He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2892 Xiaozhi and Serena’s date!

The top 16 matches are all over, and time has come to dusk.

"We can barely complete the scheduled schedule."

In the studio, Prince Saliman slumped down in his seat, panting and sighing.

Fortunately, in the top 16 stage, there was basically a big gap between the players on both sides, so there was no scene where the fierce battle lasted for half an hour or even an hour.

Next, is the important quarterfinals!

Being able to hold his favorite battle match in his own city made Saliman still excited even though he was tired.

After the game ended, the tens of thousands of spectators at the venue instantly dispersed in Desert City like fish into the sea.

It was completely dark around six o'clock in this desert city, and the desert city shrouded in night also had a unique charm.

After dinner, Xiaozhi and Serena were walking side by side on the street, taking a leisurely stroll.

The Desert City suddenly became much cooler at night, making it more suitable for tourists to visit and sightsee. Both sides of the street were filled with crowded and playful tourists, making it very lively.

Many tourists even went to the edge of the city and tried to walk and play in the surrounding desert. This was definitely a novel experience for the Carlos people.

"It's really lively~ Desert City is completely different from when we first arrived~"

Xiaozhi walked leisurely, holding his head in his hands and leaning back, while sighing with a smile.

However, the girl next to him did not look so calm.

Serena was walking side by side at the moment, blushing and shy, not knowing how to place her hands, and even her usual walking posture was a little out of shape.

The two of them were alone in a foreign city

Is it a date? !

There was no other way. Citron and Yulijia in their team went to play with their father, and Korni was also hanging out with her grandfather.

And the Saliman brother and sister are both competing with the Carlos Alliance and preparing for the next quarterfinals. They are so busy that they are vomiting blood and have no time to wander around here.

"Uh, by the way, Xiaozhi, don't you need to prepare for the next game?!"

Serena was thinking wildly in her mind for a long time, and finally thought of a topic, and asked quickly.

"The next opponent is Limo Keke. It's Flame Chicken Mask. It's not a big problem."

Xiaozhi waved his hand. He didn't plan to do any special training next. Every Pokémon was basically in peak condition and ready to appear at any time.

The order of the previous top 16 matches was actually fixed, and he had already received the complete match list from Prince Saliman.

Uncle Limone's Mega Flame Chicken is indeed powerful, but it's not enough for him to fight with all his strength.

The topic was ended by Xiaozhi very simply, and Serena suddenly fell into an embarrassing situation again.

"Damn it, we usually wouldn't be this nervous when we travel together!"

Serena cursed herself secretly, and moved closer to Ash without leaving any trace.

Maybe tonight is a good opportunity?

But before her palm was completely close to the target, a long and oblique shadow suddenly covered the two of them, and directly exceeded the length of their shadows.

"What a long shadow?"

Xiaozhi didn't notice the little movement of the girl next to him, and turned around subconsciously. Was there any giant behind him?


Serena could only lower her head helplessly and let out a long sigh.

Sure enough, it is like this again!

But when Xiaozhi saw the figure following him clearly, he was a three-meter-tall giant with long pale hair and shabby clothes like a homeless man.

"Hey, isn't this Uncle AZ? Why are you in Desert City?!"

Xiaozhi recognized it and blurted out, "No wonder the shadow is so long."

Serena looked at the giant behind her in surprise. Although she had met once at the Miare Power Plant, why did she feel that Xiaozhi and the giant were quite familiar with each other?

"Oh Xiaozhi, I came here specifically to thank you!"

AZ stopped and forced a smile under his long pale hair, but his voice sounded rather hoarse and ancient.

The three-meter-tall giant appeared on the street, which attracted passers-by to look sideways.

"Guigui, are all the people in Desert City so tall?"

"Turtle, are all the Kalos outside so tall?"

Tourists and locals alike take it for granted that this giant comes from the other's region.

After some conversation, Xiaozhi finally understood why Uncle AZ suddenly said he wanted to thank him.

That day, he was at the top of the Prism Tower and told AZ that they could look for the demon god Hoopa and use the power of Hoopa's golden ring to find the Pokémon that was lost with him.

So he came to Desert City. It was said that the palace of the Demon Lord was on the top floor of the tallest building in the city.

AZ went upstairs to pay homage, and after seeing the demon god Hupa, he explained his origin and expressed his willingness to ask the latter to help him find his target at all costs.

"Then go and look for it~ I have scattered seven fragments of the divine pot on this land. When you gather them together and rub the surface of the divine pot, then I will help you realize what you want!"

So said the demon Hupa.

AZ was overjoyed, immediately bowed his head and thanked him, and was about to get up to find the fragments of the divine pot.

Before leaving, he came to Xiaozhi to say goodbye and express his gratitude.


Xiaozhi and Serena looked at each other, their expressions full of helplessness.

In all likelihood, Uncle AZ thought that Hupa could only exert his divine power by collecting the fragments of the divine pot.

In fact, Demon God Hoopa is just idle and bored. He can release golden rings anytime and anywhere to look for Pokémon!

But this is already a huge happy event for AZ.

After all, he was aimless and wandering around before, but now at least he has an accurate goal.

Seeing AZ really wanted to see his Pokémon, and they had been separated for thousands of years. This deep feeling of longing made Xiaozhi couldn't help but want to help.

If I really go to collect the fragments of the divine pot, I don’t know how long it will take to collect them.

And if someone else makes a wish first, then the location where the fragments of the pot will be scattered for the third time will not only be Carlos but the entire planet!

So Xiaozhi couldn't help but interjected:

"Uh, Uncle AZ, why don't you try another demon?"

AZ was stunned, is there a second Demon God Hupa?

Serena understood and reminded with a smile:

"Yes, in the game just this afternoon, the last one was just a Hoopa!"

"Game in the afternoon?"

AZ shook his head blankly. He just wanted to find his Pokémon and was not interested in the competition at all. Naturally, he would not join in the fun and watch.

After sending the Buddha to the west, Xiaozhi immediately slapped his chest and said:

"Then leave it to me. Now I will take you to find Balza and Little Hupa!"

Xiaozhi and Serena looked at each other and planned to get it done tonight!

It just so happened that he also wanted to see the Pokémon that Uncle AZ has been dreaming about for thousands of years. Who is it?

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