He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2885 Xiaozhi's first battle, easy!

Chapter 2885 Xiaozhi’s first battle, easy~!

When the battle of Flame Chicken Mask ended, Ash's avatar finally appeared on the electronic screen in the arena.

"Finally it's my turn!!"

The light in Xiaozhi's eyes could almost dissipate the blazing sunshine in the desert. He stood up impromptu and prepared to take the stage.

It's just that his opponent is the girl named Sayuko, who looks like a ghost in the bright afternoon, making people break into cold sweats on a hot day.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Even when he followed Xiaozhi on stage, he still covered his mouth and sneered from time to time.

Xiaozhi: ""

He wants to fight a more passionate opponent!

Forget it, it’s enough to fight with some now!

Although Sayuko is not weak in strength, she is an elite trainer who is good at ghost attributes. However, she is not an opponent who can reach the level of the King of the Alliance, making it a bit boring for Ash to fight.

"Fire Arrow Eagle, Flash Charge!!"

Under the dazzling sun, Xiaozhi's Fire Arrow's fire push reached its peak, blowing hot wind all the way.

Coupled with the assistance of the characteristics of the Wind Wings, the speed of the Flash Charge is also extremely fast, making it impossible to dodge.

The huge blue fireball broke through the oncoming waves of evil, and finally hit the abdomen of a dream monster.

Boom boom! !

In the flame explosion in mid-air, the dream demon's figure fell rapidly, unable to fight on the spot.

"Jiejie is such an awesome little brother"

Sayuko took back the defeated dream monster, her hands half-bent like ghosts, her specific expression could not be seen clearly, she just sneered directly in Xiaozhi's direction.

Xiaozhi: "!"


However, the referee Kuailong naturally recognized Xiaozhi and cheered and raised a small red flag in Xiaozhi's direction.

It's just that as a referee now, it's not easy for him to help Xiaozhi.


Soon, Sayuko released a second Pokémon, a gloomy ghost with the same bent hands as her - Cursed Doll.

"Is the ace the Mega Cursed Doll? Come back for now, Fierce Arrow Eagle!"

Xiaozhi saw the mega stone hanging on the ghost mist above the cursed doll's head, so he withdrew the Fierce Arrow Eagle and sent three evil dragons backhand.

Since the opponent is not yet a master of the Alliance King level, Koga Ninja is not in a hurry to take the stage.


Sure enough, in the dazzling light, the opponent's cursed doll completed its mega evolution, and the power of the curse of resentment stored in its body was even greater, and it even overflowed visibly from the zipper gaps in its arms and lower body.

"Pre-emptive strike, three evil dragons, use the wave of evil!!"

Xiaozhi was the first to shout, his three evil dragons had the advantage in terms of attributes.

But before the three evil dragon moves could be activated, Sayuko said sadly:

"Shadow sneak attack!"

The mega cursed doll instantly sneaked into its own shadow, and instantly appeared behind the three evil dragons. An energy claw composed of the power of bright red resentment quickly struck at it.

Crack! !

The right head of the three evil dragons received a claw, and their bodies shifted half a meter in mid-air. Then the other two heads opened their bloody mouths without showing any signs of weakness, and blasted out two waves of evil!

"Surprise attack!"

Mega Cursed Doll once again sneaked into its own shadow in mid-air to avoid the move.

After entering the different space, it kept approaching the three evil dragons, waiting for an opportunity to deliver a more powerful blow!

"Evil roar!"

The three heads of the three evil dragons are working in separate camps, trying to smell the surrounding smells in an attempt to capture the hiding position of their opponents.

Up to the upper part of the back, an alien space crack opened inexplicably, and the figure of the Mega Cursed Doll emerged from it, and dangerous energy emerged from the red claws and struck down hard.

However, Xiaozhi grinned and suddenly said:

"It's no use, grab it!"

If the three evil dragons had divine help, they knew in advance the location where the hidden spirit of the cursed doll would emerge from. The two heads on the left and right stuck out like arms and clamped down on the latter's figure.

"Now, the Wave of Evil!!"

The only middle head that could still move opened the dragon's mouth, and surging energy had already condensed and formed around the mouth.

And, it was suddenly released at zero distance!

The body was caught, and the Mega Cursed Doll couldn't hide in the shadows at all. It could only watch the moves approaching.

Boom boom boom! !

In mid-air, another burst of dark purple energy exploded, and the evil wave exploded at the face of the Mega Cursed Doll without any hindrance.

Outstanding effect!

"How can it be?"

Sayuko's eyes hidden under her thick bangs suddenly changed. How could the three evil dragons predict the location of the cursed doll in advance? !


Xiaozhi, who was standing at one end of the arena, just touched his nose proudly, hiding his merit and fame.

Although most of the previous battles in Carlos were undertaken by Koga Ninja alone.

But the bond between him and other Pokémon is now enough to use the power of the bond to share each other's sensory perception and fight together.

Combined with the power of waveguides that he is good at, he easily captured the location of the cursed doll hiding in the extra-dimensional space.

"The power of the waveguide is easy to detect in the different space of the stealth attack. If it were the different space of Giratina or Little Lugia's shadow attack, then I wouldn't be able to sense it at all."

With the dual use of the power of waveguide and the power of bond, the cunning tactics that this mega cursed doll is best at were directly eliminated.

"The battle is over, Wave of Evil!!"

In the end, the three evil dragons raised their three heads at the same time, creating waves of love and evil. A total of three black halos blasted out at the same time, detonating on the Mega Cursed Doll, and this finally ended the battle.

An easy game!


Even the referee Kuai Long roared happily, not forgetting to secretly give a thumbs up to Xiaozhi.

He is worthy of being the human trainer he likes!

This sentence also appeared in Sayuko's mind, who had just taken back the cursed doll.

She covered her mouth and looked in Xiaozhi's direction with a cold smile:

"Jie Jie~ You are indeed the trainer I like!"

With the bonus of Carlos’ limited skin, Ash looks particularly handsome~

Xiaozhi: "?!"

However, he only felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by this "cursed doll" and quickly ran off the stage after winning the battle.

"The battle among the top 16 isn't enough. Give me another big one from the top eight!"

When he sat back down, Xiaozhi was still repeating it in his mind.

However, his outstanding performance made many people in the waiting area look serious.

Kaluni, Ai Lan, Yi Ping, Flame Chicken Mask, and several other alliance kings saw many of Ash's battles live for the first time, and wanted to analyze Ash's actual strength.

It's just a battle with a huge gap in strength, and Xiaozhi's specific strength cannot be seen yet.

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