He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 400 Mini Dragon, use cotton to defend!

"In the third round of the top 16, ** players will play against Warframe players!!"

As the two trainers stood on the stage at the same time, the arena that had been quiet just now was ignited again. Xiaozhi and those who knew the inside story were watching her back closely, curious about what Chi would show. kind of game.

Soon, the referee in the middle gave a signal.

"This game takes the form of 3v3, two, please send a Pokémon!"

That Trainer A was obviously impatient, and before he finished speaking, he threw his Pokémon forward, a red light flashed, it was a brown ground-walking poultry Pokémon, with exquisite bones, and a body unexpectedly It has three heads, each with a unique expression.

"Didi. Duduli, the three-headed Pokémon, has three minds, will suddenly fight because of trivial things, can learn flying skills, but can't fly."

Xiaozhi's illustration book prompted.

Xiao Gang on the side smiled with no problem.

"I've watched this player A's match before. He belongs to the level of miscellaneous fish. Brother Chi should be able to face it easily... Oh, he has a nine-tailed one that needs attention."

This player A is the same type of player as the Xunzi that Xiaozhi met before. They are both little brothers with unique skills. They can only play with one Pokémon, and the one that is banned is a rookie.

"But Brother Chi should only have a miniature dragon on him right now...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help muttering that the mini dragon belongs to the Pokémon that can be expected in the future. Its ability to stretch its hips in the early stage is actually very good now.

His level is not high either, and he usually just hangs out with Xiaozhi's team for food and physical training, basically never fights, and is even bigger than his pink Butterfly.

I just don’t know if Brother Chi’s hat can be turned on when someone else is wearing it, and exchange Pokémon...?



Soon, Chi also threw the poke ball, and the red light flashed, it was the miniature dragon caught in the wild field.

It has a light blue snake-like body, a monologue in the lower abdomen, and a small and exquisite head, but the body length of this miniature dragon is longer than that of its kind, as if it has been artificially pulled.

Game start.

Trainer A has a violent temper, and directly attacked first:

"Doodoo, use random strike!"

Duduli moved his slender hind paws and began to run at a good speed, and even raised a burst of dust during the running process, which was very turbulent.

This is the old mount Pokémon, and it has a lot of horsepower.

When sprinting in front of the target, the slender beaks on Duduli's three heads were sharp, piercing towards the target in unison.

Whoosh whoosh! !

"Mini Dragon, use Dragon Dance."

Chi's voice was neither too fast nor too slow, but it was just right and grasped the reality.


The miniature dragon let out a low cry, and its snake-like body danced around in place. It seemed to be a strange dance, and there was a bit of domineering in its agility. None of the attacks were hit.

Duduli hit the end randomly, then raised his slender hind limbs, and swept away with one foot.

However, the miniature dragon followed this force, its snake-like body coiled upwards, encircling the center of Duduli's hind legs in a ring, and then with this force, it flew three meters away at the highest point. , and finally fell back to the ground.


When it landed, several red lights symbolizing the increase of attributes appeared around its body at the same time.

This set of operations alone made many viewers look bright and applaud.

It is a perfect defense, but also a perfect ability improvement, put it in the gorgeous competition, Duduli is already dying at the moment.

"Damn it, since you dare to play me!" Trainer A looked sullen, and immediately instructed:

"Doodoo, use triple attack!!"

After the words fell, the Duduli's hind legs grabbed the ground, and its three heads were in the shape of a triangle. In front of the bird's beak, three completely different energies of ice, fire, and electricity were condensed, gradually condensing into a triangular energy shell.

Triple attack, this is the traditional art of all three-headed Pokémon. It condenses three kinds of attribute energy respectively, causing huge damage, and it is more likely to have three negative effects of paralysis, burn, and freezing.

Immediately, Duduli exerted his strength and pushed the energy shell out.

Unexpectedly, Chi didn't choose to dodge, but suddenly said:

"Mini dragon, use cotton to defend!!"

Cotton defense, this is a very scary skill, it creates cotton in front of the body, which greatly improves the physical defense.

Hardening is an improvement, the steel wall is a substantial improvement, and the cotton defense is a higher level of "huge improvement"!

But this order made many people slightly taken aback.

"Huh? Pokémon like Mini Dragon can defend with cotton?"

Dr. Oki in the auditorium couldn't help but blurted out that Xiao Zhi and the others didn't understand the trick of cotton defense, but he was an old man. This move must be a unique move that can only be learned by Pokémon with cotton on its body.

For example, Mali sheep, braided sheep, green cotton bird, etc., rely on the unique cotton on their body, which can achieve the level of "huge" improvement.

What kind of cotton do you have, Mini Dragon?

And this move is to defend against physical attacks, the triple attack is a special attack...

Dr. Oki quickly sat up straight, staring at the miniature dragon.

In the arena, the miniature dragon trembled on the spot, and finally shook out a few pieces of pure white cotton in front of its body, which wrapped around its body and condensed like two wings.

The quantity is not too much, but it is really used.


In the next second, the triple attack collided with the ball of cotton, causing a tiny explosion.

And when the smoke cleared, the miniature dragon appeared in place, and the ball of cotton was still wrapped around its body, except for some scorched black marks, it seemed that there was no serious problem, which made Trainer A and its beeping Duli was stunned in place.

"How is it possible, Mian should be useless for special attacks!?"

Dr. Oki was dumbfounded.

"No, it seems that it is not only cotton..."

Xiaozhi next to him suddenly said, at this moment it is squinting its eyes and watching from afar, and its strong eyesight made him finally discover the clue.

But I saw that there was a faint silver light on the white cotton, flickering like a...


Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

Dragon Pokémon will shed their skin and scales from time to time when they grow to a full body. On weekdays, Xiaozhi has also seen the dragon scales of this miniature dragon, which are very small and glowing with silver light.

And at this moment, the cotton is still full of tiny dragon scales...?



He was silent on the field for a while, and secretly recalled that when he checked the body of this miniature dragon for the first time, he was also inexplicable for a while.

I remember that the female hakron in the wilderness area said at that time that the father of this miniature dragon is a male hakron, but there is a gender difference with her.

Although it is also a sky-blue slender body, the male's belly will be bigger, and there are two more white balls on both sides of the body.

According to the male Hack dragon, in nature, in order to compete for a mate, males tend to have more fancy physical habits, such as male lions with manes around their heads, male peacocks, etc...

Therefore, it is normal for Xiongha Kelong to grow pure white cotton with some differences in shape.

So the mother Hackron was slapped.

The next day, the male hakron never appeared again.

Then, Chi found out that this miniature dragon had an extra genetic move.

Cotton defense.

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