddenly blinked and felt something was wrong.

Team Lava, Team Water, Team Galaxy, Team Plasma, and Team Flare are all wrong, but Team Rocket is still alive.

Speaking of which, it seems like I haven't seen Musashi Kojiro and Meow Meow's three people for a long time.

Not to mention, do you even miss it? !

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