He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2899 Competition in the first half of the division!

"Steel Wing, block it!"

Facing the incoming moonburst, the fire-breathing dragon in the sandstorm immediately put its wings in front of its body, attaching metal cold light to protect its body.

Ai Lan's Charizard has prepared a lot of steel-type moves.

Since it was just a sandstorm caused by the storm, it did not completely cover the field of vision, allowing the power of the moon to successfully hit the target.


There was a burst of explosions in mid-air, and the power was extremely powerful. Even though it had the title of "Dragon Traitor", it still had to acquire the fairy attributes of the Tanabata Blue Bird, which made its moon explosion really powerful.


But in the smoke and dust, I suddenly heard the sound of a motor rotating at high speed.

However, he saw a large silver-black drill bit violently breaking through the energy mist. It was actually Mega Charizard moves.

"Just like my Pikachu"

In the stands, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look down at Pikachu.

His Pikachu can also rotate at high speed when using Iron Tail to achieve a "heavy collision" effect.

It seems that player Ai Lan has also reached the level of proficiency in the application of moves.

Seeing her opponent coming with a "heavy charge", the power of this move was not weak, Dorasena quickly shouted:

"Qixi Bluebird, Cotton Defense!!"

The mega Tanabata Bluebird quickly put its wings in front of its body, and the cotton around it instantly fluffed and expanded, making it seem to turn into a huge ball of cotton.

Poof! !

Spiral Steel Wing plunged into Cotton's defense, and most of the force was removed by Cotton, but some of the damage from the moves still fell on Qixi Blue Bird.

Outstanding effect!

After all, Mega Charizard X's hard claws make every physical attack move extremely powerful!

"Tsk, my attribute is obviously an advantage, but am I always being suppressed and beaten?"

Dorasena whispered, the young man in front of her was even more powerful than the rumors said.

Or is he actually growing rapidly?

So Dorasena raised her arms above her head and launched a fierce attack:

"Qixi Blue Bird, Meteor Group!!"

We must use the strongest firepower to forcibly suppress the momentum of this fire-breathing dragon!


The mega Tanabata bluebird spread its wings and flew high, raised its head high, and suddenly shot an orange energy light bomb from its beak amidst a burst of loud chirping, soaring straight into the sky.

Although it is small in size, it contains unparalleled dragon attribute energy, which will completely detonate when it reaches the highest point.

However, at this time, Ai Lan suddenly shouted loudly:

"It's now, the sun's blazing flames!!"

It was still a sunny day in the arena, and Mega Charizard roared into the sky, and a white-green ball of energy gathered out of thin air high in the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon's solar flames are not released from its mouth, but more like a summoning ritual, condensed and summoned from the sky above its head.


The sudden burst of sunlight under a clear sky was filled with energy and shot straight towards the meteor group that had not yet reached its highest point.

Just a second before the meteor swarm detonated itself, the attack of the sun's flames also arrived.

The sudden addition of blazing energy completely disrupted the surging dragon attribute energy contained in the meteor group, and finally exploded suddenly in the sky!

Boom! !

A deafening explosion was heard, and the next scene of the meteor cluster exploding into meteors and meteorites covering the entire field did not appear.

It simply detonated in the air, and after a huge energy explosion, nothing fell down.

"Your meteor swarm has been cracked by me!"

Ai Lan raised the corner of her mouth, proud and confident.

The ultimate move of Meteor Swarm is extremely difficult to control, even if some Dragon Pokémon successfully condense the energy cannonballs and launch them.

Subsequently, it could not be broken into countless meteors and meteorites, but it was still in the form of cannonballs, falling down powerlessly.

At this time, you only need to add a little influence from external factors, and you can easily destroy the meteor swarm.

Although the special attack moves of his Mega Charizard

Even because of the concentrated sunlight flames in the sky, it can more accurately and quickly detonate the meteor clusters before they explode!

"Now, use the steel wings!!!"

Before Mega Tanabata Blue Bird could react, Mega Charizard X's black and blue body had already rushed in front of the opponent, and the wide remaining wings on both sides were covered with a cold metallic luster.

Poof! Poof! !

The two powerful and heavy slaps of the steel wings directly slapped the Qixi Blue Bird until it was a little dizzy.

"Flash Charge!!"

Then came a set of skillful combination punches. Mega Charizard's whole body was wrapped in blazing flames, and it rushed out.

Boom! !

Even though Mega Tanabata Blue Bird had sufficient resistance to fire attacks, it was knocked suddenly from the air and hit the ground hard by this blow.

When the dust settled, the fire-breathing dragon in mid-air still maintained its handsome and cold mega evolved form, but its body was filled with some arcs that caused damage after using the Flash Charge.


On the ground, the Tanabata Blue Bird's eyes were already spinning, and there was a dazzling light all over the body, exiting the state of mega evolution.

The winner has been decided, and player Ai Lan has successfully advanced!

"I just said that player Ai Lan is stronger than the King of Heaven! Do you believe it now?!"

"It's true. Even though I have an attribute disadvantage, I still beat Miss Dora Sena."

"It looks like the finals should be between contestants Ai Lan and Karuni. I really wish I could fast forward to the finals!"

Ai Lan's strong fighting style once again aroused huge discussion and applause in the venue, as if the winning seed had been locked in advance.

Even Xiaozhi in the audience became more interested in Ai Lan.

"Then my next semi-final opponent will be Ai Lan!"

He clenched his fists and stared closely at Ai Lan, who was slowly leaving the scene.

The current Tournament of Power is where he and Ai Lan compete for the final spot in the first half of the division.

"Damn it, do we have to wait until tomorrow for the semi-finals?!"

Xiaozhi can't wait to fight against this ruthless trainer and the powerful mega fire-breathing dragon!

It's just that he's not reading a novel now, so he can't directly turn over a dozen chapters to jump to the next plot, so he can only suppress the fighting spirit in his heart.

Even when Ai Lan returned to the viewing area and walked past Xiaozhi, the two of them looked at each other and nodded.



It seemed that Ai Lan also knew that his next opponent would be Xiaozhi, which made the atmosphere between the two of them a little solemn before the game. After saying a few words, they walked away.

Even Citron and Serena sitting next to them were affected by this atmosphere and felt a little on pins and needles.

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