He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2886 Ai Lan, have you become more confident? !

In the third battle of the top 16 stage of the Power Conference, it was Ai Lan's turn to take the stage.

Seeing this cold and taciturn man walking past him, Xiaozhi calmed down a little.

"Are you next to me in order?"

If the order of the top 16 has been determined now, then his opponent in the top 8 should be Uncle Limone.

If you can advance all the way, your opponent in the semi-finals will be Ai Lan?

"Damn it, do you have to wait until the semi-finals?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't wait any longer and wanted to have a passionate battle with Ai Lan's Charizard now.

As for Ai Lan's opponent, she was one of the female city lords in Qinan City.

It seems to be the second sister among the four sisters, named Zhouzhu. She is dressed in a reddish-brown hairstyle and clothes, with her head held high and an expression of prosperity.

"Ai Lan, the champion of the last tournament, come here. I will let you know the gap between you and a real master!"

Zhouzhu put his hands on his hips and took the lead.

But Ai Lan just kept his eyes cold and didn't answer. It wasn't until the referee Kuailong raised his arms that the two of them released their Pokémon at the same time.

The attributes that Zhuzhu is good at are as hot as her personality, and she is sent with a lava snail.


The hot desert sunshine environment made this lava snail sing happily.

No matter how hot the desert is, can it be as hot as volcanic magma?

It can take a bath directly in lava!


Ai Lan directly sent out his ace fire-breathing dragon. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he spread his wings and let out an exciting dragon roar towards the audience.

This was a duel between flames, which made the already hot temperature of the venue rise a lot again.

"How cool, Charizard"

In the stands, Doropa raised his head and couldn't help but praise.

Its fire-breathing dragon is an i-dragon, and it doesn't dare roar loudly in a place with so many people.

"Ai Lan"

On the other side, champion Kaluni stared at Ai Lan.

After Team Flare's explanation, she already knew about Ai Lan's relationship with Team Flare. No wonder she always felt that Ai Lan and Fradali were so close before.

However, since Ai Lan is only an outsourced member of the Flare Team, and has completely cut off contact with the Flare Team a long time ago, he is a temporary worker.

In this incident with Team Flare, Ai Lan was also on the friendly side.

the most important is

The night after the incident ended, Ai Lan took the initiative to come to the Pokémon League and confess, telling everything he had done to help Team Flare.

Be sincere and ask for forgiveness.

In the end, the Carlos Alliance did not impose any substantial punishment on Ai Lan and retained his right to continue participating in the Conference of Power.

"Charizard, spit fire!"

"Lava snail, bear it all!!"

On the field, the battle had already begun. Charizard spit out a beam of flame from mid-air, but Zhouzhu chose not to dodge, intending to let the lava snail bear it all.

Boom boom boom!

Although the blazing flames did little harm to the lava snail, the strength contained in the jetted flames pushed the lava snail continuously back towards the river in the center of the arena.

"Damn it, are you going to push it into the river? Lava snail, rock avalanche!!"

Zhuzhu shouted sweetly, and the lava snail rose up to counterattack, condensing countless rocks on top of the fire-breathing dragon's head, and falling down in unison!

"Steel Wings!!"

However, Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon immediately turned its broad wings into steel and fanned forward continuously from left to right, smashing all the rockfall into rubble in an instant.

Whoosh! !

Even the steel wing's force direction moved downward, turning these rock avalanches into its own "rock blade" and counterattacking in the direction of the lava snail.

"Then there's the Dragon Claw!!"

Behind the gravel, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon followed closely. Dangerous dragon claws formed on both sides, and it dived and slashed down!

boom! !

The two attacks came forward and backward. The lava snail was unable to parry one by one. It barely broke through the gravel in front, but was thrown away by the dragon claw behind it. It fell heavily into the river and lost its ability to fight on the spot!

"Damn it, give me all your strength to defeat it, Heiluga!"

Zizhu gritted her teeth and sent out her second Pokémon, and immediately pressed her key stone, and Heiluga's body suddenly glowed brightly.

"Is it the same Mega Black as Pachira?"

Ai Lan's expression was calm. He had even defeated Pachira's Black Lugga, and he was not afraid of the Black Lugga in front of him.

"Heiluga, release the strongest flame!!"

The characteristic of Mega Black Luga is the power of the sun, which can inspire the most powerful power in such a sunny day, and the power of the flames is extremely terrifying.


The flames released from the mouth are deep red, enough to burn through and break huge rocks!

"Fire, it's useless against my Charizard. Transform into a real dragon and mega evolve!!"

However, on the other side, Ai Lan shouted in a very confident manner, and the fire-breathing dragon's figure was instantly enveloped in dazzling light, and the next moment it transformed into a cool black and blue flying dragon.

Chi chi boom!

The surging power of the sun and the flames continued to burn the skin of Mega Charizard X, but the latter looked firm and unmoving in the firelight.

Until the sharp claws on both sides swung violently, smashing all the flames around him!

A fire-breathing dragon with dragon attributes, its resistance to flames has been increased to the extreme.

"Dragon Claw!!"

Even with a tremble of its wings, Mega Charizard X flew out, with cyan iridescent light attached to its sharp claws on both sides, slashing at the target with overwhelming force.

This sharp aura made both Zhuzhu and her mega Heiruga change their expressions and subconsciously take half a step back.

As for this battle, there wasn’t much suspense in the end.

Whoops! !

Mega Charizard

In the middle, there are cyan afterimage trails left by the dragon's claws.

On the other side of the field, Mega Kuruga was so majestic a second ago.

The next second his eyes suddenly turned white, he exited the mega evolution state, and fell to the ground like a dead dog, unable to fight.


Kuailong immediately flew over and raised a small victory flag in Ai Lan's direction.

Player Ai Lan advanced to the quarterfinals!

"As expected of player Ai Lan, he still competes so vigorously!"

"It's so strong, even stronger than last year!"

"In this conference, the final should be between champion Karuni and player Ai Lan, right? The two of them will compete in the Imperial City!"

The fierce and powerful battle made many people in the venue become fans of Ai Lan again.

Among the crowd, only Manon could notice the changes in Ai Lan, and his expression softened.

"He seems to have become more confident?!"

Manon muttered in a low voice. Although Ai Lan was very strong in the past, it seemed that he was always burdened with something and could not fully display his strength.

But Ai Lan is different now. After winning, he will even show a handsome smile.

It seems that the burden in my heart has been completely relieved and I can fight with all my strength!

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