He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 402 What is the top 16... I am the top 9...!

Seeing that the time was right, Chi instructed unhurriedly:

"Tiny dragon, use frolic."

The miniature dragon nodded. At this moment, there was a layer of pink energy light around its body, and then it turned into a spirit snake, sticking to the ground, and attacked the still immobile Nine Tails.

This action not only changed Trainer A's face, but even Champion Du in the VIP room above slapped the marble handrail angrily. His painful palm trembled, but he didn't feel it.

This physical pain didn't even reach a ten-millionth of the anger in his heart.

This kind of anger, he has not appeared for at least five years.

Miniature dragons... for playfulness? !

It's outrageous for you to use cotton to defend, and now even the nemesis of the dragon attribute, the fairy attribute is used! ?

This is his Dragon Envoy, Champion Du absolutely unacceptable!

He can allow dragon traitors to appear in the Fangyuan area next door. After all, the highly qualified dragon-type king over there didn't say anything, so he can't cross-border to point fingers, relying on authority to force the local Pokémon Alliance to take Qixi The blue bird has been deleted from the illustrated book.

However, he is an old Mini Dragon fan.

Dragon traitors must not be allowed to appear in the mini dragon family!

"Hmph, cotton defense and goblin skills, are they descendants of traitors..."

Du quickly realized that there might be a genetically powerful Tanabata blue bird in the previous generation of this miniature dragon. The bird and the dragon are not reproductively isolated, which he did not expect.

Du is already considering reporting to the highest level here later, and revoking the license of this trainer called "**"...


"I seem to be the highest level here!"

Thinking of this, Du's complexion turned cold in an instant, his eyes revealed a fierce look, and he had already silently recorded the trainer's name in his small enemy book in his hand...


In the arena, Kyuubi entered a period of stagnation due to the final attack, and was easily hit by a single blow.

"Da da da da da!"

The frolicking action looks a lot like wild swinging, which is to use the energy of the fairy to rush and hit the enemy's body continuously, splashing a burst of fairy dust.


Pain came from the body one after another, Nine Tails finally broke free from the stiff state, growled like a wild beast, revealed a fierce look, then grinned, with sharp teeth, and was about to bite directly on the miniature dragon with one bite.

"call out..."

However, the speed of the miniature dragon, which has gone through two dragon dances, has increased to a not-so-low level at this moment, passing by slipperyly, sticking to Nine-Tails' neck, its body bent like a spring, and then suddenly bounced upwards.

"Huh huh huh..."

At this moment, the end of the miniature dragon's tail has already been wrapped with a layer of light blue water flow energy. After the physical strength of the dragon dance has been improved, the power of this move has also been greatly improved.

"Mini dragon, use the water tail."

Chi low shouted.

It's unlucky for the opponent, my mini dragon doesn't have other skills, so it can restrain the water tail of the flame nine tails with one move.


The miniature dragon in mid-air turned over and pressed the tail of the water flow under its body. With the pressure of the water flow, it slashed hard at the back of Nine Tails.


Immediately, the water burst and smashed down with majestic force, which caused Jiuwei's waist to sag in a large arc like chopsticks, which looked shocking.

As the saying goes, wolf Pokémon have a copper head and iron bone tofu waist, while foxes and wolves belong to the same category, and the waist of Nine Tails is also a vulnerable part.

hit the nail on the head!


Kyuubi couldn't help but let out a tragic wail, the explosion caused by the water flow and mist enveloped the area, which made Trainer A's expression also look desperate.


After a few seconds, the water vapor and smoke dissipated.

Kyuubi had already fallen to one end of the arena, the originally elegant fur looked very messy, and water droplets dripped down.

On the other side, the miniature dragon was panting and curled up on the field, its body trembling slightly, but its eyes were still bright and shining, the body of the little snake already faintly carried a bit of the illusion of a giant dragon, People dare not take it lightly.

"Nine tails can't fight, mini dragon wins!"

"Because the three Pokémon of player A have lost their fighting ability, this match will be won by player **!!"

The referee pronounced the verdict in time.

He has judged several red matches, and he obviously didn't have an advantage at the beginning, and even often had a level gap with the opponent, but this miniature dragon has always maintained a terrible record of one-to-three.

Of course, on the one hand, it is also because Chi has been unimpeded along the way, and has not encountered any masters, and he is a middle-level unique skill brother like Trainer A.

"Or this ** player is also a little unique brother... Wondering what his remaining Pokémon are?"

The referee couldn't help sighing.

There are only two people in the current Quartz Alliance who have only shown one of their own Pokémon from beginning to end, the masked man's Roaring Tiger, and Chi's Mini Dragon.

One of the hot topics of discussion at this conference is whether Brother Unique Skill only knows one Pokémon, and the other 5 carp kings make up the number, or are they fully blooming.

Hearing the cheers and discussions from around, Chi just retracted the mini dragon, lowered his hat slightly, and left slowly, with an outstanding and aloof temperament.

"Nice job, Mini Dragon..."

he said softly.


The top 16 match of the three acquaintances is over, and the last match of today will start soon, but this time, it is two opponents who are close in strength, fighting from the sky to the ground along the way, "bang bang bang" exploded again and again, and the tiger was in full swing , making people look excited.

But the process, slightly.

The first day's four games are over.

Then comes the next day's four round of 16 matches.

The battle was very exciting, and Xiao Zhi even saw a few big-handed trainers, whose strength is not to say that they are powerful, but the process,


Two days passed quickly, and the 8 rounds of the top 16 were all over. The players had one day to buffer, and the next eight rounds were even more exciting.



At night, Xiaozhi and his team were sitting in the hall of the Pokémon Center eating and talking. The atmosphere was both relaxed after the battle and solemn before the battle. It was an extremely delicate atmosphere.

Due to the tight schedule, they did not celebrate Xiaozhi's good result of reaching the top 8. Instead, they planned to wait until the whole game was over before returning to Zhenxin Town and inviting the whole village to eat and celebrate at the entrance of the village.

In the first year of their debut, they achieved the top 8 results, which is not a low record for Zhenxin Town.

"Hehe, although my Xiaomao is in the top 16, the future is promising."

Dr. Oki said cheerfully, and patted the shoulder of the hedgehog boy next to him, sounding like he was comforting him.

"Huh, what are the top 16... I am obviously the top 9..."

At the dining table, Xiao Mao muttered and complained.

After losing the battle, Xiao Zhi, whom he usually despises, has become the focus of everyone again, which makes him a little unbalanced.

Thinking about it in my heart, the more I think about it, the more angry I get, envy, loss, remorse, shame, anger, self-blame, negative energy... At this moment, all the negative emotions came to my heart, which made Xiaomao's face change for a while, Dao Xin Chaotic, almost obsessed.

"Hey, maybe I, Xiao Mao, was born to be such a rubbish trainer...?"

"Why don't I become a trainer and go back to Zhenxin Town to raise pigs..."

"Or inheriting Grandpa's research institute is also a good choice, anyway, Grandpa is going to retire soon..."

"Being human, I'm sorry..."

Xiaomao began to murmur in a low voice.

Green: "..."

The words "going home to raise pigs" kept coming to mind, and Qinglu couldn't help but shook her head, secretly thinking that if Xiaomao's mentality problem was not resolved sooner, it would be impossible to succeed, so she finally made a decision and said:

"Xiao Mao, start again tomorrow, you can go somewhere with me."

Xiao Mao raised his head and slowly made a question mark.

"Where do you go to raise pigs?"

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