He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 411 All members fight! Golden water tail, erupt!

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This is the first time that Xiaozhi didn't know how to act when he entered the bonded state.


At this time, the masked man suddenly took a heavy step forward, with a lot of momentum, as if a red and black flame like the color of the mask was burning on his body, and the high emotion instantly infected the audience.

As a royal wrestler, mobilizing the audience's emotions and borrowing the cheers of the surrounding audience into his own strength is the specialty of the masked man.

This is not useless, but a kind of metaphysical luck.

"Since I have seen such power, let's show the real power now!!"

The masked man's voice made Emperor Nabo tremble. He raised his two steel-winged arms, and the energy condensed towards them, gradually forming a large stream of water above his head.

"Huh huh huh..."

The water flow continued to expand and rotate, and finally turned into a huge funnel-shaped vortex.

"Tide spin?"

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, he thought the other party was about to explode, but it turned out to be Tide Spin?

Isn't this just a tool skill?

"Cami Turtle, let's use Tide Spin too!"

His Cammy Turtle will also do this trick. Although he doesn't know what the opponent's purpose is, he can only choose to be conservative and do the same. If he can't counterattack, he can at least offset the attack.


Kami Turtle raised his arms in a similar manner, and sure enough, a large cloud of blue water condensed above his head, with a funnel-shaped edge and a turbulent rotation in the middle.

"Boom boom boom!!"

A turtle and a penguin dropped their arms to the ground at the same time, and two vortexes in the sky also rushed up slowly. When the two vortexes in diametrically opposite directions touched, they immediately burst into countless water splashes in the sky, and a short-lived vortex fell on the field. Light rain, finally disappeared at the same time.

When sailing overseas, the principle of the tool skill Tide Vortex is to create a vortex in the direction of rotation to cancel each other out.

Now Kamigui's strength is enough to be evenly matched with the opponent without losing the wind.


But as the water splashed down, before Xiaozhi and Kamigui breathed a sigh of relief, a high tide of water suddenly surged across the opposite half of the arena, and the waves were almost five or six meters high. , seems to be able to devour and cover everything, roaring towards the Kami turtle.


The huge black shadow of the waves covered its face, making Kami Turtle suffocate.

"Surfing trick? When?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, secretly thought that the previous tide was just a cover for surfing, and quickly raised his hand to point.

"Kami Turtle, use high-speed rotation to protect yourself!"

He is confident that with the strength of the Kami Turtle at the moment, and the double defense has not been weakened, it is enough to block this move without injury!


The Kami turtle jumped up and calmed down in the face of the turbulent waves. Its limbs and head were flexibly put into the shell, and it began to float in mid-air, rotating at high speed. The movement of the turtle shell was filled with a strong sense of power.


Unexpectedly, when the wave was less than one meter away from Kami Turtle, the bottom of the surf suddenly opened a hole from the inside, and a blue-black figure suddenly jumped out of it at a very fast speed.

At this time, Emperor Nabo had come directly below the Kami Turtle, and raised a steel-winged arm, which was lingering with the power of the impressive water flow.

"Didi. Diving trick, dive into the water in the first round, and wait for an opportunity to attack in the second round."

The illustration book reminded in time.


In the next second, Emperor Nabo decisively threw his arm upwards heavily, hitting the center point of the turtle shell's high-speed rotation.

"Cami Wu..."

Kami Turtle let out a muffled hum immediately, and threw its body away. The center of the turtle shell was the only weak point of high-speed rotation, which was directly found by the enemy and easily destroyed, which caused a slight serious damage to it.

Immediately afterwards, the sky-filled waves fell half a second later, and ruthlessly washed over the Kami Turtle who had lost its high-speed rotation state, and even engulfed it.

This scene made Xiaozhi's complexion change drastically immediately, and he was a little short of breath. Unexpectedly, the masked man looked like he hadn't finished his combo, and suddenly said:

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, you won't forget how I introduced my emperor Nabo earlier, right?"


Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously remembered the other party's first words in his mind.

"Imperator Napoleon is my best friend...underwater assistant."

The masked man laughed loudly, and then said in a low voice boldly:

"Haha traffic... My combo is not over yet, Emperor Nabo, use the last waterfall climbing!!"

"chug chug..."

The sound of high-speed movement began to resound in the entire surfing water, as if consciously converging and spiraling into the sky, the next second, his own kami turtle suddenly rushed out of the water.

However, it didn't rush out voluntarily, but saw the mighty emperor holding wave's wings into fists, and his body was rising continuously on the waves. body of the tortoise, and the whole tortoise was violently thrown into the sky.

Climb the waterfall! !


The stamina disappeared, and Kamigui was unable to fall, and the 5 or 6-meter-high surf had completely disappeared, which made the former fall from a high altitude without any buffer, causing another huge damage.

This is the combination fist of the masked man and Emperor Nabo. The vortex obscures the vision, and the first round of diving power is completed during the process of surfing and pretending to attack, and then dives to attack first.

Then there is the impact of surfing, and finally, with the power of the waves, we will use the power of the waves to finish climbing the waterfall.

It is officially forbidden to use two tricks at the same time, but this is a set of combined punches, and there is no simultaneous use of two tricks in one round, and there is a time gap between them.


Immediately, the entire arena erupted into cheers because of this set of traffic combination punches. No one thought that these tool skills, which are useless in battle, could be used to their advantage...

"Is this the move doctor...not bad..."

In the auditorium, the faceless man controlled by Chi couldn't help showing a smile when he saw this, with admiration in his eyes.

He knows the details of the masked man. On one side is the royal masked man, and on the other side is Dr. Pokémon from the Alola region.

As for the doctoral specialization project and research direction, it is Pokémon moves.

Such a combination of moves was indeed beyond his expectation.

"But the next second is already mine..."

After staying with Xiaozhi for a long time, Chizao has already copied Xiaozhi's copying power.

Then he turned his eyes to the other side of the arena, wondering how Xiaozhi would fight back. The Kami Turtle has not completely lost his fighting ability, but it is infinitely close to dying. I am afraid that the water jet of Emperor Nabo will be able to fight back. ending.

And Emperor Nabo didn't rush to attack after one blow, he was afraid he was waiting for something...

"Are you waiting for that move?"

Cammy Turtle used a special trick during the qualifying round. As a doctor of tricks, the masked man would naturally be eager to face it head-on for the last time.

"But this trick..."

Chi couldn't help shaking his head, but didn't say anything.



In the arena, Kamigui slowly struggled to his feet, his body trembling slightly, his breathing short of breath, and he had exhausted all his strength when he stood up, looking like a dying candle in the wind.

"Cami Turtle, you still want to fight...?"


Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Cammy Turtle standing up abruptly. He reached into the turtle shell to take out something to put on, but he couldn't find something familiar.

Only one prop can be carried in a game. The white vanilla is carried, and the sunglasses have been temporarily confiscated by the authorities.

Really makes the turtle uncomfortable.

do not care!


Kamigui yelled angrily, and stood upright. This fighting spirit and Xiaozhi understood it, and the emotional will of the two people was intertwined, which made this fetter connection enter a higher level.


At this moment, Kami Turtle's body has been inexplicably dyed with a faint golden light, and the body is filled with steaming white air, and the wide light blue vortex tail has been completely replaced by bright gold...

For a while, it turned into a golden turtle.

Feeling that the energy was ready to go, Xiao Zhi immediately roared loudly:

"Cami Turtle, it's time to decide the outcome, use the last water tail!!"


After saying those words, Kami Turtle jumped high, its body rotated three times in mid-air, and finally pressed the vortex-shaped tail under its body, surrounded by faint water energy.


After the addition of Xiaozhi and Kami Turtle's fettering will, the whirlpool tail suddenly expanded by more than five times, and instantly turned into a bunch of huge golden tails, which penetrated people as if the golden heat was burning, lingering terror The energy of the water flow, and the surrounding area is constantly transpiring white smoke.

For a time, the power reached its peak! !

This made everyone stare blankly at the golden light in midair.


The golden light is like the metal tube of an oven heated to the highest temperature, almost collapsing, even looking at it, one can't help but take a breath...


In the eyes of the masked man, there was both fanaticism for moves and prudence in fighting, and then he said in a low voice:

"Emperor Nabo, use steel wings to defend, and stand ready!"


Emperor Nabo's face froze, and his two silver steel wings stuck into the ground like a shield, but with this terrifying aura, his steel wings might not be able to completely resist it...

But it's not a big problem, it still has enough confidence to keep the last drop of blood, and then spray the head with the pre-made water jet.

It is similar to the masked man, and it is also obsessed with moves, so it does not hesitate to use its own flesh and blood as a means of transportation!


But saw that the Kami turtle had already fallen in the air, and the big golden tail was carrying a lot of water vapor, and finally smashed down heavily, unstoppable!

Golden water tail, erupt! !

"Boom boom boom!!"

And Emperor Nabo gritted his teeth tightly, transferring all the strength of his body to the two steel wings, resisting this attack with all his strength.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The huge force hit its steel wings, causing Emperor Nabo's body to tremble suddenly, and he had no choice but to desperately stimulate the energy output.

The terrifying explosion sounded even more instantly, and the golden light energy accompanied by the majestic flow of water engulfed Emperor Nabo, and finally turned into endless steaming white gas, covering the entire quartz main arena!

The terrifying energy shock made everyone who hadn't come tremble and turn blue.

"Is there a winner?"

"What kind of ghost skill is this!?"

"Let's hang up, the official doesn't care?"

"I guess the one who won this game was a water-type Pokémon."

In the white smoke, after the initial shock, the audience started to discuss it one after another. They kept blowing manually in an attempt to blow away the annoying white smoke and see the result of the game immediately.


As the smoke dissipated, Emperor Nabo sat slumped on the ground in the arena, his eyes widened, and he looked a little dull. For a moment, he lost his proud emperor's attitude, and his expression was like a fool.


It couldn't help scratching its head, the golden water tail looked really scary and gaudy, but why did it get smashed at first, and then...

And then it's gone?

The blood deducted barely reaches 1 point, which is a negligible serious injury, and it has not even recovered as much as it...

"Wait, is this a feint?!"

Emperor Nabo hurriedly stood up again and looked around vigilantly, only to see that the Kami turtle had completely fallen not far in front of it, its eyes were swirling, and one leg was still twitching.

Emperor Nabo: "?"

Masked man: "?"

One person and one penguin are a little confused.


Xiaozhi: "???"

Xiaozhi is more confused than one person and one penguin.

"Am I being acted...?"

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