He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 410 All members fight! Break the shell, the power of fetters!


The scalding boiling water sprayed out from the Kami turtle's mouth, and as soon as it touched the air, a layer of smog and white gas immediately filled the air, which was menacing.

Emperor Nabo didn't dare to be careless, and quickly raised his two steel wings again in an attempt to defend.


The hot water is not like an ordinary water flow, its texture is a little viscous, the scalding heat falls on the wings, and there is a sound of hot water scalding the skin, which makes the emperor Nabo raise his eyebrows a little uncomfortable, so he has to retreat several times Take a step, flick the wings, and shake off the boiling water above.

Seeing that the blow worked, Xiaozhi's attack was like a fire, and he roared a second time:

"Cami Turtle, keep using the hot water!"

And the masked man already has a coping strategy.

"Emperor Napoleon, use the water cannon directly!"

You are water + fire, then I will double the water and directly extinguish your flame!


Emperor Nabo nodded, his body sank, and a bird's beak under the golden crown spewed out a huge column of water. Previously, the Kami Turtle was much stronger.


When the two collided, there was a burst of steaming white smoke, and the power of the water cannon was more than one level stronger, and the scalding hot water was pushed back in an instant, and the strong water pressure directly knocked Kami Turtle's entire body to the ground. Exit a few meters.

"Damn it, Cammy Turtle, use the water cannon!!"

"Emperor Nabo, use the Cannon Cannon!!"

The two coincidentally, this time at the same time chose the ultimate move of long-range confrontation.

In the next second, Kamigui spewed out a high-pressure water cannon, and Emperor Nabo froze, and spit out a silver-white energy pulse, like a laser beam, containing impressive steel power.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two tricks collided, but the stalemate lasted for less than a second. The power of the Cannon Light Cannon was even stronger. It pushed away countless water currents with an unstoppable momentum, and finally landed on Kami Turtle. The metal energy burst and exploded immediately. There was a terrible puff of smoke.

The Kami turtle in the center was even more unbearable, its body was thrown straight away, and it suffered a huge blow.

Unlike the first Frog Flower, which is only slightly better, this time there is a big gap between Kami Turtle and Emperor Nabo...



The smoke and dust dissipated, and Kamigui struggled slowly while supporting the ground. There were a few more scars on Yuanyuan's head, but his expression was extremely determined and persistent, sizing up the opponent in front of him.


The same look also appeared on Xiaozhi's face.

For a moment, strange power enveloped the two of them, and a fetter connected them like an invisible bridge in the hearts of one person and one turtle. The desire to defeat their opponents made them enter a special state.


Taking a deep breath, the next moment, Xiaozhi and Kamigui's movements and breaths seemed to come from the same person.

The power of bondage!

"This is?"

The masked man in front of him froze for a moment, he had never seen a scene like this before.

"Is this Xiaozhi's ability? He really is an extraordinary boy..."

But he quickly realized that the human beings in front of him should be leading this state. Although he was surprised, the problem was not serious. There are some strange people with special abilities in the world, which is not particularly unbelievable. .

Immediately, his face showed the flames of war, looking forward to the next battle, he was more eager to fight against a powerful opponent than to crush the game!

"Come on Xiaozhi, let me see your strength..."



Sharing the five senses of Cammy Turtle, the aura of the outside world gushes out, but Xiaozhi's heart calms down, like still water.

The power of fetters cannot be improved infinitely. When facing opponents with an absolute difference in level, this ability can only be improved to a limited extent. He doesn't think he can defeat the mighty Emperor Napoleon in front of him with this power. ..


Xiaozhi subconsciously swept across thousands of auditoriums. In the crowd, a dazzling white light shot up into the sky, almost blinding his eyes.

This is a boy with a bald head, the top of his head is shiny, shining under the sunlight, with a little glare.

Abin from Boystown.

Xiaozhi has extraordinary eyesight, and even saw Abin sitting on the seat more than 100 meters away, and gave him a thumbs up, which made his heart stabilize immediately, and Kamigui's eyes changed at the same time.

In the past few days, his Froggrass is in special training to learn crazy plants.

And his Cammy Turtle is training with Abin, trying to master his unique skills...

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, because now is the best opportunity to show off the results of the special training, and immediately waved his fingers:

"It's now, Kami Turtle, use Broken Shell!!"


Kami Turtle nodded, his faith sank, a strange energy surged out of his body, the entire turtle shell glowed, and in the eyes of everyone, it seemed that Kami Turtle's tortoise shell was broken.


There was even a piercing sound of carapace breaking in my ears.

In the next second, several red lights symbolizing ascension and weakened blue lights appeared on Cammy Turtle's body.

The double attack and speed have been greatly improved, but the double defense is also decreasing.

This is a suicide trick that can only attack and has no defense.

"Oh, are you going to fight to the death, but your defense power is reduced, and your Kami turtle can't stop my attack..."

Before the masked man finished speaking, his eyes widened a little.

I saw a white feather suddenly floating above Kami Turtle's head, and a strange light suddenly fell, and the double defenses that had been weakened by the broken shell were restored again.

White vanilla, which restores reduced abilities, can only be used once per match.

As a set of combo punches, Abin naturally gave this key item to Xiao Zhi, which is equivalent to finding a bug in the system and using the trick to break the shell for nothing.

"Come on! Xiaozhi, kill me hard haha!!"

Abin in the audience seats was even more excited than Xiaozhi, his face flushed, he couldn't help standing up and screaming.

If the latter really overturns the masked man and wins the championship, the body and base of the trophy have already been contracted by Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, then the handles on both sides of the trophy belong to him!

"This little bald donkey is so rude."

"Are the monks going to beat and kill now...?"

"Monk in the Chengdu area, it's like this over there."

"The Chengdu area has thrown away your ancestral grave, right?!"

Abin's actions caused quite a commotion in the auditorium around him...


In the arena.

The Kami turtle bounced on the spot, the muscles of its limbs grew a lot, and its movements became more flexible. This is undoubtedly its peak state at the moment, giving it the confidence to meet the big penguin opposite.

"Again, use the water cannon trick!!"

Xiaozhi's voice moved Cammy Turtle's mind, opened his mouth, and directly sprayed out a beam of powerful blue water, which rubbed against the air and even made violent noises.

The masked man didn't dare to be careless, he punched heavily:

"Imperator Napoleon, we also use water cannons!!"


Emperor Nabo waved his wings, spit out a beam of equally majestic water flow energy, and rushed away with high-pressure water power.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The two water cannons collided head-on in the center of the arena, the huge solid water splashed in all directions, and the water attribute energy was even more rippled and scattered towards the surroundings. The vigorous force of this high-pressure water flow made everyone feel like a tactic. Lean back.

After a few seconds, the water dissipated.

Evenly matched.

"Hiss, what a strong penguin..."

Even with the addition of the broken shell and the power of fetters, the power is only raised to a 50-50 situation, which makes Xiaozhi's expression shudder, and even Kamigui gasped for several breaths on the spot.

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