He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3084 The battle between the older generation, Flame Chicken vs Hu Di!

Chapter 2881 The battle between the older generation, Flame Chicken vs Hu Di!

"This fighting female city lord is pretty good~!"

Although his teammates suffered a tragic defeat, Xiaozhi still couldn't help but praise him with his arms crossed.

It's hard to say whether it can beat the King of the Alliance. After all, in this game, the shaggy pig's attribute advantage over Citron is too strong.

Moreover, this trainer named Ye Ni, although he looks as quirky as Yurika, is actually very proficient in Pokémon battles and does not give Citron much chance to fight back.

Watching Ye Ni walk back to her seat, Xiaozhi squinted and saw that there were three girls next to her who were also dressed in princess dresses.

It's just that the color of her hair and the clothes on her body are different. It's quite bright, and it looks more like she's here to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament.

"Are there three more people like this...?"

Carlos, there are still many hidden masters!

As for the next game, although Xiaozhi was itching, he still couldn't wait for his moment to appear.

"Damn it, I won't be so unlucky to get a bye, right?!"

He could only suppress his restless heart and watch the game patiently.

By the way, this time with the fierce Mewtwo in charge, there shouldn't be another existence similar to Team Flare to destroy the venue, right?

Standing on the field at this moment, both sides of the river are old acquaintances of Xiaozhi.

On the left is a sturdy man wearing the same costume as the Flame Chicken. He wears a chicken head mask on his head. It's not clear that his face is a Flame Chicken mask!

"Mr. Limone?"

Xiaozhi secretly marveled. He was probably qualified for the competition because of his superior performance in the Miare incident, right?

He also tilted his head quietly and looked to his side. Brothers and sisters Citron and Yulijia were cheering for the Flame Chicken Mask. It seemed that they didn't know that it was his old father on the stage at this moment.

As for the person opposite Mr. Limone, there was a thin old man with a bald head and long eyebrows. Although he was old, he was still energetic.

"Come on, Grandpa!!"

Kerni shouted loudly from the audience that her grandfather had been a famous expert in the Kalos region for many years, so it was not a big problem to be eligible to participate.

As for the strength of the two, Flame Chicken Mask is even better.

Tsk bang! !

I saw the Flame Chicken kicking a master weasel in the face with a volley of flames, taking the lead to win the first victory.

"Sure enough, Limo Flame Chicken Mask, you are still so awesome."

Cocobul praised him and almost revealed Limone's true identity.

Obviously the two are familiar with each other. Limone first came into contact with the phenomenon of mega evolution in Salo City.

"Then I won't be polite, don't underestimate the energy of our elderly people!!"

Kokobul shouted in a deep voice and released the second Pokémon. This time it was not a fighting Pokémon, but another extreme Hudi! ?

Hu Di, an old acquaintance from Guandong, appeared on the stage, holding a spoon in both hands.

"Hey, grandpa, does he still have Hu Di?!"

In the audience, Korni looked confused. Isn't grandpa's trump card also a Lucario?

However, the two Pokémon on the field are both Pokémon that can achieve mega evolution battles, so this is going to be serious.

"Flaming Chicken, let's mega evolve!!"

Limone didn't dare to raise his eyebrows and took the lead in pressing the keystone - his keystone was embedded in the back of the superhero's glove.

"We have to fight with all our strength, Hu Di, mega evolve!!"

On the other side, Cocobul also pressed his keystone. What he got was the most classic and common keystone bracelet.

bass! bass!

A brilliant light suddenly rose from both ends of the field. The flame chicken's figure became more majestic and powerful in a ball of flames, and its wrists ignited with flying flames.

Mega Hu Di directly grew a thick white beard. He sat cross-legged and suspended in the air, releasing his telekinesis all the time. There were even several spoons floating above his head.

It is said that Mega Hu Di has completely given up physical muscle power and replaced it with unparalleled mental power.

"Fire Kick!!"

Limone didn't care about all that, he just started with his signature flame kick!

The Mega Flame Chicken leaped up, blazing flames ignited on the soles of its feet, and kicked out with a bang.

Mega Hu Di did not dodge, but cast his solemn eyes, and instantly spread a powerful thought force, restraining the flame chicken's figure in mid-air.


The Mega Flame Chicken kept raising its legs in mid-air. The flames were still burning, but it was still unable to kick out.

However, Limone laughed arrogantly and shouted:

"If you can't do the flame kick, then let's do a double kick!!"

But he saw the flames on the Flame Chicken's right leg dissipate. This time, instead of pushing forward, his body suddenly spun on the spot.

Suddenly changing the direction of the force, he actually broke free from the shackles of his mind.

Boom! !

Even Mega Hu Di was kicked by the other leg of the Flame Chicken, hitting the door in front of him, and his body was suddenly parallel and flew back several meters.

"You really can't be careless for a moment."

Cocobul wiped the sweat from the top of his head. The movements of Limone's flame chicken were too flexible, and even the mental force could not completely restrain and freeze it.


Not only that, the Mega Flame Chicken's body also glowed with a sharp red light.

The acceleration feature is triggered, and the speed of the flame chicken is increased!


However, on the other side, Mega Hudi's body flashed with amplified red light, which also triggered the acceleration characteristic.

"Oh~ Is it a copy feature?"

Limone reacted instantly. This was the first time he met Mega Hu Di.

The copying characteristic can directly copy the opponent's characteristics when appearing on the stage. This characteristic is extremely rare and usually only appears on the Gardevoir family, right?

"Then let's compare speeds. Lightning flashes!!"

The Mega Flame Chicken launched another offensive, stomping on the ground and jumping out instantly, his whole body turning into an arrow-like white light!

The speed was extremely fast, and the sharp claws slashed at Mega Hu Di's face.


At the critical moment, Mega Hu Di disappeared instantly and dodged the blow.

Since Mega Hu Di completely sacrificed its own muscle strength, it was even difficult for it to walk normally instead. Whether it was the speed of hovering flight or the speed of teleportation, it was extremely fast!

"Well, where's the flame chicken?!"

Cocobul's expression changed, and he suddenly discovered that the Mega Flame Chicken had also lost its figure.

He suddenly looked up and saw that the Flame Chicken had jumped more than ten meters into the sky. This is a unique jumping skill!

"Just right!!"

As the Mega Flame Chicken roared loudly, it bent its knees and covered itself diagonally in the direction of Hu Di!


At the critical moment, Mega Hu Di used teleportation again and managed to avoid this move.


However, the movements of the Flame Chicken are not slow at all. Instead of hitting the ground with his knees like a flying knee kick and getting hurt, he slaps the ground to gain strength, and then rushes towards Hu Di again, with sharp and fast movements!

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