He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3076 Meet Little Hupa again!

Returning to Desert City, the exit location of the Golden Ring is set to the south of the city, 3/4 of the civilian area.

"Huh? Completely changed?!"

After walking out of the golden ring, several old acquaintances of Xiaozhi couldn't help but widen their eyes and said in shock.

What used to be low-rise laterite stone buildings have now been completely replaced with a variety of modern housing buildings, the style of which fits Carlos' unique sense of fashion.

Isn't it just that the construction speed is too fast? !

At this moment, a lot of people have poured into the streets, most of them coming from Miare City.

After all, the entire city of Miare is in tatters now, so it’s better to just change places.

In order to attract tourists, Saliman spent a lot of money, minimizing the costs of surrounding shopping malls and even catering and accommodation.

It is also very simple to distinguish foreign tourists from locals. The locals basically wear dark-colored robes and cloth hats, which are more suitable for living in the desert.

"Everyone looks happy?"

Serena looked around and found that even the locals looked enthusiastic.

"Well, it is said that the demolition gave every local person a house."

Citron said slowly, he would be happy to replace the dilapidated stone house with a new one!

"It's so hot!"

Yulijia stuck out her tongue and breathed out hotly.

Although the building is under construction, outdoor air conditioning is still open only in the 1/4 core area.

It is said that the Blizzard King has been urgently mobilized from Yingxue City to strive for the grand scene of outdoor air conditioning in the entire city.

"None of this matters, let's go check out the venue first!"

Xiaozhi took the lead and walked in front. He was more interested in the location of the venue. What was interesting about the buildings and buildings?

So the small team was temporarily divided into two groups.

Xiaozhi and his party went to the venue, while the Dorobagh people went to visit the surrounding desert architecture.

They did not qualify for the competition, so this time they just came to join in the fun as tourists and were not very interested in the venue or anything else.

"Kerni doesn't know where she went?"

Xiaozhi looked behind him. Kerni, who formed a temporary team, also parted ways with them in the morning.

He said that his grandfather Cocobul also wanted to come to Desert City to join in the fun, so he went to pick him up.

At this moment, in the desert city of Novo, although the climate is hot, it cannot stop the enthusiasm of tourists.

You must know that the main cities in Carlos are all built around the city of Miare, and there is no city in the desert environment.

The previous Desert City was almost isolated from the world, with few outsiders coming and going.

It can be said that the environment of Desert City is a novel experience for most Kalos people.

"Wow, so the venue was built here?!"

When Xiaozhi and others followed the map and arrived at their destination, they discovered that the venue was built on the moat that separated the city.

In the middle of the river, a circular viewing venue was built around it. The river in the middle was not buried and filled, but directly became part of the competition venue.

The ferocious and brutal piranhas "Savage Bass" that used to be in the river have now been replaced by the much docile hornfish.

Of course, if someone accidentally falls into the water, they will still be pushed up and poked in the butt by the goldfish.

It is mainly a tropical desert climate. Most of the beautiful ornamental fish, such as fluorescent fish, neon fish, and love fish, cannot adapt to the environment here. The only way to introduce fish Pokémon that are slightly heat-resistant is the horned goldfish.

Outside the venue, a large number of tourists have gathered, vying to open and take photos.

Now they are still in the "sequelae" of the final weapon. Everyone has endless energy and seems to be in full swing.

While walking on the road, Xiaozhi suddenly felt that his right cheek seemed to be itchy.

"Stop touching, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi scolded lightly, but when he turned his head, he found that his right shoulder was empty.


Pikachu was stepping on the left shoulder, looking suspiciously at him.

And standing on his right was Serena.

"Serena, you?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. He just felt a hand touching his cheek. Could it be Serena?

Serena: "?"

Seeing the confused look in his eyes, Xiaozhi could only temporarily suppress his doubts and continue walking forward.

Until he reached the right position, he quietly stretched out a small hand again

"Got you!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaozhi grabbed it suddenly, startling Serena next to him.

She thought Xiaozhi was so excited that he wanted to grab her hand in broad daylight because of the side effects of the ultimate weapon.

However, Xiaozhi did catch a gray palm with a pink ring on the wrist, and this hand came out of a gold ring out of thin air, which looked very weird.

"Demon Hoopa?!"

Xiaozhi was stunned. That guy Hupa had already arranged all six usable golden rings. How could he still have time to "tease" him?

He looked closely at the palm he was holding. It was so small that it obviously did not match the size of the Demon God Hupa's palm.

"Hehe~Are you shocked~?"

At this time, a familiar sound of laughter came from behind.

Everyone turned their heads and found a small Hoopa floating in the air, with a sly and mischievous smile on its lips.

"Little Hoopa!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed and quickly moved forward, giving little Hoopa a warm hug.

By the way, didn’t Little Hupa devote himself to cultivation in the Valley of Creation?

"Long time no see everyone~!"

Looking behind, a man and woman wearing white robes common to locals greeted them with a smile.

"Ah! Mr. Barza, and Mayali~!"

"long time no see!"

"Why are you here too?!"

Xiaozhi and the others quickly took a few steps closer and started asking questions.

Both of them are people from the Valley of Creation, possessing incredible superpowers. They are also family members who grew up with little Hupa.

"We heard that Desert City is going to hold an incredible competition, so we came here to join in the fun~!"

Mei Yali showed a sweet smile and replied:

"It's just right for little Hupa to relax a little during the intense practice~"

Little Hupa immediately patted his chest with his little hand:

"Hehe, I have become more powerful now ~ Xiaozhi!"

After the separation, it has been undergoing training in the space of the Arceus statue. The goal is to be able to freely master the power of liberating forms like the demon god Hoopa.

"Oh! Looks like he's become even more powerful~!"

Xiaozhi naturally praised it vigorously, and Little Hupa also threw a small golden ring and started playing around. Pikachu jumped into it, and then fell down from another position, like a circus performance, which caused everyone to burst into laughter. ()

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