He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3079 The gap between the conference champion and the regional champion? !

Chapter 2876 The gap between the conference champion and the regional champion? !


The red light fell, and a Tanabata bluebird appeared above Serena's head.

Since it was a 2v2 competition, it didn’t matter that the opponent was a strong regional champion with attributes or other restraints. Serena directly chose her two strongest Pokémon.

"Then, mega evolution!"

Without any hesitation, Serena tapped her wrist, and a dazzling light lit up, causing her Tanabata Blue Bird to enter its mega evolution state.

"Oh~ is it my green cotton bird?!"

In the stands, Dragon King Tendora Sena showed signs of emotion.

This Tanabata Blue Bird was originally given to Serena by her. Time has passed and now she can use her mega evolution to fight well.

Seeing that the other party allowed her to attack first, Serena was no longer polite and immediately shouted:

"Qixi Blue Bird, use White Mist!!"

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird spewed out a dense white mist, covering most of the arena.

She is also the conference champion after all. Now she has good fighting skills and can attack in an orderly manner even when facing the league champion.

The thick white mist completely covered Gardevoir.


Then several pink energy stars suddenly passed through an incredible angle and flew towards Gardevoir from the side.

Fairy Skin·High Speed ​​Star!

And the high-speed star is a move that is sure to hit, so even if the Qixi Blue Bird moves towards the audience, these energy stars can still forcefully reverse the direction in the white mist and head-lock to attack the target.

"Not a bad tactic, but"

Kaluni grinned. She didn't even speak, and Gardevoir, who was one with her soul, understood the intention.


Gardevoir teleported and disappeared.

And in order to avoid the area covered by the white mist and the high-speed stars that were sure to hit, she teleported to an altitude of more than 100 meters in one go, preparing to launch an instant-kill blow from above.


This one was in a state of optical invisibility a hundred meters in the air, and Chaomeng who was watching the show was startled.

Inexplicably, Gardevoir appeared right in front of him.

Since Mewtwo's rank is one level higher than the former, Gardevoir cannot recognize Mewtwo's invisibility at all.

Seeing that it was this Pokémon that still had its charm, Mewtwo was not polite, and his superb telekinesis condensed into a physical slap and he slapped it.


Gardevoir was off guard, his body was hit hard for no apparent reason, and he suddenly fell from the air.


The sudden change made Karuni widen her beautiful eyes, wondering what happened.

Is it the attack of the Tanabata Bluebird?

Or does this competition venue also have a range on the Y-axis? What kind of black technology force field is it? If it exceeds it, it will be attacked by the environment?

Serena didn't care about that. She only saw Gardevoir falling down and thought it was the sure-hit high-speed star that had really hit the target, so she immediately shouted:

"What a great opportunity! The mountain is overwhelming!!"

The mega Tanabata bluebird understood, it flew to a high point and folded its wings. Its whole body turned into a jack and fell violently. In the process, the whole body was even filled with a layer of pink energy.

Fairy skin·Tarzan overwhelming! !

At the critical moment, Kaluni's face became solemn, and she didn't dare to hold it up any more, and grabbed the keystone pendant around her neck with her palm.

Gardevoir instantly entered the form of mega evolution, and his momentum and strength increased significantly.

And there was no need for Kaluni to command. Mega Gardevoir had already raised his palm, and a huge pink energy bomb condensed into shape almost instantly and shot towards the Tanabata Blue Bird that was falling in the sky.

The power of the moon!

Boom boom! !

The moonburst hit the top of Mount Tai head-on, and the chaotic fairy energy detonated in mid-air, causing a huge pink explosion!

The huge energy impact was the first to bear the brunt, directly shattering the Qixi Blue Bird's posture of folding its wings and pressing down. The whole body was violently flipped up and thrown into the air.

Outstanding effect!

You must know that Mega Tanabata Blue Bird, who has become a dragon traitor, will also be hit hard by fairy-type moves.

On the other end, due to the close distance, Gardevoir was inevitably affected by the fairy energy storm and was blown back several steps.

The strong wind of energy blew away all the white fog on the field, and everyone in the venue could clearly see the situation at this moment.


The Tanabata Blue Bird had already fallen to the ground, exited its mega-evolved posture, and let out a meaningless low cry.

The effect was outstanding, killing him instantly with one hit? !

On the other end, Gardevoir has entered the appearance of a mega-evolved lady. Her wide white skirt is swaying in the strong wind, and occasionally some indescribable things can be seen from the slit skirt.

Everyone was stunned. How could the winner be determined all of a sudden? !

And what happened just now? Why was champion Karuni suddenly forced to use her trump card of mega evolution? !


As the referee, Kuailong didn't care so much. He immediately let out a loud roar and flew over, raising a small white flag in Serena's direction.

This time it received two new big golden beads from Mewtwo, but it has to do a good job as a referee!

"Strange how you felt just now?"

In the front row of the spectator seats, Xiaozhi touched his chin and looked up to the sky, which was almost a hundred meters above the arena.

Gardevoir seemed to have been attacked by something just now, right?

However, apparently few people noticed this scene, and the game continued as usual.

"As expected of Miss Kaluni!"

After taking back the Tanabata Blue Bird, Serena had already begun to sweat profusely.

Unexpectedly, after just one face-to-face encounter, my Tanabata Blue Bird was already unable to fight.

Is the gap between the conference champion and the regional champion that big? !

However, the Tanabata Blue Bird with the power of mega evolution is not her trump card, and for some unknown reason, Miss Karuni has already used mega evolution.

My goal has been achieved, now I just need to fight without any regrets!

"The decision is yours, Demon Fire Red Fox!!"

Serena relaxed a lot, and the second Pokémon was naturally her ace, Fiery Red Fox.

At this moment, the opponent has entered the state of mega evolution, and his power cannot be underestimated. Every attack of the demon fire red fox must be carefully avoided.

"Demon fire red fox, flame vortex!!"

The battle started again with Serena, the Demon Fire Red Fox swung her wooden staff, and the blazing flames suddenly blasted out like a tornado.


Kaluni still didn't speak. Under telepathy, Mega Gardevoir's eyes glowed blue, and she easily fixed the flame vortex in mid-air.

With a glare in his eyes, the flames instantly wrapped around him and turned back, attacking the demon fire red fox!


However, at the critical moment, the demon fire red fox flashed and suddenly disappeared from the spot.


Kaluni nodded. She knew the local imperial family of Demon Fire Red Fox very well. Normally, she should not be able to use this move.

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