He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 285: The Harder You Work, The Luckier You Are

In mid-air, Gongxian Xiaozhi tightly clamped the bowed fossil pterosaur, and then his body suddenly turned to one side to exert force, and the latter lost his balance suddenly and fell from mid-air.


The huge figure landed in the grassland, stirring up a cloud of dust and smoke, and the three of Xiao Gang hurriedly gathered together to watch.

When the smoke and dust cleared away, the person and dragon on the ground appeared in black and white yin and yang discs, showing a state of anxiety.

Xiaozhi's palm still tightly hugged the tail of the fossil pterosaur and pulled it forward. The legs on the other end clamped the neck of the fossil pterosaur tightly in a shackle shape. Neck bent.

"Aw, aw!"

Another attack from the back, the fossilized pterosaur couldn't exert its strength at all, and the rock wings could only flap wildly in mid-air, and the grey-brown resolute face was gradually getting closer to the liver color...

The operation of scissors legs clamping the rock faucet stunned the three of Xiaogang again, and Archer even regarded himself as a stupid beast, and subconsciously cheered for him.

"Fossil pterosaurs come on."

During the stalemate, Xiaozhi's face was also flushed, but he still clamped tightly on the latter's neck. His muscles began to tremble because of too much force, but he just held on and refused to let go. This is a contest of will and will!

"Are you convinced yet!?"

Xiaozhi even tried to pierce the Dao heart of the fossil pterosaur with words halfway.

"Aw! Aw!"

Finally, after several minutes of stalemate, the fossil pterosaur finally gave up, loosened its strength, and relaxed its body muscles.

Feeling the disappearance of the resistance in his hands, Xiao Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief, even if he was as strong as him, he was about to be unable to hold on.

Fortunately, I persisted for half a minute longer, sure enough.

The harder, the more fortunate.


After a while, one person and one dragon separated, and after tidying up the dusty clothes on their bodies, they slowly got up and looked at each other from a distance.

One side is still the young trainer commanding Pokémon battles, and the other side is still the ancient sky overlord, as if the vulgar thing just happened never happened.


The fossil pterosaur growled at Xiaozhi, indicating that it temporarily recognized Xiaozhi's power.

In its mind, the rules of things are very simple, if it is stronger than it, it will be recognized by it.

Although the fossil pterosaur didn't exert all its strength, let alone release any moves and skills, it was simply displaying physical strength, but in this point, he lost to Xiaozhi.

Hell, the battle he thought of at the beginning was clearly the pinnacle battle between Pokémon and Pokémon!

What the hell is this human being!

Even though a few minutes have passed at this moment, the fossil pterosaur's mind is still a mess.


Seeing Xiaozhi was overjoyed, he stretched out his hand to touch its head. The fossil pterosaur immediately opened its big rock mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth, and snapped it down. The strong bite force caused it to collide violently in its own mouth. spark.

"Duck with scallions...almost lost my hands..."

Xiaozhi reacted quickly and retracted his arm first, otherwise he could have changed his name to Yang Zhi now.

The gnawing of a fossil pterosaur is much stronger than the gnawing of a Cammy turtle wearing sunglasses...

"Aw! Aw!"

The fossilized pterosaur folded its wings and stood on the ground, pointed at Xiaozhi, and roared again and again, as if expressing something.

Although Xiaozhi subdued himself, and now physically defeated him for the second time, the body of the fossilized pterosaur still has not recovered to its peak state, and it is only the 8th level of strength in ancient times.

The required recovery time is not short, at least one or two months will not reach the peak.

What's more, he can't use his skills yet, and he's not fighting with all his strength. The current Xiaozhi just got its approval, but if he wants to directly control it to fight, it won't accept it.

To put it simply, talk more, give gifts more, and maximize intimacy.

in the future.

Then the fossil pterosaurs will naturally join the team.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was not disappointed, but nodded with hope for the future.

It can be said that this half-step mega-evolved fossil pterosaur is impossible for any one in his team to be its opponent at this stage. Even if it is a group fight, at least three generals must be sent to compete. Satisfied.


Suddenly, a roar came from the side of the prairie, and everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to see a small blue-gray dinosaur with a protruding head and a grumpy expression, staring at the fossil pterosaur with big blood-colored eyes .

"Skull Dragon, why are you back?" Xiaozhi asked suspiciously.

It had already run to the depths of the forest before, and when it found a giant tree, it began to use the hammer sparks on its forehead, but the rich and strong wild breath of the fossil pterosaur quickly attracted its attention, so it turned back to find out what happened .

I saw the craniosaurus running in front of the fossil pterosaur. Although it was more than 2 meters shorter, it still raised its head and let out a low growl, revealing a few fangs, as if provocative.


It was the first time for the fossil pterosaur to see this kind of Pokémon, and there was a bit of curiosity in its eyes.

Although it is now a global village in the 21st century, there is a sea between the Sinnoh region and the Kanto region in ancient times, and it is difficult for Pokémon from different regions to meet.

It's just that the savage aura exuding from this little beast attracted its attention.

Although the blood concentration of the latter is only average, there seems to be something extra in the blood, and after taking a sharp breath, it makes it faintly violent, wanting to beat this little beast up.

It is the prehistoric violent bloodline, with its own provocative effect.

"Oh, let me introduce you. This is your future teammate and your kind, the fossil pterosaur."

Xiaozhi rubbed Tougailong's smooth head, and said with a smile:

"Quick, come and meet big brother."


The Cephalosaurus nodded, lowered its head, exerted strength with its hind legs, and slammed into the door of the fossil pterosaur.

It turned out to be Big Brother?

Damn it, let's go! !

It's just that the strength gap between the two is too great. The rock collided with the rock, and there was a loud "clang" sound. The fossil pterosaur didn't respond, but the cephalosaurus flew upside down and sat on the ground with its buttocks upside down. Standard touching posture.

"Haha, my cephalosaurus is greeting you cordially. As a big brother, hurry up and teach it some unique skills of fossil Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi quickly took the opportunity to say.

planB: Since the fossil pterosaur cannot be tamed for the time being, then copy all its unique skills!


The fossil pterosaur just buttoned its ears, with a lazy expression, expressing that he didn't like to bring this kind of bear child very much.


"Yo, are you playing house? Hee hee."

Suddenly, another voice came from the side, this time it was a light and mocking laugh. Everyone looked around, but saw a boy with brown hair and prickly hair leaning against the railing, posing like a model on a catwalk With this movement, he showed a handsome side face to everyone.

"Xiao Mao?!"

Xiaozhi immediately recognized that the person in front of him was his good friend forever, Xiaomao.

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