He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 399 Under the extreme, they are all dogs

"Ah, player Xiaomao, why do you..."

Qinglu's operation directly stunned the referee. Now that his two Pokémon have been defeated, taking the third one back on his own initiative is tantamount to surrendering.

Another player with a villa near the sea? !

"Why are you?"

The masked man was also confused and couldn't help asking.

Without the shackles of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, the Roaring Tiger who fell on the ground stood up again, but his body trembled again and again, and a few blue arcs flashed from time to time, which was the aftermath of Flame Charge.

At this moment, Roaring Tiger has also entered a state of residual blood in the wind, which belongs to the limit of residual blood.

The masked man wasn't even sure that he could use the next two to defeat the opponent's Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Are young people these days so outrageous...?


Qinglu just snorted coldly, didn't answer, put her pockets in her pockets, turned her head and left.

In the end, he just wanted to fight for the wind speed dog. Don't look at Qinglu who is extremely calm on weekdays, but sometimes she doesn't like to be a horny person.

For example, the last time in Tokiwa City, despite Chaomeng's outburst, he still insisted that the other party was a chicken bug. There was no other reason, but because he was beaten by another Chaomeng, so he must vent his anger!

It was the same reason today, he just wanted to prove that the Roaring Tiger was a low-end wind speed dog, and since he had already defeated it, there was no point in following up the fight.

With an arrogant and withdrawn temperament, coupled with a handsome face, and a chic and proud walking posture in pockets, Qinglu immediately attracted many mother fans on the field...

"Hey, hey, big brother Qinglu, this is the one who promised to avenge me!?"

Xiaomao finally couldn't bear it in the soul space, and began to complain again and again.

"You have already lost the battle, do you still want me to help you cheat?"

Qinglu just replied ruthlessly.

Before the Quartz Conference, the two had agreed that this was Xiaomao's own battle, and he was too lazy to intervene.

Just like Chi from next door didn't intervene in Xiaozhi's battle, and might even snipe Xiaozhi.

Qinglu's words made Xiaomao speechless immediately, as if hitting cotton, the sense of loss from the previous defeat surged in his heart again.

Yeah, my fight was over before...

Even if big brother Qinglu helps me pass the masked man level, this is not my own strength...

Because of Qinglu's wonderful battle, this sense of loss has not disappeared, it has only been delayed.

Feeling that Xiaomao's emotions in his soul had become closed again, Qinglu just shook his head, secretly thinking that this guy's mentality is still not good.

"I have to find an opportunity to practice my mentality..."

Hmph, there's nothing to be angry about and lose in the first round of 16 in the first year. He won the championship when he debuted that year, and he didn't lose.

Although only for a few minutes...


"Xiao Mao, I lost..."

In an auditorium, Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

He could feel that in the last scene, the green boss got on his body, but at the end he suddenly pulled his hands, and he didn't understand what kind of riddle operation it was.

But there was one thing he was sure of.

The masked man opposite is really strong...

"Well, I lost... I hope Xiaomao can survive this difficulty."

Dr. Oki beside him also sighed. Although the results of the top 16 are already very good, no matter what, as a grandfather, he still hopes that Xiaomao can go further.

"By the way, when did Xiao Mao master the ultimate power?"

Dr. Oki's expression became a bit more doubtful and cautious, and a few bold ideas gradually appeared in his mind...


"Oh...is this the ultimate way of green, it's interesting..."

On the other side of the auditorium, watching the instantaneous changes in the arena, the faceless trainer controlled by Chi couldn't help smiling, and his eyes flickered.

In fact, there is not only one way to enter the ultimate realm.

For example, the free will of the armored chrysalis separates the soul from the body. This is a very special and brilliant way.

Another example is its Pikachu, which simply enhances its own electrical energy, and directly steps into the ultimate realm by relying on powerful electricity.

This is the most unpretentious and the most difficult path.

And the green wind speed dog relies on,

explosive force.

Not just the final Flame Charge, but the previous loud roar.

Normal strength confrontation is still evenly matched with the Roaring Tiger, but once the power of the instant burst is exerted, stepping into the ultimate state, the latter is almost destroyed, which is completely different from the previous strength.

This also indirectly demonstrates the extreme horror. Even though the masked man has been able to fight against the masters of the king level, but under the extreme strength, he can't go out for a few rounds.

At the extreme, they are all dogs.

"But this way is your style..."

Chi couldn't help but nodded. Although the path of extreme explosive power is terrifying, it consumes surprisingly little physical strength. It can be said that it fits Qinglu's calm style.

Immediately, he stood up, left the auditorium, and walked slowly towards the entrance of the contestants.

"Then the next game is finally up to me..."

He was already itching a bit.


In a vip viewing box at the Quartz Stadium, two figures are silently watching the game. One of them is a cloaked man with fiery red hair. He has a handsome face, a serious and deep expression, and a powerful aura. He is a star no matter where he goes. like a man.

"I didn't expect another rookie monster..."

Du couldn't help but gasped, and said slowly.

Forget about the armored chrysalis before, and now there is another wind speed dog?


The other person was an old woman on crutches with gray hair, and her expression was a little bit wrong at the moment.

"Tsk, the grandson of that guy, Damu, has he become a disaster..."

Those who have stepped into the ultimate realm can basically recognize the power used by the wind speed dog at the end.

Thinking of this, Juzi's gloomy eyes already had a bit of fierce light, but soon returned to calm.

"It would be great if this kid belonged to the Rockets, and I could directly squeeze him to death..."

Chrysanthemum shook her head, she is still a decent person now, without a lineup confrontation, she really can't make a move against Xiaomao.

Only the two of them came to watch the round of 16. The other kings Shiba and Kona were still in their room, one was practicing boxing and the other was playing with ice sculptures.

No transition Today's focus is not Xiaomao, but the upcoming game.

"**Contestant, let me see what kind of unique skills you and your miniature dragon can pull off..."

There was a rare look of excitement on Du's face, and he was still holding a schedule in his hand, and the next battle marked on it was the match where Chi controlled the faceless trainer.

Du is an old Mini Dragon fan.

Soon, in the arena, today's third match will start soon.

The ** controlled by Chi was already standing at one end of the arena, wearing a gray hat, with a plain appearance and an ordinary aura.

Strange to say, Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, and Chi's top 16 matches were all on the first day.

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