He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 423: Chi's Arrival

I don't know how long he fell asleep before Xiao Zhi woke up leisurely.

He had a dream, dreaming that he relied on the armored chrysalis to kill the Quartet and won the championship of the conference.

Xiao Mao kowtowed in front of him, Xiao Lan stood beside her laughing pretentiously, and put her last foot on Xiao Mao's head.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia admired his fighting, while Hanako and Dr. Oki were proud of his maturity.

Brother Chi also showed his complete body, with a smile on his face, rubbing his head, indicating that Xiaozhi has surpassed him now.


wake up.

This is a ward, pale and pale, and there is a smell of pasteurized water in the air.

"Ah, Xiaozhi, you're awake!"

Sitting by the bed was his mother, Hanako, who saw Xiaozhi wake up and hugged him quickly, with an excited face and tears in the corners of her eyes.

Pikachu next to him also twitched his ears and jumped onto his shoulder.

"Mom, Pikachu..."

The dazed Xiaozhi hadn't spoken yet. At this time, the outside of the ward heard the commotion inside, and several people rushed in.

Xiaolan, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, Dr. Oki...

Everyone raised their hands on Xiaozhi's body, and Miss Joy also came in. After a while of physical examination and confirmed that everything was fine, everyone was completely relieved.

"It's okay, the patient's mental energy is too exhausted, and he can recover after lying on the bed for three months~ Minor illness~"

Miss Joy said with a smile, and slowly exited the room with the pink lucky egg next to her.

Gradually clearing his head, Xiaozhi reacted, and hurriedly asked everyone about the status of his own Pokémon.

"The other Pokémon have returned to health, except for the armored chrysalis that was consumed too much and had to stay in the nutrient solution for two days, but Miss Joy also said that there is no root cause of the disease left, so the problem is not big."

Dr. Oki said in a deep voice.

Speaking of Armored Chrysalis, even as an authority, he is stupefied. That power is beyond the ultimate realm, right?

Isn't the ultimate realm already the pinnacle of this world? Can you continue to go up?

So what exactly is that power?

How did Xiaozhi get it?

His mind is full of fog. Compared with these, Xiaozhi's other Pokémon are also very good in battle. He even thought about dissecting the mutated frogweed before, but now Dr. Oki subconsciously forgot about it.

"I'm going to see it..."

Xiaozhi propped himself up from the bed and wanted to get up, but his body felt weak for a while, and he staggered for no reason.

"Xiao Zhi, don't move, Miss Joy said you will lie down for three months!"

Xiaolan's expression darkened immediately, and she pushed Xiaozhi back on the hospital bed again, with a serious expression on her little face.

Now Xiaozhi is in the top five results, rounded up, he is the little champion.

The two are also a frontline alliance, rounding up, she is also a minor champion, and the two of them add up to a standard champion, so only Xiao Mao in Zhenxin Town is at the level of the top 16.

Xiaozhi hadn't experienced this kind of weakness for a long time, so he had to lie back on the hospital bed, chatting with his companions, relatives and friends, but his mind was full of thoughts.

"Yeah, my Quartz Conference is over..."

After realizing it, Xiaozhi sighed.


Soon, everyone left the ward. The patient needed a good rest. Only one Pikachu was still sitting on the bed.

According to Ms. Joy, this time Pikachu also consumed a lot of energy, which made Xiao Zhi slowly put a question mark.

Is it bloody now that you breathe air...?

"I'm sorry, I didn't make it to the end, otherwise you would have been able to fight."

Xiaozhi reached out and rubbed Pikachu's head. The electric mouse's fur was soft and smooth, and it felt good to the touch.

If the masked man is really just Roaring Tiger, and the remaining two Pokémon are average in strength, then relying on Pikachu in the end, it is really possible to make a comeback...

In the final analysis, he is still not strong enough as a trainer.


"Think too much, you can't beat that masked man, even Pikachu can't beat his remaining two..."

A flat voice came from the door of the ward, interrupting his thoughts.

Xiaozhi raised his head subconsciously, looking for the sound.

In the eyes, it is a person who can't see the face clearly. Obviously, the facial features and nose are all there, but as soon as you blink, there is nothing.

"Brother Chi?"

The gray hat on his head made Xiaozhi recognize the identity of the visitor, but what Chi said made him even more confused.

Brother Chi knows the remaining two of the masked man?

"I don't know one of them, but the other one, I smell a familiar smell, should be the Pokémon I beat up before..."

Chi walked over slowly, stretched out his palm, picked up the electric mouse together, and said.

Although that was already a matter of the electronic world, he knew that the strength of that Pokémon was not much worse than Roaring Tiger.

Thinking that this time the masked man's target was Champion Du, he couldn't help but evoked a funny smile.

It seems to be prepared.

Although Pikachu is also capable, but no matter how extraordinary, the future is nothing more than hopeful, and he cannot be on the stage. The defeat of the Armored Chrysalis means that Xiaozhi has no chance of winning...

"By the way, Xiaozhi, don't you think there is something wrong with your current mentality?"

Xiaozhi: "?"

Chi's words stunned Xiaozhi again.

Although he was defeated, he was just regretful. He shouldn't have directly broken the defense like Xiaomao, right?

He could barely accept the top five in the Quartz Conference, even if he hadn't met the masked man and relied on the invincible armored chrysalis, even the runner-up should have a great chance.

Seeming to see through Xiaozhi's thoughts, he looked at him with red eyes, and said slowly:

"Iron Armor Chrysalis, it's not your strength..."

Different from Xiaomao's defense breaking, Xiaozhi did the opposite, a little swollen.

Power that cannot be mastered is not considered power, and Xiaozhi wants to really control this power above the extreme without several years of training, that is nonsense.

Thinking of this, Chi regretted letting Xiaozhi use the Iron Armor Chrysalis in advance.

You must know the ultimate realm, which is a realm that only top champions can step into, and it is already something that ordinary people can't imagine.

And the realm above the ultimate, the power that even the champion can hardly match, even if you use it yourself, you have to be careful. If it is a god, it is also the ultimate mystery.

If it weren't for the power of the secret book of "Zizao Jiyi", the perfect fit with the armored chrysalis, and the iron armored chrysalis' unique understanding of green, many elements are intertwined, otherwise, how could such a miracle of miracles be born?

But it is such a terrifying power, Xiaozhi now has it at his fingertips, as if he can use it at will.

Even Chi didn't know whether it was good or bad to come into contact with the world's top power too early, so he had to choose to step in and beat Xiaozhi before he was completely trapped.

"Maybe like Qinglu, not intervening at all, and only imparting Xiaomao's experience, is the best grandfather model...?"

Chi shook his head.

Glancing from the corner of his eyes, he saw Xiaozhi frowning on the hospital bed, thinking for a while, he just got up slowly and left the ward.

Your path has only just begun, boy...

The ward fell silent again.



I don't know how long it has been.


The sound of the door being pushed open interrupted Xiaozhi's perception of life, and he looked up subconsciously.

In the eyes, it is a young man in his twenties, with a handsome appearance, his brows and facial features reveal a heroic spirit, his fiery red hedgehog hair is very dazzling, and he is wearing a cool black cloak behind him.

Just standing there, it seemed as if the lights of the whole world were focused on him, he was powerless and angry, and he was born with a fierce and domineering aura.

Xiao Zhi had only seen this man on TV before, and he belonged to a high-ranking super boss, and was even considered by many people to be the strongest man in the world today.

League champions, cross!

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