He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2900 Quarterfinals, Ninja vs Champion! ! (superior)

The quarter-final stage is still going on, and in the third game it’s Karuni’s turn to take the stage.

As the regional champion, Kaluni is undoubtedly the player with the highest voice for winning the championship in this conference. Before she even stepped onto the field, the sound of encouragement and cheers like a torrent and tsunami could be heard from all around the venue, and her popularity was extremely high.

And Karuni’s opponent

"Ninja Murakami, Ippei, please give me some advice!"

Yiping, who was dressed in a ninja uniform, made a gesture of seal and said seriously.


Kaluni didn't understand the customs of ninjas, so she could only nod politely.

She had also seen Mr. Ninja's previous competition. He was very strong and definitely at the level of a king.

Don't be careless!

"Then it's time to show off the results of your practice, turtle-footed giant armor!!"

"Slimy Beauty Dragon, prepare to fight!"

Ippei is still sent by his ninja partner, Turtle Foot Giant Armor, who is good at using various sharp cutting moves.

Kaluni sent out Carlos's quasi-god Slime Dragon, which looked like a common Carlos. It didn't have a thick metal snail shell on its back like Ash's Slime Dragon.

"Please rain!!"

As soon as the battle began, Kaluni forcibly changed the weather, turning a sunny day into a rainy day.

A dry and hot environment will reduce the strength of Nianmeilong, which likes sticky and moist food.

"Then I will accept the trick of praying for rain and use the shell blade!!"

Seeing the raindrops falling, Yiping immediately shouted, and the turtle-footed giant armor rushed out. The barnacle claws on both sides turned into sharp water blades, and their power continued to increase in the rainy weather.


The shell blade struck hard on Nian Meilong's fat belly, causing the latter to take several steps back.

When it comes to obesity, Nianmeilong is more qualified to be called "fat" than Kuailong, but its endurance is also superior.

"Water Wave!!"

Nian Meilong opened his mouth and blasted out a water flow energy bomb with his backhand. The power surged under the rainy weather, and it exploded in the chest of the giant turtle-footed armor!

The turtle-footed giant armor ignored the water drops on his body and rushed forward again, intending to engage in close combat.

On rainy days, the ground is filled with wet and thick sand, which is also a very favorable environment for the turtle-footed giant armor.

"Two consecutive chops!!"

He even raised his sharp claws on both sides, formed a green energy claw coat, and slashed out boldly!

This giant turtle-footed armor actually possesses dragon-type moves that can restrain the sticky dragon.

However, Karuni just responded unhurriedly, exuding the powerful demeanor of a champion in every move she made:

"Don't let it get close, Zhuoliu!"

As if vomiting, Nian Meilong suddenly spit out a pool of yellow sand and mud.

This pool of water was just an introduction. In the blink of an eye, a steady stream of muddy yellow water surged around Nian Meilong's body, even stacking its body to a height of three or four meters.

Wow! !

Especially under the blessing of rainy days, huge waves of turbid currents cover one layer after another, suddenly surging in all directions.

boom! !

This made it impossible for the turtle-footed giant armor to execute the two consecutive slashing moves. Instead, it was hit hard in the chest by the sudden turbid current surf, and the body was immediately rolled out by the current.

"As expected of Miss Kaluni's Pokémon!"

"To think that so much water can be summoned in such a dry land!"

"Our Carlos' quasi-god is really awesome!"

Amidst the bursts of cheers, Karuni's Sticky Dragon also completely grasped the rhythm of the game.

"End the fight, use Power Whip!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the green mucus that existed under Nian Meilong's hands suddenly extended and turned into two thick energy vines.

Snapped! Snapped! !

The strong whip hit the giant turtle-footed armor with great force!

Four times the restraint, the effect is remarkable!

Nianmeilong even used a powerful whip to shrink it, and forcibly pulled the giant turtle-footed armor over.

Poof! !

With a dragon's tail swing, the thick and powerful tail swung out fiercely and hit the giant turtle-footed armor's head, sending the latter flying away and winning the game first.

"I see, is this the fighting method of Carlos's sticky dragon?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi nodded with relish.

It's more about using one's own strong durability to find opportunities, and then using powerful moves to defeat the opponent.

It is completely different from his green-looking Nian Meilong. The latter relies more on the hard snail shell to fight.

"Thank you for your hard work, turtle-footed giant armor, I have already felt your rock will!"

On the field, Yiping took back the giant turtle-footed armor and took out the second Poké Ball with his backhand.

"Come back for now, Nian Meilong!"

Although Nian Meilong still maintained a good physical strength, Kaluni still took it back.

She knew that this ninja's trump card was a Koga Ninja Frog, and that the sticky dragon had a great advantage in attributes as it continued to fight.

"But after all, he is the opponent's trump card. If we don't play the trump card here, we will not respect Mr. Ninja very much, Gardevoir!"

Karuni directly sent her ace Gardevoir.

On the other side, a Koga ninja frog appeared in front of Yiping, his aura solemn and focused.

"In order to have an all-out battle with Xiaozhi's Koga Ninja, don't lose today, Koga Ninja, Flying Water Shuriken!!"

Yi Ping made a gesture of sealing and took the lead in launching the attack.

This Koga Ninja slapped it on the waist, condensed the shuriken and quickly threw it out. The movement was not inferior to Ash's Koga Ninja.

"The power of the moon!"

However, Kaluni shouted in a deep voice, "One force can defeat ten skills." Her Gardevoir launched a pink ball of light, which shattered all the flying water shuriken along the way. The power was terrifying! Swoosh! ! The moon burst flew straight out without hitting any entity. Like a mysterious ninja, Greninja had quietly hidden behind Gardevoir. "Ambush the vital point!" A purple-black short blade was condensed in her hand, and she immediately swung it at Gardevoir's delicate back. It was just a pity that Gardevoir had fairy attributes even if it did not mega evolve, and the evil attribute moves only had one times the damage. "What a fast speed, if that's the case, magic flash!!" Gardevoir couldn't keep up with Greninvoir's speed with the naked eye, so it simply stood there, and a burst of pink energy flames flashed around it in an instant. It was like wearing an all-round energy coat, and it was still scattering dazzling light outward. "Koga!"

Greninja endured the stinging pain in his eyes and attacked the vital point fiercely!

Bang! !

With a clanging sound, Gardevoir retreated several meters. Although a lot of damage was offset by the magic flash, it was still scratched.

But on the other side, Greninja was blinded by the magic flash so close that he felt that the scene in front of him was double.

Even the chest was hit by the energy of the magic flash.

The effect is outstanding!

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