He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 422 All players fight! Endgame!

"Damn... Even threats are useless..."

The masked man originally wanted to reduce his attack power by using the rapid return and intimidation characteristics, but he didn't expect it to be completely ineffective. The roaring tiger in front of him is not in good condition, even if it is not a candle in the wind, it is close to this state.

Not to mention this 6v6 match, it was a continuous high-intensity battle, and Yihu was a big C alone, and his mental power consumption was a bit too high.

But when it comes to the consumption of mental power, the other side is even more unbearable...


I saw Xiaozhi staggering on the spot, almost falling forward to the ground, but fortunately one hand supported the ground to barely stabilize his figure, and Pikachu was also supporting him.

The first 6v6 with all members was a big burden on his spirit, not to mention the high-level fettering power several times in a row. At this moment, the scene in his eyes was full of many things. Less ghosting.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Xiaozhi exhaled again and again, and straightened his body again, but at the moment his forehead was profusely sweating, his face was also livid, and the veins on the side of his forehead protruded.

Even the armored chrysalis in front of it, the silver light of the whole body began to become unstable, flickering, as if this perfect, comfortable and extreme state would recede at any time.

"Damn it, it has been dragged until now..."

Xiaozhi's eyes were bloodshot, and there was even a bit of fierceness in them.

Today, no matter what, he will defeat the Scarlet Flame Roaring Tiger! !

"Attack! Iron Armor Chrysalis!!"

The masked man at the other end had exactly the same thought in his mind.

Today, no matter what, he will block this armored chrysalis!

"Roaring Tiger! Use the most powerful Flame Charge!!"

Loud roars sounded from both ends of the arena at the same time.


In the next second, the armored pupa started to move, its whole body was fringed with silver light, and terrifying power emerged from the end of its tail again. The body leaned forward and began to approach the front. The whole body was filled with vigorous and terrifying power, as if it was unstoppable.

"Tiger Roar!!"

The Roaring Tiger also raised its arms on the spot, and a burst of fiery red flames erupted around its body in an instant, and then burned to the extreme in an instant, turning into an extinct blue flame energy that enveloped the whole body, and then kicked on its hind legs, turning into a big blue fireball towards the rushed forward.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The blow above the ultimate and Roaring Tiger's strongest flashing charge collided head-on in the middle of the arena, instantly sparking a terrifying explosion. The flame energy wrapped the sky with silver light and soared into the sky. For a while, the clouds in the sky were violent Rolling, and finally turned into gusts of hot wind, blowing the entire quartz arena...

"I seem to have witnessed a battle that can be recorded in history...?"

This idea appeared in the minds of tens of thousands of viewers at the same time.

At first, I thought it was the master who came to fry fish in the silver and gold game, but in the end, it seems that a king was blown up...?


A few seconds later, hot wind and silver light danced in the form of energy residue, and the smoke and dust gradually dissipated.

"Tiger Roar..."

The Roaring Tiger was panting heavily while standing on the field.

Finally, it stubbornly raised its hand to cover its chest, its eyes widened, and the flaming belt around its waist trembled, finally unable to bear the pressure, its body leaned over and fell down.

It can't stand it anymore.

Before the game, there were countless speculations about what type of player the masked man was, and now they have the answer. This is Roaring Tiger's unique skill brother type player, Roaring Tiger with one hand, completely crushing his other Pokémon.

"Roaring Tiger..."

Seeing this scene, the masked man behind also took a few steps back in disappointment, with a bit of wry smile and regret under the mask.


This armored chrysalis seems to be unable to stop him now.


At the other end of the arena, a silver armored chrysalis was still standing quietly in the center of the arena, which meant that in the last collision, it didn't take a single step back, and the Roaring Tiger almost fell to the ground. The edge of the field is white.

Landslide victory!

At this moment, everyone in the entire arena stared at this Pokémon with wide eyes. The majestic aura lingering on it is no different from the gods in legends and myths.

"It turns out that ordinary Pokémon can reach such heights...?"

There is no doubt that in the future, the trainers in the entire Kanto region may focus on cultivating Pokémon such as Pokémon, Little Lada, and Green Caterpillar, in an attempt to reproduce them as gods.

The strength of the trainers in the entire quartz area will also be set back twenty years because of today's game.


"The roaring tiger can't fight, this match is won by the armored chrysalis!"

Although he looked bewildered, the referee in the middle quickly gave a verdict.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi shook his body, took a step forward, his bloodshot eyes widened, his heart was filled with emotion, his face became a little distorted, and he couldn't help roaring loudly:

"Well done Iron Chrysalis, that's how you beat all his Pokémon..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a great sense of trance.

Then there was a terrifying feeling of exhaustion, which rushed to swallow it like a sea wave, which made Xiaozhi finally unable to bear the huge pressure, leaving only a blank in his mind, and everything in front of him gradually became dark.


The armored chrysalis in front of him was the same, the energy of the silver light dissipated, and turned into a green cracked seat color again, the originally firm body quickly wilted like a leaking balloon, and the eyes turned into swirl shapes.

That monstrous aura seemed to have never appeared before, and it turned into an ordinary houseworm again.


Xiaozhi leaned forward and fell on the field like a roaring tiger.


Pikachu by his legs was the first to react, grabbing Xiao Zhi's hat and shaking it, at a loss.

How did people fall?

I warmed up for the whole game, so it's time to stop playing now, right?

I have used up all the pp points of wagging my tail, now I am confident that a flash of lightning can stun a masked man whose body defense has been completely shattered on the spot!

I, Pikachu, am the Eternal Night, and I am just waiting to become famous at the Quartz Conference!

"Pika pickup..."

Xiaozhi's fall stunned the entire arena. I have seen Pokémon lose their will or run away directly, and I have seen trainers sitting on the ground paralyzed, but this is the first time Nima fainted and fell to the ground. .

The masked man had no choice but to nod to the referee, his eyes fixed and he acted decisively.

First, he retracted the Roaring Tiger, walked forward vigorously, picked up the completely wilted Iron Armor Chrysalis with one hand, and carried Xiaozhi on his shoulder with the other hand, the masked man couldn't help but staggered and almost fell on the spot.

"Strange, why is my body so weak today...?"

Normally, just another Xiaozhi would be able to resist, why is it that Xiaozhi and a shriveled armored chrysalis seem to be reaching their limit today?

The masked man shook his head, and hurriedly carried the fainted man and insect towards the infirmary inside the arena.

"Xiaozhi can't fight, and the first quarter-finals of the Quartz Conference, the masked man won!"

This was the last voice Xiaozhi heard when his consciousness was dying.

A game is a game, whether it is a Pokémon who cannot fight or a trainer who cannot fight, it means defeat, and they will not politely fight another day.

Xiaozhi's journey to the Quartz Conference has officially come to an end.

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