He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 421 All members fight! Use the weak to overcome the strong!

(There is a grade division written in the front of the book, you can read it if you are interested, it may not be accurate.)

(Don't see it early, I gave it a very high position. For comparison, the realm is probably at the level of Primordial Regression · Kyoka Water Spray, but the level itself is stretched, rounded, and now it is probably used by 0v Gulardo The level of the sword of the cliff.)

(Well, I don't know why this battle has suddenly become so long, try to compress it as much as possible.)



Perfect, free and extreme, every minute and every second is at the limit, Xiaozhi dare not have the slightest delay.

At this moment, his bondage power has also been strengthened to the limit load state, as if a giant hammer is constantly hitting his head in his head, humming and roaring, an ordinary person would have fainted already.

"Iron Armor Chrysalis, quick battle!!"

He could only growl loudly, there is no difference in level for the armored pupae in this state.


The armored pupa understood, the silver body flashed out, and disappeared in place immediately, leaving only a faint silver streamer on the field, completely lost the body shape, and the speed was even more terrifying than the super fast trick.

The faces of the roaring tiger and the masked man in the center have already been completely messed up in the wind, and the extreme intention of freedom is outrageous enough, and then you tell me, isn't this the final state?

Which trash bin did you pick up this god-like chrysalis? !


Roaring Tiger narrowed his eyes, but couldn't catch the slightest figure of the other party at all. He was sweating profusely as he looked around.

"Calm down!!"

The masked man hurriedly shouted, although he is also in a state of confusion now, but the trainer is also panicking under this situation, then it is really over.

Although he doesn't know what happened, he only understands one thing. The previous state of the armored chrysalis can't last long, and the current state can only last for a shorter time...

No matter how strong you are, as long as you survive this time period, you can win!

Unknowingly, he has reversed the status of the two, put himself in a state of being superior and inferior, and regarded Xiaozhi and Armored Chrysalis as invincible big bosses. His mind was raging wildly, looking for anyone who could defeat him. The strategy of a formidable enemy several levels above him.

But this situation should actually have happened to Xiaozhi.

"Roaring Tiger, use Flame Charge on the ground!!"

After thinking for a while, the masked man had an answer. This move was not thought up on the fly, but a tactic that had been considered during the intracranial phantom battle before.

While watching the video of the play-in match yesterday, he had already prepared for the worst...

It's just that the current situation seems to be worse than the worst...

"Tiger Roar!!"

Although the heart is infinitely messy, Roaring Tiger is also the master who has experienced many battles. Immediately, the strength of the whole body was gathered, the flame belt flickered, and a terrible fiery red flame burst out from the body. The flame burst and burned, and the color changed from the initial red to the deep red. Transformation, and finally a sudden change, turned into a terrifying blue flame, completely lost the entity of the flame, leaving only the blue energy.

In the end, Roaring Tiger concentrated all the blue flames on his fist, bent his body, followed the tiger's fist, and finally smashed heavily on the ground.

"Boom, boom!!"

In the next second, the entire venue began to tremble violently, and the stadium, which was half the size of a football field, collapsed in an instant, completely turning into a piece of fragmented rock ruins.

Countless rubble and dust shook into the air, and rock avalanches and rubble scattered everywhere.

After all, armored chrysalis can't fly, and the high-speed movement depends on the body touching the ground, so I will completely destroy the ground, leaving you with no place to stay!

Just in the next second, the expression of the masked man suddenly changed again.


I saw that the silver armored chrysalis did show its figure, but this time, it moved in the sky directly by the rubble rising from the sky.

The torrential rain of rubble and dust densely covered the entire midair of the arena. The speed of the latter was not fast, but the gravel all over the sky could not touch the body of the former at all.

Like a miracle.

"What kind of power is this..."

The three views of the masked man are already somewhat broken at this moment.

He originally thought that even if he wasn't a top powerhouse, he could still be regarded as the overlord. As a result, he played against a junior today, and it seemed that he had exploded something extraordinary.


The eyes of the armored pupa remain unchanged, as if the soul has already transcended, but the body is actively moving.

And at the end of its tail, there was already a burst of extremely terrifying sharp light at this moment, the energy was so strong that the entire venue was trembling faintly, it seemed to be able to penetrate everything in the void space, and it was unstoppable.

The masked man has seen the island god in the Alola region, but it is impossible for the island god to emit such power...

If Champion Du was at this level, then the masked man wouldn't even brag about Haikou's provocative fight, and just turned around and ran away...

The face of the Roaring Tiger that was locked by the attack suddenly changed. Although the attack speed of this attack was not fast, it knew that it would never be able to dodge this move...

There is absolutely no way to stop this trick...

Must die! !


"Roaring Tiger, use that trick!!"

Just when everyone was staring wide-eyed, thinking that the victory and defeat had been decided, the masked man suddenly roared loudly.

Roaring Tiger came back to his senses in an instant, folded his limbs together to form a ball, covered with a layer of blue light, and then slammed into the air in front of him, which instantly turned into a red light and bounced back. The masked man also raised his left hand early , the palm is a poke ball.

Turn back quickly!

Of course Roaring Tiger didn't dare to return to the armored chrysalis, he probably would have been cold on the spot when he hit it head-on, so he could only choose to return to the air.

This set of operations made Xiaozhi dumbfounded.

But the Armored Pupa is still moving forward, unable to withdraw its force, if you retract the Roaring Tiger, you, the trainer, will die.

And the masked man seemed to be half-prepared long ago. When his left hand was retracted, his right hand was already raised, and it was another poke ball.

"Come out, Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings to block this blow!!"


A red light flashed, and Emperor Nabo had already appeared at the place where the Roaring Tiger was standing. No matter what happened, he directly set up two steel wings and turned them into metal shields, and plunged into the ground in front of him fiercely, arousing his whole body to defend.

The switching movements between the masked man and the two Pokémon are smooth and smooth, as if they have been rehearsed long ago.

In the next second, the detached power that belonged to the extreme impacted on the two steel shields of Emperor Nabo, and there was a deafening roar on the field, like a thunderclap, and a terrifying energy was aroused at the junction. explode.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In just an instant, Emperor Nabo couldn't bear the distance, and his figure was blown away from the explosion, and rushed out of the arena like a shell.

The body that flew upside down was full of scars, and the steel wings were dented by the naked eye, obviously this was a huge injury.

As soon as they met each other, they instantly dropped from a healthy green blood to a dying blood, a candle in the wind.

But Emperor Nabo hadn't lost his ability to fight, and stood up tremblingly from the ground, but his eyes were wide open.


Swear to my Arceus, this is definitely the most fierce attack it has ever defended against in its life!

"Is the defense down..."

The masked man was also taken aback by this blow. It would have been the Roaring Tiger who would have fallen on the spot. In his team, only Emperor Nabo with the steel attribute could block this blow...

But looking at the armored chrysalis, whose breath was not as stable as it was at the beginning, although it was still full of silver light, the masked man raised his arm and took Emperor Nabo back.

There is a rule in the Quartz Conference that if the opponent does not change the Pokémon, you can only change the Pokémon once at most, but the rapid return is not counted in that time.

"I'm sorry Xiaozhi, no matter what method I use, I will defeat this armored chrysalis of yours..."

It's like when Xiaozhi is facing an opponent whose level is far higher than his own, no matter how dirty the routine is, as long as he can defeat a strong enemy, he can try it.

Because as long as the weak overcome the strong, victory is everything.

The current masked man has placed this armored chrysalis at the same height as Champion Du, or even higher...

Immediately, he withdrew his left hand and raised his right hand, which was a new elf ball.

"Come out, Roaring Tiger!!"

The red light flashed, and in the next second, the black and red figure of the Roaring Tiger appeared on the field again. As soon as he appeared on the field, he roared upwards, and his terrifying momentum spread away, making people fearful.

Ability—Intimidate to activate!


Intimidate feature failed to activate.

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