He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2884 Brother, the iron tree finally bloomed? !

Those who can reach the top 16 stage are all powerful trainers, and their strength is basically one level higher than that of the gym leaders.

"Come to me quickly!"

Xiaozhi was already praying to heaven with his hands clasped together, while his eyes were fixed on the picture on the electronic screen.

The nearest god here should be the clone of the God of Creation in the statue in the Valley of Creation, right?

Lord Arceus, give me some strength!


The final scene was frozen, with the familiar flame chicken mask on one side, and the gorgeously dressed member of the Duel Female City Lord, Chao Mi, on the other side.


Xiaozhi's defenses were a little broken, and the hot weather made him even more angry than usual.

"Haha~ Is it a sunny day? What a good time!!"

However, the Flame Chicken Mask on the stage burst into laughter. His Flame Chicken can release a more powerful flame kick under a sunny day!

"Then finish off the opponent at once! Flame Chicken!!"

Limone laughed loudly and launched his trump card.

The female city lord opposite with dark green curly hair seemed to be the eldest sister among the four sisters, and she had a rather cool temperament.

"Please, mosquito-repellent frog king~!"

Her first one was the mosquito-repellent frog king with completely opposite rainfall characteristics. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he slapped his palms in an attempt to change the weather.

It's just that the effect of Pokémon's weather moves will be relatively weakened when the weather in the arena itself is very strong.

This makes the rainfall characteristics of the Mosquito-Repellent Frog King only cause a thin drizzle to fall on the stadium. Even the dark clouds cannot completely cover the sun, and there is still some sunlight shining down.

This is a solar shower.

"I can't care less, Flame Chicken, mega evolve! Then use your strongest flame kick!!"

Limone didn't care so much and immediately showed off his muscles.

The Flame Chicken raised its arms and roared, entering its mega-evolved posture in the bright light, and rushed out in an instant, hitting the mosquito-repellent frog king in the face with a powerful fire kick.

not effectively!

"Mosquito-repellent frog king, tide swirl!"

The female city lord frowned at Chao Mi and responded cautiously.

She knew that the flamboyantly dressed superhero in front of her was no less powerful than the King of the Alliance and was a formidable enemy!

Although there are rumors that their strength against the four sisters of the female city lord is not inferior to the Four Kings of Carlos, and can even be completely equal.

But Chao Mi knew that the four sisters were still one level behind the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings.

The Half-Step Heavenly King and the Heavenly King are completely different things!

"Mosquito incense~"

The Mosquito-Repellent Frog King clapped his palms, condensed a large turbulent vortex above his head, and threw it out violently!

"This slow attack is useless against my flame chicken. It's useless to dodge!!"

Limone spoke arrogantly, and Mega Flame Chicken even sprinted forward, charging continuously around the edge of the venue, avoiding the tidal wave attack.

Rub rub rub rub!

Even while running, the speed of Mega Flame Chicken continued to increase.

The acceleration feature is triggered!

"Then, Lightning Punch!!"

The mega flame chicken suddenly turned back and rushed in front of the mosquito-repellent frog king.

The clenched chicken feet turned into fists, and what came out of them was not blazing flames, but electric arcs that kept exploding.

Boom! !

The lightning fist hit the mosquito-repellent frog king's side temple area, and immediately knocked the latter away.

The effect is outstanding and it hits the vital point!

Limone couldn't help but laugh. His Flame Chicken was also prepared to counter-restrain water Pokémon!

"Wow, Uncle Limo Keke Flame Chicken Mask, he is really good at it!"

In the audience, Xiaozhi couldn't help but pat Citron on the shoulder. He coughed halfway through the compliment and quickly changed his title.


Citron pushed up his glasses and looked at Xiaozhi suspiciously.

He has heard Xiaozhi pronounce it wrong several times.

Moreover, in the big incident of Team Flare, he clearly heard that Xiaozhi calling Flame Chicken Mask Limone was indeed calling his father's name!

"Is it possible?!"

Citron quickly looked at the arena seriously.

Not to mention, if the Flame Chicken Mask takes off his outer cloak, his figure and height will indeed be similar to his father?

It's strange to say that his father is just the owner of a second-hand electrical appliance shop, but his muscles are always so strong and strong?

Citron's glasses flashed with a cold light, and he already had a judgment in his heart.

He even changed himself into a new pair of glasses - this was because he had expected this to happen, and the see-through glasses he invented in advance could completely see through the target's clothes.

"Cough cough cough!!"

Before Citron could take a look, he suddenly began to cough violently.

Yulijia beside her couldn't help but cast a puzzled look. Why was her brother's face suddenly flushed?

Following Citron's gaze, he was looking at the opposite side of the Flame Chicken Mask.

"Huh? Is there any problem with the female city lord who is fighting against you?"

Yulijia was suspicious, and suddenly thought of something, and she suddenly became elated:

"Is it possible that this iron tree has finally blossomed and my brother has a girl he likes?!"

After this game is over, go find sister Chaomi to propose to you!

The small episode off the field did not affect the battle on the field, and it has entered a fierce stage.

The mosquito-repellent Frog King of the female city leader Chao Mi has been defeated. Her second Pokémon is Slowpoke, and it started a mega evolution when it debuted.

The shape of the mega slug beast is very strange. The pink hippopotamus body seems to have been eaten by a huge spiral spiked shell, only a dull head, stubby hands and tail are exposed.

Speaking of which, it looks more like a spiral shell-shaped water arrow turtle?

The body stands on the ground, with only one tail to support it, giving people the feeling that it will fall at any time.

The Mega Slug Beast has extremely strong physical defense, coupled with its attribute advantages, the Mega Flame Chicken not only cannot deal any damage with its flame kick, but even the specially prepared lightning punch is difficult to effectively output.

"Slowshell, use water cannon!!"

The mega slug beast opened its mouth and spat out a powerful jet of water.

"In this case, Flame Chicken, use rapid return!"

Seeing this, Limone didn't want to fight. After all, this was a 2v2 battle, so he just changed players!

The Mega Flame Chicken turned into a gray-green energy ball, avoiding the water cannon and hitting the skull of Slowpoke.

Outstanding effect!

Not only that, but it also turned into a red light and returned to Limone's Poké Ball.


His next Pokémon is Electabuzz.

It is an electric-type Pokémon that is good at special attacks.

This made the face of the female city lord Chao Mi suddenly change.

In the ensuing battle, the winner was quickly determined amidst the large-scale current released by the electric dragon. The Flame Chicken Mask successfully advanced to the top 8 of the Tournament of Power!

Seeing the electric dragon on stage, Citron was 100% sure that the superhero in front of him was his father. Even Yulijia murmured:

"Hey, does it look like dad's electric dragon?"

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