He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 291 Is this God...?

“Abaa Baba Quack!!”

The smoke and dust dissipated, and in the middle of the confrontation between Ibrahimovic and Pikachu, a Pokémon stood up with a hurried voice, very anxious.

I saw that its whole body was brownish-yellow, its body was chubby, and there was a large duckbill on its face. There were three black hairs growing on its bald head, and its two paws hugged its cheeks, and then tilted slightly, a question mark lit up on its forehead. rise.

It is a cute and cute duck.

"Hey Kodak, what are you doing?!"

Xiaoxia immediately shouted coquettishly, she recognized that this was her own Kodak from the dazed look.

On weekdays, I often come out to show my existence on my own. Today's battle is at its climax. I took off my pants, and you came out to interrupt again? !

The energy of Treasure and Thunder is still accumulated, and the atmosphere of the battle is particularly oppressive and strong. Even Xiaoxia, who has always been bold, dare not approach, so she has to quickly wave her hand to Koda Duck to come over quickly.


Koda Duck stood on the spot and tilted his head, anxious, as if he had forgotten what he was anxious about, and his eyes were dull.

It's just that it fell from the sky to the ground, causing a big swelling on one side of the forehead, and it took a few seconds to feel the pain, which made it a little uncomfortable and shed a few tears.

"Quack quack aba! Quack quack!"

The pain in the head made it add a 0 to its IQ, and Koda Duck's eyes suddenly lit up, and finally remembered what it wanted to express, and began to dance around on the spot.

Everyone: "?"

They couldn't understand the duck language or the duck's movements, but seeing the anxious look, it should be quite important.

Xiaoxia: "..."

Only she took several steps backwards, with an expression of disbelief, doubting her life.

Hell, why do I seem to understand! ?

In the dark, Xiaoxia only felt that she and Kada Duck seemed to have a little more fetters, and she could clearly perceive what Dada Duck wanted to express...

"Ahem, Koda Duck said that everyone in the deep forest is fighting. The situation is very urgent. It went to persuade the fight, but it was punched by an unknown aoe and flew over."

Xiaoxia explained.


Seeing that his trainer finally said what he wanted to express, Koda Duck also stopped dancing, opened his eyes again, and entered a sluggish state.

Everyone: "..."

Although the situation seemed urgent, there was something extra in the eyes of everyone looking at Xiaoxia.

Is it mercy...?


"Oh, is it just a small fight between Pokémon?"

"Hmph, do you want to stop me from pushing Xiaomao to the ground?"

But Xiaozhi and Xiaomao still didn't stop, they smiled coldly, they didn't take Koda Ya into their hearts at all, and looked at each other closely.


Seeing that Koda Duck was still stupidly staying in place, the two looked at each other again, the corners of their mouths raised, their expressions extremely arrogant.

"It's just a rotten street duck."

"What can Kodak Duck do?"



Pikachu and Ibrahimovic did not stop their attacks. On the one hand, thunder and lightning rumbled, and the power of the thunder had been accumulated to the extreme. Naturally, the power of the thunder was terrifying, and bursts of thunder exploded from time to time.

On the other hand, the colorful rays of light on Ibrahimovic's body shone even more to the extreme, as if they were carrying the energy of all attributes, all compressed in one point, and the stored energy was almost exploding.

"Let the skills end in the sky!!"

"Even if the gods come today, don't try to stop us!!"

The two ordered at the same time, directly bypassing the Kodak duck below, and placed the battlefield on top of Kodak's head.

They've got red eyes.

The confrontation between Dalei and Treasure was extremely intense and permeating, even the three of Xiaogang who were watching were secretly startled and sweating, not to mention the Koda duck in the center, which also became uncomfortable.

Including a large swelling in the head, the pain was doubled.


Koda Ya held his head firmly with his hands, his headache was splitting, and he was sweating profusely.



In the next second, Thunder and Treasure exploded at the same time!

A golden thunder fell from the black cloud above the head, and the power of the energy could break everything! !

In front of Ibrahimovic, a ray of colorful light condensed and turned into a 7-color energy cannonball. The space around it became still, and it shot towards the beam of thunder in the sky.

All of a sudden, the appearance of two big tricks brought the power to the extreme in an instant. Everyone watched the two skills that were about to collide nervously, wondering who would be better, and forgot to even breathe or blink. The atmosphere was extremely suffocating.


Suddenly, a rapid duck call broke the suffocation. Everyone lowered their heads and subconsciously followed the source of the sound.

"Duck up?!"

I saw that Koda Ya was holding his head with his paws, and the veins on his forehead had already burst out. The pain in his head and the suffocating atmosphere of confrontation finally made it explode.

"Quack quack!!!"

Koda Duck opened his hands, his head twitched and shook, and roared hoarsely.

The irrational eyes instantly lost their pupils and turned into an incomparably bright blue light. With a rapid and violent roar, the claws were filled with terrifying blue light power.


A high-frequency vibration sounded, and the blue light thought force suddenly flew out along the claws of Koda Duck, and the extremely rich energy condensed into a solid body, turning into two giant hands of blue thought power, which were unstoppable.

On the one hand, like Zeus, the god of heaven, he directly held that bundle of mighty sky thunder in his hand.

On the other side, like the seventh generation of Uchiha, he directly held the colorful energy bomb in his palm.

The confrontation of the ultimate ultimate move is so awkward.

Everyone: "?"

Everyone's jaws dropped on the spot, not knowing if they were dreaming, and Xiaoxia was even more dumbfounded, looking at her Koda Duck as if it was very strange.


Is this still my duck?


Koda Ya, who was wrapped in the blue light mental power, roared again, and the giant hand of the mental power closed in an instant.

Thunder, treasure.

At the same time, it was pinched into energy fragments by the giant hands of thought power, and disappeared into nothingness. The sky became clear again, as if nothing had happened.

Xiaozhi, Xiaomao: "?"

Kodak's headaches continued to strike, even reaching the point where he was half buried in the ground, but the energy of his mind power was still skyrocketing. This time, the light of mind power even fell on the enemy.

Eevee, Pikachu: "?"

The terrifying power of thoughts descended, and one mouse and one dog suddenly found that they could not move at all, and their necks were almost suffocated.



Two explosions sounded from both ends, and Ibrahimovic and Pikachu flew upside down at the same time as if they were hit by a heavy hammer.

He was already in the state of a candle in the wind, and just after releasing his great skills, he completely lost his fighting ability in the backward midair, and fainted on the spot.



Landing on the ground, Rat Dog stuck out his tongue, rolled his eyes and fell in front of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao.

Ibrahimovic can't fight Pikachu. In this game, Kodak wins.

But Kodak is like the gods of the heavens, with ripples of thoughts permeating around his body, and a pair of eyes covered by blue light. His appearance is terrifying, and his aura pierces the sky.

"Is this God...?"

Everyone could only stare blankly at the Kodak that had been suspended in mid-air, as if ten thousand Arceus had run through their hearts.


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