He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2891 Eternal Diamond, Mewtwo’s mega evolution! !

But just eating one of his own Sun Flames was obviously not enough to make this Bulbasaur unable to fight.


After the smoke dissipated, Bulbasaur let out a low cry, and this time he pulled out several vine whips from behind and strangled them all.

Chaomeng saw through the weakness of the golden ring at a glance - although the ability to return moves is indeed very powerful, but if it is a vine whip, how do you return it?

Even the number of vine whips that Bulbasaur can control can reach double digits, strangling them from different positions at the same time. How many golden rings can you offset?

It can be seen that the maximum expansion width of this little Hupa golden ring is only about 4 meters.

If Groudon is summoned, as soon as the golden ring passes over the head, Groudon's big belly will probably be stuck and unable to come over.

call out!

Little Hupa quickly took to the air to dodge, his movements were more agile than a month ago, and he was not caught by the vine whip.

"Hupa, use that move!!"

Hearing Balza's shout, little Hoopa suddenly showed a proud expression and laughed slyly.

"Leave it to me~!"

I saw little Hupa branching out with two arms, each grabbing the golden rings on the left and right horns of his head, and throwing them into the air.

The two golden rings grew larger at the same time, and at the same time, corresponding golden rings appeared out of thin air in the air on the left and right sides of Bulbasaur.

Then Little Hupa clenched his two little hands into fists and moved them in front of the golden ring.

The fist on one side was covered with biting cold snow and frost, while the fist on the other side was ignited with blazing flames.

The next moment, two fists rushed into the golden ring at the same time, and appeared on both sides of Bulbasaur's body at the same moment.


Tsk bang! !

There was a freezing fist on the left and a fire fist on the right, both of which hit the side of Bulbasaur's body hard at the same time!

**Liangtian's offensive immediately caused Miao Frog Flower to let out a whine.

The double effect is outstanding!

Whether it's fire or ice, it can deal an effective blow to Bulbasaur!

The extra-dimensional hole can be used to return moves, which is a move that little Hoopa can already use.

But this move, punching hard through the golden ring, is a newly practiced move.

Another dimension attack! !

"Not bad, you actually learned my moves."

The demon god Hupa in the distance nodded. Compared to the defensive extra-dimensional cave, his extra-dimensional attack was obviously more destructive and offensive.

Different-dimensional onslaught combined with boxing of three attributes. This is the result of little Hupa's training in the past month!

No matter what opponent it is, it can cause an effective blow!

"You have some skills, little Hoopa!"

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise him.

When he first met little Hupa, the latter barely knew how to fight and had never fought against him.

At most, they can only summon thugs from a distance to help, and the upper limit of summoning is only a second-level god.

Today's little Hupa, even if he doesn't rely on calling in foreign aid, has good combat effectiveness.


This compliment came from Chaomeng.

Under the cloak, he couldn't help but be a little serious. After all, his opponent was a fantasy beast. If he didn't show any seriousness, he might really capsize.

"Then evolve, Bulbasaur!"

Chaomeng suddenly raised a palm and pointed it at Bulbasaur, but there was no trace of the keystone bracelet on its pale and slender arm.

However, there is a "mega stone" hidden among the lush banana petals behind this Bulbasaur flower.

The appearance is different from the normal Bulbasaur mega stone. It is not in the shape of a small round bead, but in the shape of a pink diamond with sharp edges.

Of course, there is still a spiral arc in the middle that is unique to the Bulbasaur mega stone, and the two colors of green and rainbow are intertwined.

If Diancie were here, she would immediately recognize the mega diamond on Bulbasaur's back as her masterpiece!


In the dazzling light, the Bulbasaur flower transformed, and the plants behind it became more dense. The roots of the banana petals in the middle bulged even higher, and even a branched red flower grew on its forehead.

"It's really successful, it's Mega Bulbasaur!?"

Balza, who was closest to him, opened his mouth wide and was already speechless.

One Pokémon is bonded to another Pokémon and completes its mega evolution? !

Only one mega stone is needed, and the other party doesn’t even need a key stone!

After completing the mega evolution, Mewtwo just smiled proudly under the cloak.

When he forcibly kidnapped Dianxi into the cave, forcing the latter to help him produce a lot of eternal diamonds, Chaomeng discovered at that time that the energy of these diamonds was somewhat consistent with the mega stone, and it seemed to be completely universal?

Even in the distant era, maybe there was a Diancie who could produce the "Eternal Pearl" and created the mega stone that many trainers are using today?

As for the human keystone and the bond with Pokémon

"Hmph, why do I, Mewtwo, need those useless things!"

Chaomeng directly used his god-level mental power to bridge as a substitute.

In the end, all you need to do is draw out the energy of that mega stone, which is enough to make the Pokémon mega evolve.

The other two conditions are not necessary.

As for Bulbasaur, who entered mega evolution, her characteristics changed into thick fat.

Tsk bang! !

Boom! !

This time, Little Hoopa used the extra-dimensional attack, Fire Punch and Ice Punch. Although they also hit the target, most of the damage was cut by Bulbasaur's thick fat characteristics.

It even hurt Xiao Hupa's hand from the beating.

"Crazy plants!"

Chaomeng even directly ordered the final move!

Mega Bulbasaur understood, raised its forelimbs high, and then trampled them down heavily.


The ground began to shake violently, and then countless huge and thick thorn vines suddenly stretched out from the ground, with spikes on the surface, and they all strangled the little Hoopa in the air.


This scene undoubtedly brought a psychological shadow to the vast majority of the audience from Carlos around, who all gasped.

As for the huge plants that came from all directions, Little Hupa was completely panicked. It only had three golden rings in total and was completely unable to withstand it.


In the end, the hurried little Hoopa had no time to dodge, and was severely hit in the back by one of the plant tendons. In an instant, other plants swarmed in, strangled, and soon wrapped and entangled Little Hoopa's figure.

Finally, the crazy plants reversed their growth direction, and their front ends all hit the ground!

boom! !

Amidst the huge explosion, the thorns and plants slowly dispersed, leaving only little Hoopa lying on the ground with his eyes spinning.


Kuailong quickly flew over and worked seriously in front of the boss for the first time, raising a small flag that the winner was decided.

Chaomeng successfully advanced to the top 8!

Seeing this, Mewtwo took back the Bulbasaur with his backhand and left the scene without looking back. His back was very cold.

But under the cloak, a smile gradually appeared on his face

Pokémon battles are really fun!

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