He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3075 Return to Desert City!

Chapter 2872 Return to Desert City!

This fat creature's IQ is not inferior to that of humans. Apart from being unable to speak human language, it can communicate normally.

"Wu? Wuwuwu!"

Kuailong put his fingers into his mouth, thought about it, and then responded with a burst of dragon language.

In fact, it is not looking for Xiaozhi this time;


Looking around, Kuailong suddenly brightened up and saw Serena and Citron behind the crowd.

Then he flapped his little wings, jumped over the crowd, and landed in front of the two people.

Serena was immediately overjoyed after receiving the letter. She waved the letter towards Ash through the crowd.

In the center of the city, two golden rings have been opened in the square in front of the Prism Tower, and the entrance to Desert City has been officially opened.

Xiaozhi: ""

The top eight players in the conference are not even qualified. I wonder if the other two semi-finalists have qualified?


I looked around and didn't see the Demon God Hupa nearby. Was he controlling it remotely?

"Well, it is said that in addition to the two golden ring entrances in the central square of Miare City, there are also gold rings suspended at each of the four corners of the city, making it easier to enter the desert city."

Serena and the others also walked out of the Pokémon Center, smiling.

"It is said that Saliman was already working on expanding Desert City a month ago."

In the next Desert City Conference, he plans to fight side by side with technician Kuailong!

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, let's go to Desert City next~!"

This time, Desert City has gone all out and opened the door to the entire Miare City, with unlimited access to the Golden Ring.

Although they are not qualified to participate, they all want to see the world.

Kuailong nodded happily and called a few times.

"Great! I'm qualified to compete too!"

As for Citron

Due to the sharp drop in the number of participants this time, many contestants even dare not come to Miare City for the time being, so even the Carlos gym owners have obtained the qualifications to participate.

It also didn't forget to pat its messenger bag, indicating that it would continue to deliver letters to other people.

Since the number of participants this time is not large, the schedule will definitely not be as cumbersome as the Miare Conference, and the finals will soon be entered.

After all, this is a tournament where both kings and champions will participate. By the quarter-finals, it is estimated that even trainers with the strength of kings will be eliminated.

Serena and Citron looked at each other. They had already seen the appearance of the letter from Xiaozhi.

"It's the qualification letter for the most powerful competition!"

When Xiaozhi and others arrived here, the square in front of the tower was quite spacious without many obstacles, and a lot of people had gathered here, queuing up to pass through the golden ring in an orderly manner.

In an instant, Guzma laughed wildly on the plane:

"Hahaha, destroy Miare City. This is God's punishment for you who dare to disobey me!!"

She was already looking forward to fighting Xiaozhi on a formal stage!

Is Mewtwo's hypnotic illusion not over yet? !

Three pomelo fruits, in exchange for a quasi-god that works diligently

Damn it, this Mewtwo is so good at squeezing dragons!

"Kuailong, remember to come back to me after delivery~!"

Understanding what he meant, Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and laughed.

"Uh, are you suddenly going to compete?!"

At this moment, the real-time city map on the interface has six points marked clearly.

The qualifications for the contestants were probably hand-selected by Mewtwo, so giving Serena and Citron new qualifications would be a good choice.


It's just that the winner in the final competition probably has nothing to do with them.

"Oh, is someone already using the golden ring?!"

In the confused eyes of Serena and the others, Kuailong put his chubby paws into the messenger bag, took out two letters, and handed them to the two of them respectively.

He did not choose to renovate the Prism Tower right away, and there was still a conference to attend, so he would rebuild it after the conference.

Seeing the two large golden rings hanging in the center of the square from a distance, Xiaozhi suddenly became excited.

As the plane took off, he could just look back at the giant plants that were rioting throughout the city of Miare.

The three Carlos little ones also followed the team, Shana asked enthusiastically.

Because of the sudden disaster, some contestants temporarily chose to abandon the competition, or were unable to arrive at the venue on time.

Demon God Hupa is also working diligently!

Compared to Serena, who instantly became passionate, Citron seemed quite nervous.

I just watched this fast dragon fly away leisurely, but I don’t know if I heard it?

The five-meter-wide golden ring is enough to accommodate a bulky Groudon.

Naturally, now one can even drive a car inside.

However, along the way, Citron looked at his prism tower with a sense of loss and sighed repeatedly.

Now the city of Miare is full of potholed ruined streets and buildings, and there is not much to visit.

Serena browsed the news information on the illustrated book and said slowly.

"Hey, my Prism Tower!"

After sending the letter, Kuailong waved his chubby hands and prepared to say goodbye to Xiaozhi.

As the runner-up, Guzma was actually qualified, but the latter was on the plane back to Alola as soon as the game ended.

"Ah Serena-chan~ Have you been to Desert City? It is said that it is extremely rich~"

"By the way, how many people are participating in this kind of competition?"

In terms of time, the Golden Ring Pass lasts for seven days in total, which can completely cover the competition schedule.

There is absolutely no preparation!

"Oh~ This guy Chaomeng is also working hard to prepare~"

Xiaozhi also saw Doropa and Tiereno next to him, both of whom also showed envious looks, but Kuailong never looked at them.

This is an evil Alola man.

Xiaozhi hurriedly chased him out of the gate and shouted at the top of his lungs to the fast dragon that had already taken off.

In addition, the strength of trainers is always changing in real time, which is also a factor in issuing qualifications.

Therefore, Serena and Citron are the second batch of members selected to compete!

Needless to say about the former, the latest champion of the conference is naturally eligible to participate.

After all, he had seen an elite trainer on the roadside using Mega Blizzard King before, but not very elite trainers were eligible to participate.

There were already onlookers nearby who helped to speak.

Xiaozhi lowered his head and thought. The level of participating members would be a level higher than that of the Alliance Conference, so the number of participating members should not be too many.

"Serena, I'm so envious."

While queuing up to enter the Golden Circle, Citron was also explaining science to a few people.

After all, only 1/4 of Desert City was originally an urban area, and the remaining 3/4 were civilian areas. There were no high-rise buildings in sight, and they were basically stone buildings and stone houses built simply with sand.

But modern technology, combined with the unique abilities of the migrant Pokémon, and the crazy money-spending of Desert City

Now the other 3/4 of the area has been renovated and is enough to meet the needs of foreign tourists.

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