He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3078 The first game of the Power Conference begins!

Chapter 2875 The first game of the Power Conference begins!

The audience and players were in their seats. As expected, there was no cumbersome opening ceremony, and the first battle was about to begin.

Like the Alliance Conference, the competition system of the Power Conference is also an elimination system. Once the players lose the duel, they will completely lose their qualifications to advance.

As for how many contestants there are

Xiaozhi looked at the schematic electronic board above the venue and found that the heads of all the players were not displayed on it.

To put it simply and crudely, the avatars on the left and right sides are constantly flashing, which means that only the information of the current opponent will be displayed.

Due to insufficient preparation time, although Saliman built the venue, there was only one battle venue, and it could not be as high-tech as the Miare venue. The old venue could be replaced with a new one at any time.

The entire ground is mostly desert red soil, with soft texture at the edges. In the middle, a two- to three-meter-wide river flows through it. Occasionally, a wild horned goldfish can be seen swimming through it.

Soon, a referee also walked onto the field.

It’s this “referee” who looks very fat and has a pair of small wings on his back

Xiaozhi: "???"

Isn't this his Kuailong? !

Why is it that he is not only delivering letters, but now also working part-time as a referee? !

The sudden appearance of Messenger Dragon caused the whole venue to talk about it. How to explain and judge a Pokémon that cannot speak human words?

In order to dispel his worries, technician Kuailong flapped his small wings and took off, then opened his mouth.


It issued a series of dragon language that humans could not understand at all.

The meaning is also very simple. It is just here to work. If you have any questions, please contact the official.

Everyone: ""

At this time, Saliman's voice came from the loudspeaker at the venue, which was regarded as a rescue:

"Ahem~ This Mr. Kuailong is a foreign referee we specially hired from the Kanto region. Please believe in his professionalism!"

Kuailong also took out two small flags, one red and one white, from the messenger bag behind his back, and raised them with his chubby paws.

Being a referee is not easy, just raise the flag when one side falls.

Even when encountering a troublesome trainer, it can act as a referee and directly blow the former away with a blast of destruction and death.

For Pokémon battles, the referee's role is actually not that important.

"Ahem, as for the rules of the competition, I will briefly introduce them."

In the speakers around the venue, Saliman coughed a few times, unable to hide the excitement in his tone.

Unexpectedly, he not only held a grand competition at home, but could even have fun and be the commentator and host? !

It's a pity that Saliman didn't receive the invitation letter from Kuailong, otherwise he would have wanted to roll up his sleeves and participate in the battle himself.

"Due to the tight schedule, our schedule for this Tournament of Power has also been shortened a lot, so there will not be a 6v6 all-members battle!"

"In the early stages of the competition, each player can only use two Pokémon! But in the semi-finals and finals, the number that each player can use increases to four!"

As soon as the voice fell, the venue was suddenly in an uproar.

2v2 and 4v4 are fairly straightforward battle rules.

As for the total number of participants, Saliman, as the "official person" currently directly connected with Mewtwo, has already seen the total list of players.

The total number of people is less than thirty, which is not too many, and they will soon enter the semi-finals.

Since it is not an integer, how many players will have a bye?

"Damn it, that Flame Lion human!"

Thinking of this, Chaomeng, who was standing in the sky, frowned again.

If it weren't for Team Flare's impromptu trouble, why would his Power Conference be so hasty?

Now he can only bite the bullet and continue the event, but if the next human trainer is not strong enough to satisfy him, Chaomeng will go crazy!


In the studio, Saliman looked at the list of players in his hand and secretly marveled.

Because he even saw the mysterious behind-the-scenes mastermind named "Mewtwo" who was also on the list of players.

Why does it sound like the name of a Pokémon?

"Could it be that they are people of the same mind, and they hold a conference specifically to reward themselves!?"

Saliman had the same thought.

But these are not the main point. He looked through the glass and looked at the electronic board outside. The portrait patterns on the left and right sides were about to be finalized.


Until the scene was completely frozen, the venue became much quieter for an instant, with everyone staring closely at the screen above their heads.

On the left is a beautiful female movie star with heavy makeup, who is also Carlos's nominally strongest person.

On the right is a pretty brown-haired girl who has also become famous in recent days.

"The first battle will be between the champion Karuni and the tournament winner Serena!!"

Saliman's drawn-out voice came out from the venue's speakers, instantly making the venue agitated.

Was it so exciting right from the start? !

It was actually the conference champion versus the regional champion? !

"Oh Serena, it seems we are destined~"

In the first row of the spectator seats, Karuni had already stood up and looked at Serena with a smile.

She actually wanted to have a sparring match with this potential newcomer.


In comparison, Serena turned pale and stood up like a wooden figure.

Her goal was to not be eliminated in the first round even if she succeeded, but she didn't expect to hit the big boss at the beginning? !

"Miss Kaluni, please give me some advice."

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow Kaluni on the stage together.

It seems that he can already predict the next scene. Even Serena's best friend Citron sighed and shook his head.

But Xiaozhi scratched his head, thoughtfully.

Speaking of which, this scene of being eliminated at the beginning, why does it feel so familiar?

After a while, the two beautiful trainers were standing at opposite ends of the arena.

They are all extremely popular, and they completely set off the atmosphere at the venue as soon as they came on. The cheers and cheers were deafening.

Kuailong raised his hand to signal both sides to release Pokémon at the same time, which would be more fair.

Karuni has already taken the initiative to throw a Pokémon ball. As the league champion, she doesn't mind letting Serena choose a Pokémon to restrain.


When the red light fell, a slender and beautiful Gardevoir appeared in front of Karuni. The two people's temperaments were incomparable, and they could completely communicate spiritually.

As soon as it comes up, it is Karuni's strongest trump card, full of oppression!

"Serena, attack with all your strength!"

Seeing this, Serena also took a deep breath and threw her Poke Ball.

Now her goal has changed to "Force the opponent to use mega evolution, even if it succeeds"!

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