He knows Pokémon better than me

Three hundred and ninetieth eight chapters victory has been divided

"Use Loud Roar!!"

Two thunderous explosions exploded at both ends of the arena at the same time. Both Roaring Tiger and Wind Speed ​​Dog opened their mouths wide, with fierce expressions and sharp teeth. The forms of energy ripples collided.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The roars continued, and for a moment, it seemed that there were only these two roars left in the entire arena.

Everyone at the scene subconsciously blocked their ears, their heads buzzing as if they were being hit mercilessly by a giant hammer.

The terrifying sound waves collided with the energy of the evil attribute, which made the Roaring Tiger and the Wind Speed ​​Dog, which were still roaring, take half a step back. Then their pupils shrank, their hind legs stepped on the ground, and the roaring power exploded towards the opposite side again. out.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog!!"

The green sound entered the ears, which changed the face of the wind speed dog, its back suddenly arched, and the face of the lion's head became more ferocious. It was because of the roar that the strength instantly increased by three levels, and the sudden burst of energy was hard Sheng Sheng broke through the Roaring Tiger's roar, covering it in a one-sided manner.


Roaring Tiger couldn't resist the sudden loud roar, and couldn't help but retreated a few steps, the tiger's expression was ugly.

In the roaring confrontation, this is the first time it has lost.

"You actually lost...?"

The masked man's expression changed, and he roared like a tiger, but he lost in the roar today?

This made the masked man a little more ashamed and angry, and he took the initiative to attack in the next round:

"Roaring Tiger, use Hell Spike!!"

The Roaring Tiger started to run immediately, and a tiger claw arm was covered with a layer of terrifying black energy coat. The end was extremely sharp, and within a few breaths, it rushed to the front of the wind speed dog, with a breathtaking momentum.


It stabbed at the target with a stab of the hell spike, but it went straight through. This is just an afterimage left by the wind speed dog in place.

But at this moment, the wind speed dog has completely disappeared in the arena, only faint sounds and a faint cyan light can be heard around.


"So fast..."

The masked man blurted out, he knew the move of super speed, but at least he could see some shadow, how can there be such a speed that can't see the shadow at all?


Flashing at a high speed, Roaring Tiger's speed is not fast, so he has to look around helplessly, trying to find traces of the target.

"Roaring Tiger, use the DD golden hook arm on the spot, so as not to change!"

The masked man's words made Roaring Tiger find its backbone immediately, and immediately raised his arms, and began to spin crazily on the spot. A layer of red and black energy coat was attached around his body, like a flame.

"Hmph, Wind Speed ​​Dog!" Qinglu just smiled dismissively and snapped her fingers.

In the next second, the figure of the wind speed dog suddenly appeared in a blind spot of Roaring Tiger's perspective, covered with blue light, and then rushed away.


This is the weak point of DD's Golden Hook Arm, but it was precisely caught by the wind speed dog, and the speed of the blow perfectly broke the opponent's state, and even knocked the roaring tiger several meters away.

Brilliant speed, utterly miraculous movement.

Only then did the wind speed dog show its body again, its limbs stood quietly on the ground, its lion-like head was raised, its eyes were haughty, and it looked down at the roaring tiger.


A few seconds later, the Roaring Tiger got up from the ground again, even half-kneeling on the ground with one foot, a few drops of sweat dripped from the tiger's head, and it kept panting.

Its characteristic is not water storage. After being attacked by surfing and high-pressure water cannon, it has already caused a lot of damage, not to mention being output by this powerful wind speed dog in front of it.

"We can't delay any longer, we're going to decide the outcome..." The masked man's face became solemn, his aura changed, and he was extremely fierce, and then he punched fiercely in front of him, and shouted loudly:

"Roaring Tiger, use the final Flame Charge!!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

Hearing this, the Roaring Tiger immediately roared upwards, its claws crossed in front of its body, and a burst of golden flames erupted around its body. The temperature was extremely high, and terrifying energy accumulated around its body. The air became heavy.

"Hmph, as expected of a little wind speed dog, not only stole my loud roar, but also stole Flame Charge..."

The green voice made the masked man's face change, and in the next second, a burst of similar golden flames erupted around the body of the red and yellow poodle in front of him, and the same terrifying power was accumulated again.



Two bursts of roars sounded, but the tiger and the dog were seen burning with extremely high flames at the same time, stomping on the ground and rushing towards each other at the same time.

The terrifying flame energy even burned a scorched black mark on the ground along the way.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Flame Charge meets Flame Charge! !

In the blink of an eye, the two collided together, the flame energy and physical power were contained in each other's flash charge, the blazing flame immediately shot up into the sky, and the hot wind billowed, sputtering and blowing towards the surroundings, so powerful that it was overwhelming The suffocating air pressure makes it difficult to breathe for a while.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the flame energy, Roaring Tiger's eyes tightened, and he used all his body to slam the wind speed dog's head hard, and the latter did the same.

In the next second, Qinglu had raised her palm to cover one of her eyes, her whole body was trembling and laughing wildly, as if possessed by a demon, and she used a tone similar to that of a villain, making people feel fearful.

"Hahaha... Wind Speed ​​Dog, show this little Wind Speed ​​Dog your true strength!!"

After the words fell, the pupils of the wind speed dog shrank, and every part of the body's limbs exerted force at the same time, and it exploded in an instant. The power of the flashing charge and the flames increased by more than 2 times at the same time, and broke through the roaring tiger's flashing charge like a smashing tiger!

"How can it be!?"

The masked man's eyes widened, and the Roaring Tiger in the center felt a mountain-like sea-like force coming from the opposite side, and he couldn't resist it at all. This was a sense of powerlessness that was almost desperate...

"Boom boom!!"

The fiery flames were still burning relentlessly, and the flames pervaded the entire arena, causing a terrifying explosion...


A minute later, the flames and smoke dissipated.

Appearing in everyone's field of vision, the Roaring Tiger, which was incomparably mighty before, had already fallen to the ground, but it hadn't lost its ability to fight, and was struggling frantically on the ground.

And a lion-like dog stepped on the roaring tiger, no matter how much the latter struggled, it couldn't move half a step.


A pair of lion eyes condescended to watch the tiger below him, and he opened his mouth to roar like a thunderclap. The terrifying aura finally stopped the roaring tiger from struggling.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"That's enough, come back, Wind Speed ​​Dog."

To everyone's surprise, Qinglu suddenly raised the poke ball and took it back.

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