He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3077 The Conference of Strength and the Conference of Reverse!

"Not just little Hoopa, I actually received a letter delivered by a dragon."

At this time, Balza suddenly interrupted and pulled out a familiar letter in his hand.

Xiaozhi and the three of them looked at each other subconsciously. It seems that Kuailong's delivery business has also expanded to the Valley of Creation? !

"Oh~ In other words, we will be competitors next!"

Xiaozhi's expression instantly became hot.

Balza's strength is not weak. Now he has a status similar to the Valley Master of the Valley of Creation. He even possesses the mysterious and unpredictable power of overcoming.

You know, in Pokémon battles, the trainer’s special abilities can be used!

"Hey Xiaozhi, this time I will fight side by side with Balza~!"

Little Hupa has slowly moved in front of Balza. They originally planned to use this conference to test their recent cultivation results.

"Is little Hoopa also going to appear? Then I'm looking forward to it!"

The stronger the opponent, the more interesting it will be, and Xiaozhi is already looking forward to it.

As a fantasy Pokémon, Little Hoopa is already stronger than ordinary Pokémon. Although it cannot summon a Groudon to act as a thug like Demon God Hoopa, summoning a Sildoren is not a problem. big.

"Um, by the way, the rules of the competition should prohibit summoning, right?!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. The upper limit of Xiao Hupa's ability should be to summon three second-level gods. If it is not prohibited, it feels like even the champion can fight casually!

The next few people temporarily formed a team and wandered and talked together in Desert City.

"That kid Saliman is also very courageous. Tomorrow is the day when the conference starts. It is said that there won't even be an opening ceremony this time. It will be a battle from the beginning!"

Balza said casually that as the owner of the Valley of Creation, and Saliman was now the leader of Desert City, the two of them communicated frequently in private.

Even when Xiaozhi and the others walked to the main entrance of the venue, a huge plaque was already hung above it.

"Well, did you change your name?"

Xiaozhi looked along the huge plaque and understood.

Indeed, "The Strongest Trainers Conference" is like a random name, without any real character.

At this moment, the plaque seems to be made of pure gold with four large characters, shining in the sunlight——

Conference of Power! !

Everyone: ""

Serena frowned slightly. This name always seemed like a weightlifting and bodybuilding competition in which a group of muscular men participated?

"The Tournament of Power? I think this new name is pretty good~!"

However, Xiaozhi is quite satisfied with this new name, it has to be simple and domineering.

Just this name made Chaomeng, who had already arrived in Desert City, frown deeply.

"The Conference of Power? Didn't I say it was called the Conference of Reverse, a conference to witness a great counterattack?"

Chaomeng, who was optically invisible in the clouds, shook his head as he looked at the domineering golden plaque at the venue.

Is there something wrong with human ears? !

Forget it, everything is ready now, it doesn’t matter what the name is, let’s start the conference!

The next day, the flow of people in Desert City reached its historical peak.

At this moment, the flow of people gathered in this arid and hot desert city even exceeds that of Miare City, the largest city in Carlos.

At nine o'clock in the morning, most of the crowd, including the locals of Desert City, the people of Creation Valley, and more tourists from all over Kalos, gathered on the bank of the wide dividing river in the center of the city.

Of course, now that the guard entrance has been removed, everyone can enter and exit the bridge freely.

The competition venue located in the middle of the river was even more crowded.

Especially under the dazzling golden plaque of the "Conference of Power", the tens of thousands of spectator seats have already been filled up, and there are not even a few empty seats in the aisles and on the platform behind.

"This way~!"

Xiaozhi and others had just entered the venue. In the front row of the spectator seats, Korni was already waving.

As contestants, they naturally have VIP seats.

"Mr. Cocobul! Long time no see!"

Seeing a bald old man sitting next to Korni, with slender eyebrows falling from both sides like long whiskers, Xiaozhi and others quickly stepped forward to say hello.

Even in this row, Xiaozhi saw a lot of acquaintances——

The first person to bear the brunt was naturally the Kalos Champion, Miss Kaluni. She was sitting in her seat with outstanding manners. She nodded politely after seeing Xiaozhi and others.

As the regional champion, Karuni is also the absolute favorite to win this Power Conference.

Then there are the local alliance kings Yan Kai, Zhimi, and Dora Sena. As the news said, the fire king Pachira will not participate.

Then Xiaozhi also saw some other acquaintances, such as the three brothers from the Ninja Village.

However, only Ippei, the Jonin of the contestants, sat in the front row in a serious manner, while Erping and Sanpei sat in the back, waving to Xiaozhi and his group.

Xiaozhi also saw the cold and silent former conference champion Ai Lan. He met this person several times along the way, but never actually fought against him.

"finally coming?"

He also wanted to have a hearty battle with the opponent's mega fire-breathing dragon!

Of course, there are also some local gym leaders in Kalos, such as Miss Violet from the White Sandal Gym, and Chucklo from the Haruka Gym.

Xiaozhi blinked and found that most of the gym owners present were from the younger generation.

But the elderly owners like Fu Ye and Ge Jihua were not seen.

In addition, there are some unfamiliar players, such as a girl wearing a black and blue dress with long black hair. She has a sinister temperament, as if she is cosplaying a cursed doll.

There is also a capable woman with short purple hair and a brown dress.

Looking at the back, Xiaozhi thought it was an old acquaintance whom he had met in the Fangyuan Battle Zone before. But upon closer inspection, he discovered that he was not the same person.

There are also four girls wearing floral skirts with different styles, each of whom seems to have their own unique color.

"Those are the four fighting female city lords in the fighting room. It is said that their strength is not inferior to that of the king of the alliance~"

Korni introduced it enthusiastically.

This actually made Xiaozhi blink. Battle room?

Is it possible that the Kalos region also has its own battle development area?

Having said that, a lot of trainers who looked very powerful gathered at once. When a group of people gathered together, the aura generated by the light was much stronger than the previous Miare Conference.

"Are they all the opponents I will face next?"

"They all look so strong!"

This made Citron and Serena, as "newcomers", a little nervous.

Then the two looked at each other, and while secretly encouraging each other, each also had a firm goal.

"If you are not eliminated in the first round, it will be considered a success!" ()

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