He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3083 Carlos, are there any masters? !

Chapter 2880 Carlos, are there any masters? !

"Hey, if I lose, I still want to fight against Xiaozhi."

After a while, Kerni returned to the viewing area with a sullen face, sighing repeatedly.

Damn it, even though she has been practicing so hard, why does she feel that the gap between her and Ai Lan is even bigger? !

"Ai Lan, you are really strong!"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, also not daring to be careless.

Once that Charizard enters the state of mega evolution, its strength instantly increases by leaps and bounds. It seems to be even more powerful than the increase effect obtained by other Pokémon during their mega evolution?

"It's interesting. I really want to have a battle with Ai Lan as soon as possible!"

Xiaozhi couldn't wait, especially when his opponent was an old acquaintance, Charizard.

It's just that all of his Pokémon are electric-type, and there's also an insignificant Digger.

Even during the break, Ye Ni would secretly curse once with a smile, once again improving the frankness and strength of the long-haired pig.

Yulijia rubbed the little soft one in her arms, and then nodded in cooperation.

Evolution stone!

"Hehe, get ready to fight, shaggy pig~!!"

The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard was completely unable to defeat the opponent, but instead gave the Hairy Pig a chance to increase its ability.

After hearing Serena's words, Xiaozhi became interested and looked towards the arena.

Its photoelectric umbrella lizard also mastered the moves that can restrain the opponent. The small photoelectric umbrella lizard flew out, and the small fist on one side had already condensed with flames.

Wearing a yellow top hat, a wide yellow striped dress and high heels, she looked like an eccentric aristocratic princess.

Although Citron had a countermeasure this time, he asked the electric dragon to throw a power grid under him, stepped on it like a trampoline, and jumped up to avoid the earthquake attack.

Beside him, Serena was helping to search for information.

Quite coincidentally, opposite him was also a player with blond hair.

On the field, as the two men threw the elf balls at the same time, and after the red light fell, Citron's expression changed instantly.

The Battle House is actually not a facility in the Battle Development Zone, but a building located in Qinan City.

Yulijia did not forget to encourage her.

Therefore, it is not well-known and there are not many tourists coming and going, so Xiaozhi and his party, who have traveled all over the Kalos map, have never been to this city.

"Come back for now"

The electric dragon's mouth opened wide, and the dragon's fluctuating energy roared out, falling diagonally from the air and flying out!

Finally, he hit the belly of the falling Mega Electric Dragon with all his strength.

Outstanding effect!

"Another curse and then, an earthquake!!"

However, Qinan City, which has a battle house, is still quite popular in the circle of Carlos trainers. Many elite trainers will choose to concentrate on training in this border city.

"Use Dragon Wave!!"

"Long-haired pig, earthquake!!"

But when he looked at the electronic board at the venue eagerly, the two sides in the next battle displayed on it were still not him.

However, even if the electric dragon took out the unique skill of mega evolution, it still couldn't break through the long-haired pig that had been cursed twice.

"Hiss! Is it my turn?!"

Now she already knows how powerful Xiaoruan is. When he enters 50% energy form, he can even defeat a first-level god!


He looks about 15 years old, has golden curly hair, and looks playful, almost like

A grown-up Yulijia?


It directly bounced away the red light recovered from Citron's Poké Ball.

"Damn it, I have no choice but to bite the bullet!"

Another blow with extremely high damage brought the situation on Citron's side to the brink of despair.

Boom! !

The powerful force of one hundred thousand horsepower actually dispersed all the dragon's fluctuations.

Citron gritted his teeth and chose to send his own mega electric dragon!


"Don't worry about it, use the curse~!!"

However, this long-haired pig stood motionless on the spot, with an eerie black light glowing around it.

When a non-ghost Pokémon uses Curse, its speed will decrease, but its attack and defense will increase!

Boom! !

After lagging behind for a long time, the flame fist hit the long-haired pig's face. The effect

Not outstanding!

Ye Ni repeated her old trick, and the woolly pig once again launched an earthquake, causing landslides and cracks on the ground in the arena!

"Electric Dragon, use the power grid and jump up!!"

On the opposite side of the ground Pokémon, the electric move that Optoelectron is good at has no effect.

"In that case, Fire Fist!!"

"Long-haired pig, use 100,000 horsepower!!"

"It's no use~ Use block the road!"

"Don't be nervous, brother, do you want me to lend you my little soft~!"

It's not a big problem. Shaggy is originally a turtle-speed Pokémon, and its speed will drop as soon as it drops.


"Damn it, I have no choice but to go for it! Electric dragon, mega evolution!!"

"One of the four fighting female castle owners in the fighting room"

It has also been illuminated by the energy of the ultimate weapon. Now that its power is still at its peak, it doesn't mind taking a punch.

Ye Ni responded calmly. This time, the shaggy pig no longer caused an earthquake. Instead, it turned into an indestructible heavy tank, attached to a tan energy coat, and crashed out.

Finally, as the long-haired pig's front hooves hit the ground, the arena began to shake violently.

Citron just walked towards the field with a smile.

Although Qinan City is located in Carlos, it is not adjacent to Miare City. It is the southernmost city in the Carlos map plate.

Now we can only hope that Mega Electric Dragon will gain new dragon attributes.

My photoelectric umbrella lizard was restrained to death by the woolly pig!

It was also the first time for Citron to face a female city lord. He was worthy of being a well-known trainer!

If you look carefully enough, you can still see a strange purple pebble in the thick mane of the long-haired pig.

"As for the strength of the four female city lords, it is said that each one is not inferior to the level of the king of the alliance?"

“It’s the characteristic of thick fat~”

The most effective blow directly killed the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, and the winner was determined!

"Fighting against the female city lord, Ye Ni?"

Ye Ni grinned, the situation was under control.

Xiaozhi read the information on the electronic version and looked at the woman at one end of the field.

The long-haired pig, covered with thick manes, raised its head and roared, with strange power in its voice.

Just as Citron was about to take back his photoelectric umbrella lizard, Ye Ni intervened first.

Carlos actually has a master?

"Please, Photoelectric Umbrella!"

"Hehe~ Long-haired pig, curse again!"

Citron's face tightened, and he was sweating profusely the moment he saw his profile picture appear on the electronic board. He was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

Carrying this item, if you can continue to evolve, your double defense will be greatly improved!

This is why Ye Ni did not choose to let her long-haired pig evolve into an ivory pig.

"The winner is the earthquake!!"

Finally, with the curse amplified to the extreme, the long-haired pig fired another powerful earthquake. Even the Mega Electric Dragon could not withstand it. The figure collapsed during the violent shaking, and the winner was completely determined!

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