He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 286 Write a report letter to the alliance

"Oh~ isn't this Xiaozhi, I almost couldn't recognize it~"

The corner of Xiaomao's mouth curled up, revealing a handsome smiling face, and he slowly approached the crowd, laughing again and again.

"Oh, no one really intends to subdue the fossilized pterosaurs, right? That really made me laugh~"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he disgusted Xiaozhi.

Now he is more than just wanting to disgust Xiaozhi, he can't wait to write a report letter directly to the Pokémon League, reporting that in Zhenxin Town, someone is illegally creating genetically modified monsters, which violates human ethics!

And this monster is Xiaozhi!

"It's outrageous to be able to tear the body of a fossilized pterosaur into a big bow!!"

He secretly observed the scene just now, can a normal person do this?

I'm such a hot water arrow turtle! !

He also took a few photos as evidence, hoping that the alliance will take it seriously and take Xiaozhi away and slice it for research.

Xiaozhi did not show any weakness. The two of them tamed the fossilized pterosaur that day. Naturally, Xiaomao also had the opportunity to abduct it. At this moment, he must stick to his heart and not be disturbed by others. Dao heart broken.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi smiled and said:

"Oh, the fossil pterosaur and I are already good brothers, but your relationship should be better? Hey, it seems that you have more hope, and I lost."

Self-blame of superiority is often better than showing off superiority, which can break the morality of others.

Xiaomao: "..."

Sure enough, one sentence choked him.

In fact, he returned to Zhenxin Town three days earlier than Xiaozhi, and he was close to the water, so he often came to feed the fossil pterosaurs and chat about family affairs.

It's just that without the intimacy bonus of the luxury ball, this fossilized pterosaur is like a rock, and Xiaomao wants to use force if he can't get in.

But unless you use Big Brother Green's Pokémon, you have a chance of winning. With his Pokémon alone, you can't single-handedly beat this abnormal-level fossil pterosaur.

As proud as he is, naturally he will not use his hands or fight in groups.

Trainer melee?

He imagined replacing the bowstring of the bow that was bent at the full moon in mid-air with his own, and immediately shook his head, his face darkened again.

"Damn it, it seems that I have to write this report letter!"

Xiaomao was very angry.


Seeing this group of humans in an inexplicable deadlock, the fossilized pterosaur spewed out a cloud of white air from its nostrils, and then grabbed the skull of the nearby cephalosaurus with its paws. Ignoring the latter's expression, the rocky wings fluttered and flew straight up. At a height of 100 meters, it flew towards the depths of the back mountain.

The speed was extremely fast, and in less than half a second, only a black dot could be seen in the sky.

"Woo woo woo~~"

In the distance, the immature voice of the skull dragon roaring out of fear can still be heard.

It's a ground dragon, it can't fly! !



Seeing the protagonist leave, Xiaomao raised his eyebrows again. Seeing this posture, the fossil pterosaur is useless, but he can't lose in momentum, so he threw a black elf ball with his backhand, which turned out to be a luxurious ball .

A red light flashed, and a dark blue Pokémon appeared, with countless spiked tentacles at the bottom of its body, and a pale yellow shell covered with spikes on its back, and its mouthparts were full of sharp teeth. The savage air once again appeared in the surrounding air.

Although this prehistoric savage spirit is much weaker than the previous fossil pterosaur, it is also much stronger than other fossil Pokémon, and its strength is extraordinary at first glance.

"Hey, I carefully selected this spiny ammonite beast from among them. It has a very high concentration of prehistoric blood!"

Xiao Mao patted the prickly ammonite shell like a watermelon, and said arrogantly.

As smart as he is, he naturally knows that eggs cannot be put in one basket. While building a relationship with the fossil pterosaur, he also made second-hand preparations, and even successfully abducted a fossil Pokémon within three days, making it so It joins the team voluntarily.

You know, in fact, every fossil Pokémon here has extraordinary aptitude, but it is not as exaggerated as the fossil pterosaur.

"Oh, is that stronger than a fossilized pterosaur?"

Xiaomao raised his brows and emphasized: "But I have successfully subdued it!"

"Oh, is that stronger than a fossilized pterosaur?"

Xiao Mao was furious immediately, and shouted: "Besides, you may not be able to subdue the fossil pterosaur!"

"So, is it stronger than a fossil pterosaur?"

Xiaomao slapped his thigh and roared loudly: "Can you fucking not mention the fossil pterosaur!"

"Ah, is someone in a hurry?"

"Xiao Zhi, you bastard!"

Xiaomao was completely angry, and almost stepped forward to pick up Xiaozhi's collar and throw him over his shoulders with a friendly fellow, but thinking of the big bow of the dragon man that day before, he had to withdraw his palm fiercely.

Gentlemen, keep your hands down.

Seeing that the opponent was in a hurry, but Dao Xin was still able to stick to it, Xiao Zhi secretly admired Xiao Mao's heart at the moment, but the surface was still calm, and said again:

"Oh, let me put it another way. Well, I subdued the Frozen Bird last month. Don't believe me? There is a video on the Internet, you can go to the P station and search for Congo Hei Uncle to see it."

Xiaomao: "?!"

Xiaomao's Dao heart was instantly broken, and his anger reached its peak.

Damn it, how can a novice three-legged cat trainer like Xiaozhi be able to subdue the Frozen Bird? ?


Then I'm going to take that Lightning Bird away!

This time, Xiao Mao calmed down quickly. He remembered the news he had seen before, saying that a wild lightning bird was found near an unmanned power plant recently, just because he had been luring fossil pterosaurs for the past few days. Time has passed, and now the fossilized pterosaur is hopeless, it seems that it needs to find a time to subdue that divine bird.

The whole body is full of spikes, which is just right for me!

Thinking of this, Xiaomao immediately decided to call out the green tool eagle to perform his flying skills and fly to Hualan City in the north.

After landing, write and send the report letter to the Pokémon League, and then go to the unmanned power plant to capture the lightning bird!

As soon as he poked out the Bi Diao Pokeball, Xiaomao suddenly thought of something, and took back the Pokeball again. A cold smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, and he turned his head and pointed at Xiaozhi.

"By the way, if you have Frozen Bird on you, it should have been released by now? Let me blindly guess... Is it possible that Frozen Bird is not with you?"

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to turn dark.

Xiaomao rubbed his chin and continued:

"Hmm...a powerful Pokémon that was tamed but not around, I'll just guess casually, brother, don't take it seriously, it could be...the trainer is not strong enough, and the frozen bird ran away Bar?"

After the words fell, Xiao Zhi's face changed drastically.

"No, no, I'm just talking nonsense. It shouldn't make any sense."

Xiao Mao quickly refuted himself, then covered his mouth with a smile, his eyes were funny, and continued to output:

"Could it be that someone is comforting myself now, "I didn't run away, I just left temporarily", right? Cold knowledge, when you comfort yourself, you have already admitted it~ hee hee~"

Xiaozhi: "!!!"

This time it was Xiaozhi's turn to have his Dao heart broken!

Frozen Bird released him as a trainer, which has always been an extremely soft memory in his heart, but at this moment Xiaomao tore it apart and sprinkled a handful of salt on it, his mentality completely exploded.

Seeing this, Xiaomao sneered secretly. With Xiaozhi's psychological level as a three-legged cat, he also wanted to play tricks in front of him, a great onmyoji?


"Xiao Mao, you bastard!"

Xiaozhi was completely angry, and almost stepped forward to pick up Xiaomao's collar and give him a shoulder throw from a friendly fellow, but when he thought of Xiaomao's frequent panting and akimbo movements.


This time there are no buts.

Xiaozhi has already entangled the other party's collar with his hands.

Xiaomao: "?"

Cold knowledge, don't play psychology with someone you can't beat, because if you lose, you won't dare to do it.

But if you win, the opponent can do it...


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