He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 406 All members fight! 002 vs 003!

(It's the last day of October, big guys who voted and tipped, that... um.)


Game start.

Since the arena is a standard ground rather than a grassy field, the grass shovel that Froggrass is best at cannot be used, so Xiaozhi can only choose to attack from the front.

"Frog Grass, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

"Miao Frog Flower, we also use Flying Leaf Quick Knife!!"

Unexpectedly, the masked man also issued the same instruction.

In the next second, the two Pokémon lowered their centers of gravity at the same time, and countless green leaves emerged from the petals on their backs. Under the guidance of the strange force, they spun rapidly, and instantly turned into extremely sharp green leaf blades, shooting towards each other in unison. go.

"Da da da!!"

Immediately, countless flying leaf knives collided between the two, one was slashed, and then the other was chopped into pieces. The sharp sound was like a machine gun, and for a while, none of the flying leaf knives could break through the opponent.


Finally, a few flying leaves successfully broke through the flying leaf sharp knife on the opposite side, and the speed was so fast that it was about to cross the cheek of the frog grass, and the latter quickly turned his head to the side.


The green leaf is sharp, leaving a faint bloodstain on its face, causing slight and severe injuries.

The Flying Leaf Quick Knife ended, and the ground was scattered with broken leaves. The masked man was slightly surprised by the first wave of duel.

"Is it just slightly better..."

Facing the form of the second-order form, my third-level Miaowahua didn't have an absolute advantage?

Although this Frog Flower was specially captured when he first arrived in the Kanto area this year, in order to experience the local Yusanjia, it was also carefully selected, both in terms of aptitude and strength, and it was by no means a Pokémon to make up for.

"By the way, the petals on the back of this Froggrass in front of me are blooming too lushly..."

The identity of the masked man is not just a fighting maniac. His second identity is Pokémon doctor, both civil and military. He just got a doctoral certificate a few years ago, and he also has a lot of insight into the form of Pokémon.

And Xiaozhi secretly clenched his fists.

"There is a gap in the level, but it is not very different. There is a chance to beat it!"

The eyes of Xiaozhi and Miaowacao were filled with fiery fighting spirit.

The battle was still going on, and since Feiye Kuaidao couldn't gain an absolute advantage, the two of them sank again and instructed at the same time:

"Use the rattan whip!!"

Grass attribute, if you really want to compare the tricks that don't need other fancy tricks, you can compare the Flying Leaf Knife and the Rattan Whip, and you can see the control over the grass attribute.


After the words fell, the two Pokémon whipped out two brown vines from the roots of the petals on their backs, sprang towards each other like spirit snakes, and finally entangled each other tightly in the center of the arena.



The two vine whips, one thick and one thin, entangled each other, and the two Pokémon grabbed the ground firmly with their limbs, clenching their teeth and exerting force, trying to pull each other down.

Under the tremendous force, Froggrass could not help but slide forward slowly, but in terms of strength, it was still a little weaker.

Seeing this, the masked man immediately shouted:

"Then try this again!"

Miaowahua understood, her body trembled, and around the two bunches of rattan whips, six rattan whips were whipped out again, densely packed, all shooting towards the target.

The number of vine whips of the Miaowahua family is limited, two for the first level, four for the second level, and eight for the third level. Only the chosen frogs can break through this limitation.

But unfortunately, Xiaozhi's Frogweed is the chosen frog.


I saw Froggrass imitating the example, its body trembled suddenly, and at the same time it also whipped out six additional vine whips, which were tightly entangled with the enemy's vine whips, and the situation fell into a similar deadlock again.

It's just that before Xiaozhi was happy, he saw that the Miao Frog Flower suddenly exerted strength, and its size became bigger, which made the power it can emit become extraordinarily exaggerated. Grass dragged over.


Because the limbs were off the ground, it lost its center of gravity, which caused the frog grass to be in chaos for a while.

Seeing that he was about to directly enter the opponent's attack range, Xiao Zhi immediately looked solemnly, and shouted in a low voice:

"Maintain this action and directly use Luoying Brilliant!!"

Xiaozhi's voice gave Froggrass a backbone, and his eyes became clear again. Countless green leaves and petals appeared around his body in mid-air, turning into sharp blades, as if covered with a layer of energy coat. To hit the Miao Frog Flower Mountain directly.


Unexpectedly, the distance between the two was less than half a meter, and countless pink cherry blossoms rose into the air around Miaowahua's body.

Beautiful, but hidden murderous intent!

Petal Dance!

"Boom boom boom!!"

Falling Flowers and Petal Dance collided together. Countless green leaf petals and pink cherry blossoms collided again like the flying leaves and sharp knives before, tearing each other, making a burst of piercing sound. The two frogs in the center of the petals were not real. confrontation.


The leaves and petals fell, but the froggrass was thrown several meters away by the air waves, and it barely landed after several somersaults.


Unexpectedly, as soon as it landed on the ground, a storm of cherry blossoms was stirred up on the Miao Frog Flower again. With a low growl, it moved its thick limbs, and its huge figure struck like a family of running tanks, with a terrifying momentum.

Petal Dance, this is a unique trick for continuous attacks.

Froggrass quickly aroused the colorful petals and green leaves of the Falling Flowers again, and the energy collided, which was able to withstand the pressure, but it was also hit by the impact again, causing slight damage.

Grass attribute to grass attribute, it can be said that they are scraping each other.


After dancing with the petals twice, I saw that the Frog Flower finally stopped attacking, its head suddenly shook in place, and there were several spinning phantoms of lightning birds around.

"Great opportunity! Froggrass!"

Xiaozhi is overjoyed, the side effect of the petal dance is that after using the moves, it will enter a chaotic state, and there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. It is precisely because of this that Froggrass learns the colorful falling flowers, not the petal dance.

But it's also a great offensive opportunity for him.

But before he gave any instructions, the masked man spoke first:

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use Sunny Day!!"

If this skill does not require distinguishing between friend and foe, then there is no confusion.

Sure enough, as the masked man's voice fell, the petals on the back of the frog flower in the chaos still bloomed a layer of golden light energy, and then came out in the form of energy bombs, and went straight to the sky.

Immediately, the entire quartz venue was shrouded in dazzling sunlight.

"It's a sunny day [新笔趣阅www.xsbiquge.vip]...But this trick is also beneficial to me..." Although he doesn't know what the masked man wants to do, Xiaozhi will naturally not let it go this opportunity.

"Froggrass, use the sun flames directly!!"

The Sunshine Flame under a sunny day does not need to be charged for one round, and even though the Sunshine Flame is a grass attribute skill, this move is as hot as the sun's energy. In fact, it can also cause a certain degree of burning effect on the grass attribute , not scraping!


Sure enough, under the sunlight, the petals on the back of the frog grass were instantly dyed with a layer of golden light, as if the energy would burst out in the next second.

At this time, the masked man directly instructed:

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use Earthquake directly!"

Although his instructions were a second late, the froggrass at this moment was able to take a step ahead, and even raised its thick forelimbs, and then fell heavily.


Immediately, the entire quartz arena began to vibrate violently, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and everyone seemed to have turned into several ghost images.

The froggrass in the center suffered a lot of damage in the earthquake, so it had to use its limbs to grab the ground firmly, and the sun flames could not be fired normally.

"How can it be!?"

Xiaozhi in the rear quickly stabilized his figure, and his face changed drastically after a while of dizziness.

Obviously, his previous speed was better than his own Froggrass, but why did the speed of Frogflower on the opposite side suddenly increase by several levels! ?

"Didi. The hidden characteristic of the Miaowaseed family: chlorophyll, the speed is doubled under sunny weather."

The illustration book made a broadcast sound in time.

The Squirtle family has the hidden characteristic of the rain plate, which is a characteristic related to rainy days, and the Bulgaria seed family naturally also has a characteristic related to sunny days.

The frog seeds specially selected by the masked man are naturally precious hidden characteristics.

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his head, but saw the dazzling sunlight shining on Miaowahua's body, and the emerald green skin of the latter seemed to become greener.

This made his face turn green.



At this time, Miao Frog Flower's heavy growl sounded.

After shaking for a while, it finally regained its clarity, exited the chaotic state, and its eyes became sharp and powerful again.

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