He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2898 Two dragons duel, Ai Lan vs Dora Sena! !

"Then Mr. Ai Lan, please give me some advice~"

On the field, Dora Sena smiled lightly and sent out her starting general Sonic Dragon.

"Please give me some advice!"

Ai Lan nodded and responded with some discomfort.

In the past, when he was fighting, he rarely responded to the other party's words, but this time he was forgiven by the Carlos Alliance after all, and Ai Lan indirectly owed King Carlos some favors.

Of course, favors are favors, and he was not going to show mercy when it came to fighting.


Ailan's first Pokémon battle was a Metagross!

Although he once defeated Pachira, the Fire King, he always felt that the opponent was not going all out at that time.

It just so happened that he also wanted to know his current strength and which one was stronger than Carlos's King of Heaven!

"Metrogross, use Comet Punch!!"

The first thing that comes up is Metagross's signature skill. Two steel arms are hammered together in front of the body, and then the whole body rushes out, the front end is covered with a silver-white energy stream!

Rather than saying it is Comet Fist, it should actually be called "Comet Chong"!

"You're so energetic, Sonic Dragon, sonic blast!!"

Dorasena was not polite, her smiling face instantly turned serious, and she also called out Sonic Dragon's signature move.

The latter spread out his bat wings and took off into the air, pressed his head, and two violent sonic boom airflows spurted out of his ears in an instant, hitting the Comet Fist that was charging straight forward.

Boom boom boom! !

As soon as the battle began, there were surging explosions and countless cyclones of smoke and dust on the arena!

There is one bad thing about this venue. It suffers from soil erosion and loose soil. As a result, every time a fight is played, a lot of yellow sand and smoke will be rolled up, blocking most of the field of view.

After a fierce battle, Ai Lan's Metagross finally seized an opportunity to get close and hit the Sonic Dragon hard in the chest with a freezing fist.

With four times the restraint, he beat Sonic Dragon into an unconscious ice sculpture on the spot and successfully won his first victory.

However, the joy of victory did not last long. The ace Tanabata Blue Bird sent by Dora Sena next actually had a powerful fire move.

She flapped her cotton wings and took off into the air, dodging a dangerous comet punch. While Metagross was falling, Dora Sena suddenly shouted:

"Now, big characters burst into flames!!"

The Tanabata Bluebird opened its beak, and the blazing flames condensed into a huge flame cannonball, which dived and shot out of the air and hit the Metagross' back.

Boom! !

In an instant, a powerful explosion of flames exploded in mid-air, and an extremely effective blow caused Metagross to fall quickly and hit the ground heavily.


As the smoke fell, Metagross lost its fighting ability, and Ai Lan also had only the last Pokémon left.

"What goes around comes around, these two!"

The first round of battle made Xiaozhi watch it with relish.

It can be seen that Ai Lan definitely has the strength of a king, but the latter's ace Charizard should be stronger, and maybe he can see a more exciting battle.

"Then come out, Charizard!!"

Ai Lan took a deep breath, concentrated, and then shouted loudly.


The next moment, a handsome fire-breathing dragon spread its wings and flew to the same height as the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird, and let out a dragon roar in demonstration.

Dorasena grinned. She hadn't seen such a talented young man in a long time.

Always smiling, she opened her eyes suddenly, revealing dangerous eyes with gray pupils, which meant that Dora Sena had entered a serious state.

"Show the dual charm of dragon and fairy, let's evolve, Tanabata Blue Bird!!"

She pressed it on her dragon tooth bracelet without hesitation, with a keystone embedded in the center.

On the other side, Ai Lan did not dare to be careless and also activated his keystone bracelet.

In an instant, brilliant colorful lights rose in the air at both ends of the arena. Then mega Tanabata Blue Bird and mega Charizard X broke through the energy cocoon at the same time, showing a brand new posture.

"In terms of attributes, Ai Lan is at an absolute disadvantage."

It was just this scene that made the league champion Karuni who was watching the match frown.

Mega Tanabata Blue Bird is a dragon + fairy attribute combination. It can be completely immune to all dragon attribute moves of mega Charizard X. It also has strong resistance even to flame moves.

On the other hand, Tanabata Blue Bird's dragon-type moves can cause a critical hit to Charizard.

"Qixi Blue Bird, Dragon Wave!!"

Dorasena was not polite and took the lead in launching an onslaught.

The mega Tanabata bluebird opens its beak, and pink-purple energy beams spurt out, faintly showing the shadow of a flying dragon, majestic!

However, Ai Lan seemed stunned and shouted loudly:

"Charizard, Dragon Claw!!"

The black and blue dragon flapped its wings and rushed out. The condensed green claws violently split all the dragon waves, and rushed towards the source.

Even Dora Sena was stunned. The opponent's dragon claws were indeed very powerful. Combined with the "hard claws" feature, they could easily tear apart the dragon wave's offensive.

But it shouldn’t have any effect on her Qixi Blue Bird, right?

Until Mega Charizard X flew three meters in front of the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird, Ai Lan suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Charizard understood it and did not stop sprinting, but the emerald green dragon-attribute energy coat on the surface of the raised claws instantly turned into a silver-black luster and was not a dragon claw.

But metal claws!

Whoops! !

Mega Charizard X's metal claw struck the Tanabata Blue Bird hard in the face, knocking it backwards several meters.

Outstanding effect!

Although the attributes were inferior, I didn't expect that Charizard would take the lead at the beginning!

"Tsk, have you already thought of a strategy to challenge the Fairy Pokémon?"

Dorasena suddenly narrowed her eyes.

The power of the metal claw is obviously inferior to the dragon claw, and it is difficult to split the dragon wave head-on, so use the dragon claw to split the move first, and then switch to the metal claw with outstanding effect when approaching the target.

The tactics are really bold!

"In that case, Tanabata Blue Bird uses Storm!!"

Dorasena shouted immediately.

Ai Lan was full of momentum at the moment and responded without any sign of weakness:

"We block it with hot air!"

The next moment, the Tanabata Blue Bird and Charizard flapped their wings at the same time, blowing out a tornado hurricane on one side, and accompanied by hot sparks in the cyclone on the other side. The two storms collided together in the center of the arena.

However, Hard Claw Charizard's special attack ability was obviously not as good as Mega Tanabata Blue Bird. The hot wind was soon overwhelmed by the storm and blown away, even affecting Charizard's position.

Whistle rustle!

Not only that, there was already a lot of sand on the playing field. The blowing and stirring of the storm formed a hazy sandstorm that obscured the vision, completely engulfing the figure of the fire-breathing dragon.

Dorasena immediately shouted and launched a dangerous attack:

"Now, the power of the moon!!"

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