He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3085 Chaomeng who follows the muscle flow?

Chapter 2882 Chaomeng who follows the muscle flow?

In the competition of speed, Mega Hu Di was ultimately inferior.


It was hit by the flying kick of the Flame Chicken again, and its body collapsed.

Even when it used mental strength to forcibly control the flame chicken, and this time it was more careful, Hu Di used all his strength to restrain the two legs of the flame chicken.

However, Limone suddenly laughed out loud:

"Now, Shadow Claw!!"

Its flame chicken is not a creature with lower body, its two chicken claws are equally sharp!

Whoops! !

Unprepared, Mega Hu Di was hit hard on the face by the Flame Chicken's shadow claws, and the effect was outstanding!

A Pokémon like Hu Di, even after mega evolution, is still a big squishie.


Facing the high-intensity offensive of the Flame Chicken, Mega Hu Di was already panting.

The outcome of this game was decided quickly.

"Now, Flash Charge!!"

Finally, after using the acceleration characteristics for several rounds, Mega Flame Chicken turned into a huge fireball and rushed out. The speed was so fast that Mega Hu Di couldn't dodge for a while.

Boom boom! !

As a huge flame explosion fell, Hu Di finally fell to the ground from the suspended state. The spoons above his head were scattered on the ground, and he completely lost his fighting ability.

"Hey! Win!!"

Limone immediately raised his arms and laughed wildly, flicked his cloak, and greeted the enthusiastic cheers from the surrounding venue with the Flame Chicken.

As a superhero, his popularity in Carlos is not low, and echoes came from the surrounding audience.

On the opposite side, after taking back the defeated Hu Di, Cocobul put his hands behind his back and sighed with a helpless smile:

"Well, you've changed so much."

Limone is usually a simple and honest middle-aged uncle. He didn't expect that after putting on the cloak and mask, his character would become so arrogant and unruly.

It’s not a bad loss.

It’s been a long time since I’ve fought against Limone. This guy is getting stronger and stronger now.

Even if you face the king of the alliance, it should be enough to handle it, right?

In the high-altitude clouds, Chaomeng was in a cross-legged suspended position like a Mega Hu.

After watching the whole process, it couldn't help but snorted:

"Huh, it's really five!"

Hu Di is also an old familiar Pokémon from his hometown, and it is the first time that he knows that Hu Di can also undergo mega evolution.

It's just that this kind of mental power gained at the expense of all physical strength is still useless when it can't beat a turkey!

"Tell me about my mega evolution?"

This reminded Chaomeng of himself, so he raised his slender arm and looked at it.

He can achieve the state of mega evolution on his own without the help of a trainer, and will gain a higher level of spiritual power by then.

So when he fought against Karuni's mega Gardevoir on the top of the Prism Tower that day, he was definitely letting off steam.

"After my mega evolution, my physical strength seems to be relatively weaker?"

Mewtwo frowned slightly. As a Pokémon with super powers, it is natural for him to associate "becoming stronger" with "improving special attack".

But the field of superpowers is not limited to special attacks, right?

"What if I could direct the evolution of mega to physical muscles?"

Chaomeng couldn't help but think about it. He had never thought about letting himself go in the direction of physical attack.

Sure enough, Pokémon battles are very interesting and can make him think about ideas he has never had before!

This actually made Chaomeng watch the next game with even more interest.

In the following conference, many well-known local players also appeared one after another.

"Please give me more advice, Mr. Yankai!"

Standing at one end of the arena at this moment is Haruka Gym Leader Chucklo, a curly-haired black guy.

On the other side was the Heavenly King's Goose Armor, which was covered with thick knight's armor. Only his decent face was exposed in the thick helmet, and he said seriously:

"Come on, let me see your perseverance!"

Yan Kai sent out a sword monster with a strong shield. The attack and defense moves of the King's Shield and the Holy Sword were switched continuously, making it difficult to deal with it.

On the other side, Chakluo sent out the local fossil Pokémon, Monstergnathus.

"Eh? Did the baby Tyrannosaurus evolve at that time?!"

Serena recognized it and blurted out.

When she challenged Haruka Gym, she fought against Chakro's baby Tyrannosaurus.

At this moment, most of the surrounding audience were cheering for Heavenly King Yankai, but Xiaozhi also rarely heard the voice of cheering for Chakluo. Was it still a female voice?

Subconsciously he turned his head and looked, seeing an old acquaintance.

Beautiful short blond hair, fair skin and beautiful face, wearing fashionable short-sleeved jeans

"I remember he is the leader of Bai Tan Gym?"

At this moment, Violet was loudly cheering for Chucklo, which seemed quite unusual among the voices cheering for the king around her.

Not only that, Xiaozhi also noticed that there was a strange blush on Violet's face?

"Haha~ I heard that Miss Violet seems to be getting very close to Mr. Chucklo recently~"

Beside her, Serena smiled and explained awkwardly.

In recent years, this kind of black and white couples have become very common in the Carlos area~

Back to the arena, after all, it was the gap between the king and the gym leader. In the end, the battle ended with an almost crushing result.


Under the holy sword of the Strong Shield Sword Monster, the eyes of the strange jaw dragon turned white, and the huge dinosaur body collapsed, and the winner was completely determined.

"Chaklo-kun, it seems that your training is not enough. Come to my dojo when you have time and start training again!"

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Yankai!"

One of the two is good at steel attributes, the other is good at rock attributes, and they communicate like a teacher and disciple.

Even the next game was a match between the gym leader and the king of the alliance.

"Colorful Pink Butterfly, use Storm!!"

"Sonic Dragon~ We also use Storm~!"

On the field, the gorgeous pink butterfly flapped its wings continuously, blowing out a violent hurricane.

On the other side, a strong and powerful sonic dragon also waved its wide bat wings, and the storm attack it blew was even three points more powerful than the pink butterfly.

Wow! !

Continuous storms blew, causing the already somewhat eroded arena to carry countless gravels, turning them into a hazy sandstorm.

Dragon King Dorasena squinted her eyes, and her smiling voice contained dangerous murderous intent:

"Now, sonic blast!!"

In the sandstorm, the Sonic Dragon suddenly stopped flapping its wings, and the pair of loudspeaker-like wind-catching ears above its head suddenly blasted out violent waves of sound waves, breaking away the storm in an instant and hitting the body of the colorful pink butterfly!

"Colorful Pink Butterfly!!"

Violet's expression changed and she quickly exclaimed.

It's just that the fragile pink butterfly has fallen like a kite with broken wings. After being hit by a sonic blast, it lost its ability to fight on the spot.

In this game, the outcome has been decided.

But it's not a big problem. Black brother Chucklo is already by the aisle, waiting and comforting Violet when she returns.

The fair-skinned blonde beauty, paired with the handsome curly-haired guy with dark skin, is a beautiful sight for Carlos.

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