He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3074 Technician Kuailong appears again!

"By the way, the strongest trainer conference can be held smoothly! The location has been changed to Desert City!"

Citron happened to see a message that had just popped up and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately swallowed all the food in his mouth, raised his head and his eyes lit up.

So fast? !

"Well, this speed is too fast. It stands to reason that a big disaster has just occurred, and the venue of the competition has to be temporarily changed. The organizing committee should at least discuss it for 1 or 2 months before making a decision."

Citron was very puzzled. He didn't expect that the plan had been finalized in less than half a day?

It looks like they spent a lot of money over there in Desert City.

"That's right, Miare City needs to be rebuilt now, and the officials probably hope to send out all the excess tourists here as soon as possible."

Serena analyzed casually.

Because of the Miare Conference, the city of Miare now has five times the usual population. The level of crowding is not conducive to post-disaster reconstruction.

At the dinner table, Citron was still refreshing the interface to see if any new information had emerged.

"In other words, the organizer behind the strongest trainer conference is actually this young man?"

"Nima, Nima (I have practiced with God Z for so many days, and my strength has already become extraordinary and holy. Little Frog cannot be my opponent now!!)"

With the help of the six golden rings of the demon god Hupa, it is like opening six planes that can reach the destination instantly, and there are no delays in the process such as takeoff and landing.

"It's really convenient, just like a space portal!"

Xiaozhi stood up suddenly and said with enthusiasm.

"Well done! My Pokémon can't wait!!"

For example, because of this plant riot, the water quality of the local Miare River was revealed to be problematic.

The number of E. coli detected seriously exceeded the standard, and it was questioned whether the city of Miare was still qualified to host the alliance conference?

Even other trainers who chose Bricalon as their initial three masters also kept their Bricalon firmly hidden.

The two even embraced each other affectionately last night to welcome the latter back.

"Hey, hey, this dragon should be the legendary dragon that delivers competition letters everywhere, right?"

Why are you delivering the letter again? It has taken so long and it hasn’t been delivered yet?

Kuailong shook his head in the crowd, seeming to be looking for something.

"Forget it, it's none of my business~"

In the process of being parasitized by God Z and finally causing a big wave, Brikaron's power actually increased a lot, and it was no longer comparable to the ordinary grass-attribute Yusanjia.

You must know that everyone in Kalos now knows Bricaron, the one who caused the huge plant riot caused by your boy and almost destroyed the entire city of Miare.

Being famous means being famous, and now Xiaozhi doesn't dare to release Bricalon at will.

After seeing Xiaozhi, it roared with joy, stretched out its chubby dragon claws to hug Xiaozhi, and even picked him up and spun him around in the air.

Xiaozhi did not dissuade the latter's enthusiasm.

"You have just woken up, so you should rest in the elf ball for a while."

It seems that the energy light of the final weapon can even pass through the Poké Ball and fall on the Pokémon.

This made all his Pokémon become as excited as if they were in a state of excitement, and they just wanted to have a hearty battle.

Serena's expression was also quite strange. Yesterday, she participated in the rescue with Pachira.

However, compared to attending the tournament to reunite after a long absence, Brikaron actually wanted to have a battle with the Koga Ninja.

Ash could only comfort him a few times and temporarily put Bricalon back into the ball.

Several people glanced subconsciously, only to see a khaki-colored head clearly standing out among the crowd.

The simple and cute dragon head has two soft dragon whiskers on the top of its head. When it pushes aside the crowd, you can still see its chubby belly and a pair of small cyan wings spread out on its back.

Hearing this, both Xiaozhi and Serena showed strange expressions.

Just as everyone was finishing their breakfast and placing their dishes on the special clearing table, a commotion suddenly came from the direction of the entrance to the Pokémon Center lobby.

When everyone around him saw this, they were all stunned and surprised.

"Didn't the news that the other party is a member of Team Flare leak out?"

Citron murmured to himself that this was a high-tech technology that could only appear in science fiction movies. At least it was completely impossible for him to invent it now.


Xiaozhi had already squeezed into the crowd and exclaimed.

But looking at this news, including the previous news about the handling of Team Flare, there is no mention of the relationship between Pachira and Team Flare.

"Why are you so close to this kid? Could it be that he is his Pokémon?"

This fast dragon also carries a messenger bag on its waist. It is obviously the technician fast dragon that has agreed to travel with him.

There is also the Fire King Pachira of the Kalos Alliance, who announced his official retirement and will not participate in the next strongest trainer conference.

Xiaozhi secretly wondered. He remembered that he intervened in the battle between Pachira and Miss Karuni yesterday. The former was obviously from the villain's camp.


"Kailong?! Why are you here?!"

Even his Bricalon, who has returned to the team, has now fully recovered.

"By the way, why does this guy look familiar to me?!"

Xiaozhi shrugged, he didn't bother to report it.


But it's not a big problem. Carlos originally didn't have many people who chose Bricaron as his third family, so this is only a problem for a very few people.

It's just that the other person's expression was quite weird at that time, and he asked me if he wanted to be the King of Fire. It was like

Is it normal to explain the funeral arrangements?

Serena quickly shook her head to dispel this dangerous thought.

Everything else is not big news.

"As for other news?"

Bricalon, who woke up last night, pointed at himself with a thumbs up and said proudly.

I was afraid that once I was sent out, other passers-by would be disgusted and throw eggs.

After all, Miss Karuni knows Pachira's identity. Whether she wants to disclose it or choose to hide it, it depends on how the regional champion handles it. There is no need for her as an outsider to get involved.

Now that Koga Ninja has even hit the ultimate blow, that golden shuriken can probably ignore the attribute restraint and directly kill Bricaron, right?

We can’t blame Bricalon for not working hard enough, I can only say that he picked the wrong opponent!

Passers-by were whispering to each other. You must know that this fast dragon has been extremely popular in Carlos in recent months.

"Okay, let me down. By the way, why did you suddenly appear here today?"

Surrounded by everyone, Xiaozhi quickly struggled to fall back to the ground, and then asked aloud. ()

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