He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2883 The Conference of Power, the top 16 begin the battle!

"Blastoise, Water Cannon!!"

On the field, Zhimi, the king of water, was seen snapping his fingers, looking elegant.

The Mega Water Arrow Turtle in front of him immediately lowered his body and blasted out a stream of water impact from the cannon directly above his head that was powerful enough to crack mountains and crack rocks!

Boom boom boom! !

The powerful water cannon hit the big bird in mid-air, knocking it down directly.

"Be barking"

This is still a mega bird with a cool shape and bright feathers, but at this moment, its whole body is soaked by the water and it has completely turned into a drowned rat.

Feathers full of moisture limit the speed of the mega bird, and its flight movements are far worse than before.

Zhimi said calmly as if he was cooking a French dish:

"Then, this dish is ready to turn off the Dragon Wave!"

After saying this, the mega water arrow turtle raised its head and raised the cannon above its head, along with the small turrets on the backs of its two hands.

Each of the three black calibers blasted out a pink-purple energy beam, and then gathered together in the air, turning into a murderous energy dragon that swooped down!

This is still the dragon wave under the characteristic super launcher, which is even more powerful!

Boom boom!

Mega Dabi Bird had no time to dodge and was knocked down by the dragon wave again. This time he completely lost consciousness and could not fight.

Opposite, an elite trainer from Carlos could only lower his head with regret and exit sadly.


The referee Kuailong also flew over and raised a small red flag in Zhimi's direction.

"thanks for treatment!"

Zhimi, who had cool blond hair, nodded slightly and even wiped his mouth with a silk scarf before taking back his water arrow turtle.

It seems that in order to show off his own momentum at the beginning, although it is a match with great disparity in strength, King Zhimi still starts the mega evolution in a high-profile manner, and the scene is magnificent.

"Now, the three kings and the champion Miss Karuni have successfully advanced!"

Xiaozhi sat in his seat and watched with great interest.

The next opponents will become stronger and stronger!

"Hey, Miss Pachira?"

Serena beside her frowned slightly, completely unaware of what happened to the only absent Fire King.

In addition to these well-known strong men, there are also some elite trainers who are not well-known but have great strength.

For example, the female trainer named Sayuko, wearing a long black dress and unkempt black hair, seems to be cosplaying a cursed doll.

The Pokémon used was also a Mega Curse Doll, and it used weird and unpredictable ghost moves to successfully advance.

There is also the capable female trainer with short purple hair. From the back, she looks like Lila, the pioneering leader that Xiaozhi knew before.

"Your name is Alexi. Is he also a trainer from Qinan City?"

Xiaozhi looked at the information board and repeated slowly.

This purple-haired woman seems to be using Pokémon with floating properties—Double-Bomb Gas, Buzzing Eel King.

The team is very strong and successfully advanced to the top 16.

But that double-bomb gas reminded Xiaozhi of something.

There are quite a few masters in this Qinan City, and among the remaining three colorfully dressed fighting female city lords, two of them have advanced, and they are a beautiful sight at the venue.

After just waiting for a long time, Xiaozhi's butt was already in the air, ready to take the stage at any time.


However, no new contestants took the stage next. Instead, Kuailong spoke a dragon language of unknown meaning toward the audience at the venue.

Xiaozhi immediately heard that he was bound to it.

"The top 32 rounds are over, and the remaining players who have not appeared have a bye and can directly advance to the top 16!"

He stood up instantly and waved his hand towards his Kuailong from a distance in protest.

He had a bye, and Mewtwo also had a bye.

Then just arrange for the two of them to play one game and that's it. How could there be a bye! ?

However, Kuailong didn't notice Xiaozhi among the tens of millions of viewers, and just continued to shout dragon language.

"Aowwuwu~! (The top 16 competition will officially start in 2 hours~!)"

It was already around one o'clock in the afternoon, and the next stage of the game was not even scheduled for the next day.

Two hours was just for the participating trainers to replenish their status, and the next round of competition was about to begin, which showed that the schedule was tight.

"Hahaha everyone, let me translate for this foreign friend. It means that the game will be in 2 hours."

Saliman's explanation came from the loudspeaker at the venue.

High-intensity and compact battles would definitely be annoying at ordinary times.

But now, more than 80% of the audience at the venue have just experienced the final weapon exposure. They are so excited that they can't wait to take a 10-minute break and immediately enter the next round of battle.

"Take a 2-hour break? Where's your health?!"

The excited outsiders surprised many locals in Desert City.

"Don't they all say that the people in Carlos outside are all sissies? Why are they so wild?"

"Everyone is so crazy!"

After hearing that the next round of competition would begin two hours later, Xiaozhi finally suppressed his temper and could not stop shaking his legs while sitting in his seat.


The same scene also appeared in Chaomeng in the high-altitude clouds. Although he was meditating with his eyes closed and looking calm, his crossed thighs were shaking uncontrollably.

Soon, everyone in Kalos will see the greatness of his Mewtwo!

Two hours passed quickly, and soon the auditorium was filled again.

Due to the tropical desert climate here, the hastily renovated venue did not have an awning roof, causing the entire venue to be illuminated by the blazing sun, like a big steamer.


Even on the surface of the river in the center of the arena, you can see the slowly rising steaming white mist visible to the naked eye.

“It’s not very delicious in a natural sunny environment.”

Water Heaven King Zhimi frowned slightly, his expression unhappy.


The King of Steel, who was covered in metal armor, was so hot that he could hardly open his mouth.

Especially when exposed to direct sunlight, the temperature of his metal armor was extremely high, making his body feel as if he was in a cooking pan.

Next to her, Karuni looked silent.

Her colleague was wearing armor on a hot day. Did he have some serious illness?

"Um, why don't Mr. Yankai take off his armor?"

Dragon King Dorasena was a kind-hearted old aunt and suggested with a smile.

She felt that Yan Kai would be in the armor at any time and faint from heat stroke.

"Don't underestimate your perseverance!"

Yan Kai let out a deep cry and gritted his teeth to support himself. This set of knight armor was his battle suit and could never be taken off during a battle.


In the center of the arena, Kuailong has appeared again, uttering a series of unintelligible dragon language as usual, officially kicking off the top 16 of the Tournament of Power.

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