He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 401: Dragon Scale Cotton Two Stage Moulting Zero Form!

As for why the cotton defense can resist special attacks, this is actually a brand new attempt after Chi's brainstorming.

It is common sense that Pokémon can only use one trick at a time, but it is illegal to use two skills at a time, and may get a yellow card when encountering a just referee.

What about using one trick at a time and adding one feature?

The fierce fire feature can assist in spraying flames, making the power greater, proving that this hypothesis is feasible.

It's like the armored chrysalis has become a guinea pig for Chi's research on freedom and extreme intention, and the mini dragon has also become a guinea pig for Chi's research to display skills and characteristics at the same time.

The characteristic of the miniature dragon - shedding skin, when entering an abnormal state, there is a chance to shed its skin, thus contacting the abnormal state.

The abnormal state, in the final analysis, is attribute energy, that is, magic attack.

Dragons are born with the power of immunity to magic, which is the legend in the ghost stories.

But for Pokémon, it is not unfounded. Chi boldly speculates that the dragon skin, or dragon scales on dragons, may really have the possibility of being "immune to magic".

Immunity is indeed too outrageous, but magic damage reduction is very feasible because of the second characteristic of the miniature dragon family.

When the miniature dragon evolves into a third-order fast dragon, the body no longer needs to shed its skin when it matures, and the shedding characteristic will automatically transform into another characteristic-multiple scales.

This is a characteristic that can reduce damage.

So Chi boldly innovated, taking the center of both "shedding skin" and "dragon scale".


And the facts also confirmed his hypothesis. The shedding feature not only has the effect of resisting special attacks, but also has the effect of reducing damage.

Then cover the molted dragon scales on the cotton, and cooperate with the genetic cotton to defend against physical attacks...

With full defense and damage reduction, Chi has successfully turned a decisive and violent fighting dragon into the ultimate meat shield dragon.

"Hmm... this move has both the characteristics of dragon scales and shedding skin, and the nature of cotton defense, so name this move..."

Looking at the miniature dragon in front of him that looked like a green cotton bird at the moment, he raised the corner of his red mouth and had an idea.

Dragon Scale Cotton Two Stage Moulting Zero Type!


Opposite [biquge www.xbqg5200.me] Trainer A saw Chi and laughed to himself, his expression changed, and he suddenly attacked:

"Fancy, Duduli, use the ramming trick!!"

Damn, how dare you laugh at me! !

Duduli's slender hind limbs were digging the soil for a while, as if waiting for the engine to start, but suddenly there was a strange blue light in the miniature dragon eyes in front of him.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

In the next second, a whirlwind hovered under Duduli's feet, enveloping Duduli. Although the power was not too great, it had a special restraint ability, and immediately fixed the former in place.


Although the father's gene seems to be very powerful, the mother's Hack dragon gene is also not weak, which allows the mini dragon to use dragon attribute tricks with ease.

Being deceived doesn't mean that one's own strength is weak, it just means that one's mind is pure.

If Hackron's strength was really weak, the Qixi blue bird would not have taken the form of cheating, but directly used strength.

"Get rid of it, use Dragon's Breath."

As Chi's voice fell, the dragon's energy had accumulated in the mouth of the miniature dragon, which turned into a blue-yellow energy beam, which bombarded Duduli's body head-on, and burst like a flame.


This blow made Duduli unable to fight neatly, and his three heads limp and fell to the ground.

As Xiaogang said, this is a little brother with unique skills, except for unique Pokémon, everything else is free.

"Doodoo can't fight, first match buff... mini dragon wins!"

The referee quickly gestured, and subconsciously paused when mentioning the miniature dragon. This miniature dragon looks outrageous, and it feels more like a green cotton bird in the Fangyuan area next door!

And Trainer A's second Pokémon, the cat boss, was soon defeated by the mini dragon's set of operation combinations.

The game came to the final match point.

"Come on, come on, brother's unique skill!"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but said excitedly.

The reason why I say it is a little unique skill brother is because the opponent's nine-tailed one is not particularly strong, but the miniature dragon on the other side has a fancy operation, which also means that its level is not high at all, otherwise it would have already One force dropped ten meetings.

So maybe this can still be a good fight?


"It's up to you! My trump card!!"

Trainer A threw the last Pokéball. It was a golden fox Pokémon with nine wide and long tails. Its jewel-shaped eyes stared forward. It had an elegant and noble temperament.

Nine tails!

"Two, the game begins!"

As the referee's voice fell, this time it was Chi's turn to give instructions.

"Mini Dragon, use Dragon Dance."

He could clearly feel that the level gap between this Nine-Tails and the previous two Pokémon was a bit large, and he had to rely on Dragon Dance to close the gap.

Contestant A took the first step: "Nine Tails, use a surprise attack!"

Nine Tails understood and started to run. In the process, the nine big tails behind him were flying, looking full of momentum, almost rushed to the front of the miniature dragon in a few blinks, raised its forelegs and slapped the target vigorously, and directly slapped it It landed on the ground, interrupting the Dragon Dance.

"Then use Jet Flame!!"

Nine Tails opened its mouth and spit out a ball of flames, powerful and smooth.

Chi has no fear, secretly calculating the skill damage in his heart, and then instructed: "Use Dragon Dance to avoid it."

When the flames came, the miniature dragon did not choose to use dragon scale cotton to defend, but repeated the old trick, moving around and dancing the dragon dance, trying to improve its ability while avoiding the attack.


It's just that the flames were so fast, and when the miniature dragon was dancing, several places of its skin were still scalded by the flames, and it couldn't help but wailed a few times, which seemed to have caused a lot of damage.

The cotton on its body is active defense, not passive, and its bare skin is still defenseless.


But after the attack was over, the red light with enhanced abilities also appeared on the miniature dragon.

"Hmph, so greedy..." Trainer A just sneered, it depends on your life if you are so full.

"Nine tails, use the flame vortex!!"

Hearing that Nine Tails opened its mouth again, this time the power of the flame spit out increased by more than 3 layers, and when it got close to the target, it instantly turned into a whirlpool tornado, wrapping the miniature dragon in it.

"Leave it alone and dance the dragon again."

There was no emotional change in Chi's voice, as if everything was still being calculated.

"Too greedy, isn't this batch?!"

"Is this still slack?!"

"Thanks to the fact that the name is so domineering, I thought it was so powerful, it turned out to be a greedy critic!?"

Many spectators who understood the game have already blurted out, because at this moment, Nine Tails outside the flames has a strong energy around his body, which makes people dare not be careless.

This purple-yellow energy turned into a spiral energy coat and covered Jiuwei's body, and then the latter kicked on the ground and rushed towards the flame vortex, like an energy shock wave, powerful and mighty! !

"Nine Tails, use Ultimate Shock!!"

Trainer A yelled loudly, he was absolutely unacceptable to be beaten three times in the round of 16!

And that average-level miniature dragon is determined not to be able to withstand the ultimate impact of this move! !

"Boom boom boom!!"

Soon, Nine Tails broke through the flames, and the terrifying energy impact hit the mini dragon head-on. Suddenly, the smoke and flames exploded. Along with the surrounding flame vortex, the energy soared into the sky, and the ground cracked!

This is indeed a unique skill brother, not a small unique skill brother, at least a medium unique skill brother!

"Hmph! Finally can't fight, right? Let you continue to be greedy!"

The flames dissipated, Nine Tails landed gracefully, and Trainer A looked at the gravel pit knocked out by the former with a disdainful face, and the miniature dragon with cotton was lying there powerlessly.


In the next second, the figure of the miniature dragon in the gravel pit jumped and melted into the ground.

This is cotton.

But not mini dragons.

This scene made Trainer A's face change instantly!

And behind the Nine Tails, there was already a small blue and white snake.

At this moment, the mini-dragon has already shed all the dragon-scale cotton. It just used the gap of Dragon Dance to throw this ball of cotton into the flame vortex to act as a substitute.

At this time, Nine Tails entered the period of stiffness after using the ultimate impact.

"The skin can shed, when did you have the illusion that cotton can't shed...?"

Chi's voice, like a villain, makes people shudder.

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