He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 290 Don't even think about interrupting when God comes!

"Hmph, putting on airs, just dying..."

Now Pikachu's physical strength has reached a stage of yellow blood, no matter how fancy he is, he is infinitely superior, and then Xiaomao instructed:

"Don't give it time to breathe, Eevee, use the high-speed star!!"


Ibrahimovic took off in the air, condensed dozens of energy stars again, and projected them away at a high speed, bursting with the sound of piercing the sky, the adaptability version of the high-speed stars is powerful.

Before Xiaozhi gave instructions, Pikachu's hands were clawed, and the veins on his forehead suddenly burst out, and the electric current on his cheeks burst out, turning into crackling lightning energy covering his body.

"Pika, Chu!!"

A low shout sounded, and at this moment Pikachu seemed to explode on the spot, and the electric current shot out and exploded.

The electric sparks burst out, turning into dense filamentary lightning, spreading out in a 360-degree full screen!

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Keng!"

The menacing high-speed stars were completely unable to resist the current of one hundred thousand volts, and were all crushed into energy fragments by this mass of one hundred thousand volts, and fell calmly.

"What the hell?"

Xiaomao frowned greatly. How could the power of this one hundred thousand volts have been improved a lot.

Could the characteristic of this electric mouse be shocking electricity, fierce electricity or Maodian?


The castration continued, Pikachu was still releasing lightning, and the filamentary lightning shot towards Ibrahimovic.

Ibrahimovic's speed was not low, and he jumped up lightly to avoid a blast of electric current from the front, but just as he landed, another blast of electric current came, so he had to step on his left foot and right foot to dodge again.


The seemingly full-screen 100,000 volts was avoided by Ibrahimovic while moving around, very flexible.


It's just that the lightning struck the ground of the prairie, causing explosions again, and black smoke filled Ibrahimovic's surroundings one after another, enveloping it.

"Then, do you want to use your vision as a cover?"

Xiaomao instantly understood Xiaozhi's intentions, and quickly reminded:

"Ibrahimovic, calm down and observe everything around carefully."


Ibrahimovic nodded, lowered his body weight, and looked around vigilantly.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A few piercing sounds came, and when I looked closely, I saw a few more golden energy stars shooting towards me in the smoke and dust.

"High-speed stars? Huh, Pikachu can also have this skill, but what's the use of it?"

Xiaomao smiled disdainfully.

The same skill is just a tactic to attack the heart, and it is impossible to tremble with him and Ibrahimovic's Dao Xin.

Sure enough, in the black smoke, Ibrahimovic tossed and hit back with the same high-speed stars, instantly crushing all the high-speed stars that hit, and burst into bursts of smoke and dust debris again.


At this time, there was a low shout from Pikachu. I don't know when Pikachu also entered the black smoke, and the source of the sound seemed to be very close, as if it had been nearby for a long time.

After all, the high-speed star is a must-hit skill. Pikachu only needs to use the high-speed star in reverse, and the latter will automatically turn back, and the time to attack the target will be extended. It can be said that Pikachu and the high-speed star started attacking at the same time.

A white light shone on its body, and its limbs moved, and it was a full sprint towards Ibrahimovic.

"Is there a flash of lightning? It doesn't make any sense at all..."

Before Xiaomao finished speaking, the white light on the surface of Pikachu's body suddenly changed into a bright golden light, instantly transformed into a small golden tank, unstoppable.

Only then did Xiaozhi in the rear begin to read out the name of the skill, and roared loudly:

"Pikachu, just do a self-defeating charge!!"

Today, your Ibrahimovic's high-speed star and sacrifice collision are all mine!

"Pika Pika Pika... Chupi!"

The golden light Pikachu accelerated, and before Ibrahimovic could react, he bumped into Ibrahimovic's face on the spot. When it touched, the golden light energy and the terrifying acceleration force exploded at the same time, and the latter let out a muffled sound After that, it flew away with a sudden bounce, rolling backwards and forwards on the grassland.

"Nice job, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help clapping his hands and praised.

Hmph, you dare to use the skills it can master in front of my Pikachu, and you will steal them all today!

follow suit?

It's just a low-level copy!


The golden light energy dissipated on Pikachu's body, and it landed again, looking at the enemy proudly.


After rolling on the ground for several meters, Ibrahimovic stopped his backward movement, tremblingly scattered from the ground again, shook his head, and shook off the smoke and dust debris.

It has not lost its ability to fight yet.


It's just that its body and limbs are trembling slightly, obviously the damage from this blow is really not light.

The smoke cleared, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao faced each other, and Pikachu and Eevee in front of them were also staring at each other closely, both in the state of dying candles in the yellow blood wind.

"This Ibrahimovic is so strong..."

"It's an electric mouse that's outrageous..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao thought at the same time.

Dr. Oki and his team are also watching nervously. Now Xiaozhi can barely turn the balance of victory and defeat into balance, turning the two into the same starting point again...


Soon, Xiao Mao took the lead in attacking!

"Eevee, use the baton!"

After saying that, Ibrahimovic jumped up on the spot, twirling in the air, and the strange energy flowed on his body, which made Xiaozhi and Pikachu not dare to be careless, and they all looked at it cautiously.


Ibrahimovic landed and nothing happened.

Since it is now a 1v1 battle, the use of the baton skill failed.

Xiaozhi, everyone: "?"

What kind of riddle operation is this, what about the cos carp king?

Unexpectedly, Xiaomao hooked the corner of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile, raised his finger, and ordered:

"Okay, Ibrahimovic, use the collection!!"


I saw that Ibrahimovic raised his small head on the spot, shouted loudly towards the sky, and suddenly colorful energy appeared around its body, as if it was saving some great trick, and even the air around it was plunged into a flash at this moment. After freezing, the atmosphere of this grassland suddenly became very dignified.


Xiaozhi was stunned, it was the first time he had heard of this skill.

"Didi. Treasure: A skill that can only be used after using all the skills. It is very powerful!"

The illustration book reminded in time.

Because of this restriction, Xiaomao had to use the baton, a useless skill for one-on-one duels, but what he got in return was a collection of extremely terrifying power! !

"A big trick..."

Xiaozhi pressed his hat, since it was a great move, his Pikachu would not lose!

He showed a proud expression and shouted:

"Pikachu, let's use Thunder!!"


Pikachu suddenly exploded a thunder around his body like self-explosion, and went straight into the sky, as if he was stirring the sky fire.

In an instant, the air around Pikachu was also completely frozen, filled with an extremely dangerous aura...

Pikachu and Ibrahimovic were separated by a distance of nearly 10 meters, staring at each other closely, the aura and energy on each body were also soaring wildly, and a world-shattering battle seemed to be about to start.


"I actually felt a sense of epic..."

Not only the mob fish watching, but also Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao at both ends looked at each other with bright eyes at the same time, the flames of war in their eyes could even burn the God of Volcano.


"Ahhh coffee!!"

Just when the terrifying tricks of both sides were about to be released, a brownish-yellow shadow suddenly flew in the distant sky. Accompanied by a series of tragic cries, everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

Um? This figure looked familiar.

Then the figure fell with a bang, and landed in the middle of Pikachu and Eevee, exploding a terrifying cloud of smoke and dust.


"Want to interrupt our epic battle?!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao immediately sneered, the flames of war did not go out, but instead exploded!

Even if God comes today, don’t even think about interrupting us! !

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