He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 289 The first meeting with Pikachu


One hundred thousand volts and one hundred thousand volts are evenly matched, the terrain is open, and the black smoke is also blowing away towards the surroundings. At this moment, there is only a layer of black smoke in the center, blocking between Pikachu and Eevee.

"Xiao Mao, you are really strong..."

Only by fighting against it can Xiaozhi understand the true strength of his formidable opponent. He is definitely not some comedian who comes out to make jokes.

"Oh? Xiaozhi, do you still dare to think about things when you fight with me?"

As Xiaomao's voice fell, a powerful aura suddenly came from the other end of the black smoke, causing Xiaozhi and Pikachu to raise their heads and look forward cautiously.


In the black smoke, a faint white light suddenly lit up, and a petite figure broke through the remaining smoke and dust, running fast on all fours, and rushed straight.

"Is it Bolt...Pikachu, we use Bolt too!"

Xiaozhi instructed subconsciously.


Pikachu nodded, his body was also covered with a layer of white light, he ran on all fours, and rushed forward.

"A flash of lightning? Don't look down on people!"

Xiao Maojian at the other end was already at the limit distance, but suddenly sneered on his face, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

On the arena, the momentum of Ibrahimovic covered by white light suddenly changed, the white light around his body burned like a flame on the way of attack, the energy surged, the color continued to deepen, and finally turned into a bright golden light .


At this moment, Ibrahimovic turned into a small golden tank, covered with a layer of golden light energy all over his body, a long black mark was directly drawn by it on the ground, his momentum was unstoppable for a while!

Sacrifice the impact! !


This instantaneous change made Pikachu look pale, but at this moment there was no time to dodge, so he had to bite the bullet and choose to use a flash of lightning to hit him head-on.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flash of lightning collided head-on with the impact of sacrifice, but within half a second of contact, the white light on Pikachu's body dissipated and disappeared, and the stamina dissipated. The terrifying force in front of him could not be stopped by its flash of lightning.


In mid-air, Ibrahimovic gained power, and the golden light energy that gave him his life exploded in front of it, and it was bombarding Pikachu's abdomen, knocking it over on the spot, and the powerful force caused the latter to fall like a cannonball!


Pikachu's petite body landed on the ground, rolling backwards and forwards on the grassland, until it backed up a few meters and hit the edge fence.


Xiaozhi looked anxiously and shouted anxiously, the damage of this blow is not low.

It must be known that Sacrifice Rush is also a general attribute skill, and it enjoys the bonus of characteristic adaptability. At this moment, its power is much higher than that of Ultimate Impact!

"Damn Xiaomao, this guy is too insidious!"

Xiao Zhi clenched his fist secretly, the sacrifice attack was the same as the flash of lightning, Xiao Mao didn't say the name of the skill on purpose before, just to thwart him.

"No, I was careless."

Xiaozhi got rid of this idea on the spot, success is success, there is no insidiousness, this is just making excuses for his failure.

Brother Chi once said that a qualified trainer should be able to distinguish the starting moves of skills.

If you can't tell the difference, the first time is to dodge and cover, not to attack.

It can be said that he has followed Xiaomao's plan for several times in a row, and the latter's layers are far above his...


A few seconds later, a petite yellow figure slowly stood up in the smoky ruins, which made Xiaozhi's eyes shine again.


Pikachu got up slowly, pushed away the soil and grass leaves that fell on his body, his usual lazy eyes disappeared, and now he showed a fierce look, showing a fierce look, looking straight at Ibrahimovic, his fighting spirit was still gushing out.

It's just that its body was trembling slightly, its body was severely injured, and it had already entered a state of dying in the wind.

"Oh? Haven't you lost your fighting power yet?"

Xiaomao was stunned for a moment, and just now the blow of adaptability was a sacrifice, not to mention the electric mouse, even a Kentaro could kill it on the spot.


There was an electric arc on Ibrahimovic's body, and his brows frowned. This was the anti-injury effect of a life-threatening collision.

Although it is infinitely superior now, its long-term training has made it dare not be careless, and carefully looks at the re-erected electric mouse in front of it.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his eyes shone brightly, and asked:

"Pikachu, can you still fight?"

Pikachu jumped back in front of Xiaozhi in a few steps, turned his head to look forward, clenched his little paws, exerted force in front of him, and the current was running on his cheeks...

"Pika, Chu!!"

With its angry shout, the bright and mighty lightning energy exploded on Pikachu's body, turning into an extremely violent current pulse and rushing straight into the sky, breaking a big hole in the white cloud above the head, the momentum is really extraordinary.

It responded to Xiaozhi's question with a skyrocketing lightning!

The battle has only just begun.


All of a sudden, the originally clear sky in Zhenxin Town suddenly became gloomy. Black clouds gathered over everyone's heads, and the thunder could be faintly heard, and the atmosphere became extremely depressing...


Xiao Mao was stunned by this scene, his water arrow turtle would beg for rain, so he knew that this trick was not begging for rain, but simply mobilizing the natural thunder force to change the weather.

It's simple to say, but extremely difficult!

But a shitty electric mouse? How can He De do this? !


Xiaogang and Xiaoxia immediately recalled that old brother Chi's round-faced Pikachu, who could do the same thing when performing the special skill - Thunder Kirin.


Dr. Oki was even more confused.

This Pikachu is the rotten street electric mouse he grabbed casually, has it been swapped now?

He couldn't help but remember the first time he met Pikachu.

He still remembered that it was in the back mountain of Zhenxin Town, when he was doing an experiment to investigate the mind of Pokémon.

Dr. Oki made such a trap on a rock wall.

He first dug a small hole and threw some food into it. The Pokémon could reach in and get it, but when he took it out, he couldn't pull it out because he had a fist in his hand.

At this time, you can only choose to throw the food away, or cling to the food in your hand and be locked there by nature.

But when he finished putting the food, he gave up the experiment, secretly thinking that Pokémon is not low-minded, there should be no fools, so he gave up the experiment and left.

Until a week later, Dr. Oki accidentally passed by there, and saw a skinny and hungry electric mouse lying outside the pit. Although he was very hungry and thirsty, and there was even a fruit water source next to him, his hand was dead. Grabbing the food desperately, refusing to pull it out.

Dr. Oki: "..."

Oh, what a fool.

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