He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 404 One in ten thousand chance of winning

"That guy Xiaomao has already left..."

Sitting in the Pokémon Center, Xiao Zhi had a rare expression of emotion, and finally couldn't help but sighed deeply.

The defeat of his friend and rival left the field, let him know the cruelty of the game, and empathize with him...

Xiaolan: "?"

Sitting next to her, Xiaolan couldn't help but point her finger at herself, her beautiful eyes widened.

Hello! I also lost and left the stage. Why didn't I see you sighing or something at that time, and I even sneaked a glimpse of you holding back your laughter?

Xiaozhi just patted Xiaolan on the head.

"You died so quickly, it was tasteless."

Hearing that Xiaolan tilted her head, she slowly raised a question mark, and even wanted to punch Xiaozhi in the face.


"Didi. Now the lineup for tomorrow's quarterfinals of the Quartz Conference is announced. Please check it..."

As soon as Xiaomao was sent away, Chiye seized the house again and slipped away. At this time, the illustrated book in Xiaozhi's mouth suddenly issued a reminder sound, which made Xiaolan Xiaogang and his group next to him also come up, and opened the public hall in the hall. On the TV, the broadcast of tomorrow's game is indeed on the screen.

Unlike the round of 16, which only gave the opponents of the day's match, this time it directly gave a flow chart of the entire knockout match including the champion, including all eight players who entered the quarterfinals.

The opponents in the quarterfinals, the opponents in the quarterfinals after the victory, and even the opponents in the finals are clearly marked.

"I knew that the order of the round of 16 games was not random."

Xiao Gang next to him couldn't help but said, his expression became a little dignified.

In the round of sixteen, Xiao Zhi is the first round, while Xiao Mao is the second round, which means that if both of them win and advance, they will be opponents in the quarterfinals.

And at this moment, Xiao Mao lost, which means that Xiao Zhi's opponent in tomorrow's quarterfinals will become the one who sniped Xiao Mao...


Looking at the masked man's head next to his own, Xiao Zhi's expression was instantly livid.

The overall quality of the players in the Quartz Conference is not too high. It can be said that the masked man is the most dangerous opponent among them. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky.

"Yeah, and Brother Chi was the third round of the round of 16 the day before yesterday, which also means that you have finished fighting the masked man, and the winner will fight Brother Chi in the semifinals..."

Xiao Gang was still talking, but he saw Xiao Zhi next to him sitting there with an extremely solemn expression, and fell into a temporary sluggishness.


Three arms landed on Xiaozhi's shoulders, probably to comfort him.

"It's okay, Xiaozhi, the top five results in his debut are already very good..."

"Let's directly point to the next year's alliance meeting..."

"It's not a loss for all of us newcomers to die at his hands."

Friends are friends, but the three don't think that the current Xiaozhi beats the masked man.

Hearing that Xiaozhi just brushed away the palms of the three of them, stood up, and planned to go outside to get some fresh air, but Pikachu, who was dozing beside him, twitched his ears and landed on his shoulders...


It was still early in the morning, and the streets of the Quartz venue were not too crowded, and it hadn't started to get bustling yet. Xiao Zhi and Pikachu walked on the streets, looking a bit lonely.


After walking for almost half an hour, Xiaozhi suddenly stopped and couldn't help sighing.

Although he already knew that if he continued to fight, he would always fight against that powerful masked man, and even declared war in front of him, but now if it really happened, he would be in another state of mind.

"Can I really beat him?"

"That guy Xiaomao has no strength to fight back, so I will lose tomorrow..."

"Damn it, if I hadn't met him, I might have gone further..."

This is what Xiaozhi is struggling with in his mind, the more he thinks wildly, the more ugly his face becomes, and he looks like he is possessed.


Pikachu on the shoulder didn't understand, so he had to pat the latter's head helplessly.


"Ren, use electromagnetic waves!!"

A familiar voice suddenly came from not far ahead, interrupting Xiaozhi's thoughts. He subconsciously followed the direction of the sound source and saw Ahong and his Pikachu on a street training ground. Fighting someone.


The Pikachu named Ren started to run, not too slow, and rushed to a small blue and white snake in a blink of an eye, and dense small electric currents burst out from his cheeks, spreading towards it.

In the next second, an electric arc flashed on the miniature dragon, which was a sign of entering a state of paralysis.

It's just that the body of the miniature dragon trembled on the spot, as if shed a thin layer of skin, and the electric arc dissipated along with this layer of skin.

Features, molting.

"Mini dragon, use the water tail."

Seeing the blue water lingering around the tail of the miniature dragon, which was about to whip towards him, Ah Hong's face changed, so he could only say:

"Ren, let's use knocking!!"


Ren had no choice but to take the initiative to meet it, and when he approached the target, his tail was pulled out like a long whip.


A violent explosion sounded at the junction of the two tails, and the two stalemate for a few seconds. Finally, the force of the tail of the water flow was stronger, and Ryan was violently pulled away. The energy of the water flow followed, causing a tiny harm.

"After using the electromagnetic wave, remember to continue to attack first, and don't give the enemy time to counterattack..."

"Steel Tail is a skill that Pikachu must learn, knocking still doesn't work..."

Hearing this, Ahong nodded repeatedly, his eyes flickered, and his face was full of gratitude.

"I understand, senior! Ren and I will definitely learn that move of Iron Tail as soon as possible."

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment by this appearance of master and apprentice. The one who opened his mouth to point out was the old brother Chi who had just taken the ultimate ball, and the hat was still on his body.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, why are you here?"

At this time, A Hong also noticed him, temporarily interrupted the battle, and said hello.

Seeing this, Chi also walked up slowly, raised his eyebrows at Xiaozhi, and remained expressionless.

"Old Chi...** contestant, how are you and Ahong?"

"I hit it off with Ah Hong, so we fought casually..."

Chi said lightly.

He just wanted to find a remote training ground to release his Ultra Beast for a good training, but he happened to see that Ahong was also here, doing special training with his Pikachu.

Even though it was early in the morning, there was no one around, but he was still training hard alone.

This is a trainer similar to Xiaozhi, but the growth rate is much slower, so Chi couldn't help but give some pointers.

"Hehe, the orangutan contestant is so good, I am no match at all..."

Ah Hong just scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, he was not a fool, he said it was a fight, it might as well be that the other party was deliberately instructing him to fight.

But to become stronger, this is what he longed for, although he didn't know it, but Ahong didn't refuse this kindness.

"Xiaozhi is still moving forward, I can't stop even if I lose to you, I will definitely become stronger, and then I will defeat you next time we meet!"

Ah Hong stretched out his fist towards Xiao Zhi, and said vigorously, the fiery fighting spirit made Xiao Zhi slightly taken aback.

Immediately, all the negative emotions in his mind disappeared in an instant, and fighting spirit bloomed again on his downcast face.

That's right, he doesn't have time to escape and struggle with meeting the masked man!

In Xiaozhi's dictionary in Zhenxin Town, evasion and surrender do not exist.

It's just a masked person, if you don't accept it, just do it!


Seeing the change of mood on Xiaozhi's face, Chidu, who was always calm next to him, smiled. He already knew about tomorrow's top 8 match.

It seems that two similar people can also infect each other...

At this time Xiaozhi suddenly turned his head to look at him, and asked:

"Chi...orangutan contestant, what do you think is the probability that I will win tomorrow when I fight the masked man?"

Without thinking, Chi gave the answer.

"Less than one ten thousandth."

The difference in strength between the two is at least 100 Abin. It can be said that it is very slim to win tomorrow's battle.

"One out of ten thousand... that is, it is possible for me to defeat the masked man, that's enough!!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists tightly, and the fighting spirit in his eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest.


The Pikachu on the shoulder felt Xiaozhi's fighting spirit, and it was also full of enthusiasm. It couldn't help jumping high, and the current burst out. One hundred thousand volts hit a wild Bibi bird passing by in mid-air. Corona on the spot...


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