He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 405 vs the masked man, all members fight 6v6! !

the next day.

Quartz main arena, the audience is completely full, even more full than that of the top 16 match. Many people are sitting on the edge of the steps, but they are still staring and discussing, which makes the whole arena seem full of enthusiasm.


Under the eyes of everyone, Xiaozhi was already standing on the field below, his eyes were dignified and firm, he was panting slightly, trying to improve his mental state to the best.

He was the first to play in the round of 16, and he was also the first in today's round of 8.

Pikachu stood by his legs, clenched his fists, his tail was still shaking slightly behind, trying to secretly lower the defense of the opposite trainer.

On the other side of him, of course, was the royal masked man, still in the familiar wrestling outfit, with his bronzed muscular upper body exposed, and his face covered by a hood, so he couldn't see the exact appearance, but he was very powerful.

"It seems that there will be a wonderful battle..."

Looking at the unprecedented war in Xiaozhi's eyes, the masked man smiled, and he also clenched his fists.


Feeling the spectator seats in full swing around him, this is a feeling of grandeur and surging, the masked man couldn't help but look down, and infinite power suddenly surged in his heart.

"One day, I will make such a scene appear in the Alola region!!"


Before the auspicious time for the game to start, there were a few voices of commentary in the venue, which was considered a transition before the start.

"Hello everyone, this Quartz Conference starts from the quarter-finals, and I will explain Xiaojia, and the guest specially invited to this conference, the world's number one commentator Mr. dp will explain."

But on a low platform, two men were sitting in front of the platform, their faces couldn't be seen clearly, they looked like suits and leather shoes, and there were two microphones on the table.

The commentator Xiaojia, a native of Hinopi Town, was a member of the Rockets' three-stripe level in the early years. He relied on the dumb beasts in his hometown to kill the league. Later, he met the champion who was not yet famous at that time. A went up.

In the next second, he was defeated by Du with one hand with his eyes closed, so he was vindicated on the spot and became a glorious official commentator of the league.

The dp teacher next to him was also a powerful professional trainer in his early years, but he didn't get enough outstanding results in many years of fighting. Even in the final critical round, his Laplace hit the water cannon with 4 consecutive misses. record, so he retired on the spot and transformed into a Pokémon commentator who only talks but not hands.

Although it is not an official commentary, in the past few years, relying on the unique insights of the angle and the vicious judgment of the situation, the popularity has exploded, and it is deeply loved by young people.

"Hehe, it's not impossible, the number one in the world is too flattering... Today I'm just a passerby, explaining this game from the perspective of a passerby."

Teacher d said with a smile, the voice was not too loud, and there was a bit of shyness in his tone.

"Then Mr. D, who is a pure passerby, do you think Xiaozhi's player or the masked man's player will have a higher winning rate today?"

Xiao Jia dug a big hole for the opponent when he came up.

To know this kind of game, the most taboo thing is to explain the pre-match predictions. Once the predictions are not accurate and the performance of the game does not meet the expectations of the audience, the players in the center may not be flushed, but the commentators will definitely be flushed.

But Mr. D seemed to have a lot of confidence today, he slapped the table directly, bluntly, and growled in a low voice.

"Don't say I'm not objective today, Lin Gangyou, hey, Lin Gangyou."

Xiao Jia pretended to be shocked. Although he felt the same in his heart, he still asked:

"Oh, Teacher dp is very sure today, so here comes the question, who is 0?"

"Of course it's Xiaozhi's player. Let me just say this. Today Xiaozhi defeated a masked Pokemon. I ate this microphone on the spot."

Mr. dp is very confident. The masked man holds the version answer in his hand - the blazing roaring tiger, and he also explained other games of the masked man a few years ago. This person is not a unique brother who can only roar tigers. His Pokémon are also not weak, and there is a big gap with a fledgling trainer like Xiaozhi.

"Oh~ then let's wait and see, cold knowledge, this microphone is made of titanium alloy, which is harder than the shell of a Jenny turtle."

Xiao Jia knocked on the microphone, and there were two "dong dong" sounds immediately, which made the venue burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was quite active.

After roaring in a low voice, dp felt that he seemed to be in a hurry, and quickly added another sentence.

"Well, let me add a premise. I only eat the microphone when I defeat the masked man in 1v1, and the wheel battle does not count."

After all, with 6 wheels and one wheel, even a heavenly king may overturn the car.

"Oh~ Did you start adding the premise so soon today?"

The two commentators were still chatting on the stage, but the oppressive feeling in the arena below was getting stronger...


Soon, the auspicious time has come.


The flame bird in the brazier on the high platform spread its wings, sang loudly, and sprayed a halo of flames towards the sky above the quartz venue, creating a frenzied momentum for the conference, and the momentum reached its peak for a while.

A referee also slowly walked to the center of the arena with a serious expression, ready to go.

"The quarter-finals of the Quartz Conference will be played against 6v6 players. Now, the two contestants are invited to send out their first Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi nodded. This was his first experience of a 6v6 full-player match, but it made his blood boil even more. Then he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. out.

I will win!

"It's up to you!!"

A red light flashed, and an emerald green four-legged toad appeared on the field.

For the first battle, the Pokémon with the highest number in the illustration book will naturally be used, which symbolizes nobility.

At the same time, the masked man at the other end threw his elf ball, and as the red light flashed, it was not his signature roaring tiger that appeared on the field.

This is the first time he used a second Pokémon at the Quartz Conference.


This Pokémon was so thick that it even made a trembling sound when it landed on the ground.

This is a Pokémon that is very similar to Frogweed.

The body became bigger and thicker, the eyes were a little less energetic, and a little more mature and old, and bright red plantain flowers bloomed on the back, and the limbs fell on the ground, making a "boom" sound, Overweight.

Xiaozhi and the masked man subconsciously glanced at each other, and were taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly, they both sent out the Pokémon with the highest number in their illustrated book.

One 002.

One 003.

Frog Grass, against Frog Flower.

The appearance of Yusanjia from the two hometowns made the home court in the Kanto region boil instantly.

"The Quartz Conference's first quarter-final match, Xiaozhi's contestant against the Masked Man's contestant, the match has officially begun!"

As the referee's arm fell, the faces of Xiaozhi and the masked man changed at the same time, and the two Pokémon in the arena raised their aura to the highest point.

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