He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 430 Referee, I abstain

If this Roaring Tiger's characteristic is Yusanjia's regular fierce fire characteristic, it may be an opportunity to double the ultimate fire-breathing power.

But the characteristic of this roaring tiger is intimidation, which also means that the current situation is extremely unfavorable to the masked man.

"I can only fight with my back..."

But the eyes of the masked man and the roaring tiger were ignited with an unprecedented fighting spirit. This was the first time they were forced into such a desperate situation in this conference, and the fighting spirit in their hearts was surging.

The Armored Chrysalis does not count, after all, the strength of the opponent is a bit outrageous, and they have selectively ignored it.

The masked man swung his fist and shouted loudly:

"Roaring Tiger, we haven't lost yet, use Flame Fist!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

The roaring tiger roared, this time the tiger's palm exerted strength, and both fists burned with fiery flames at the same time, dragging the body of the candle in the wind and sprinting vigorously, rushing towards the target.

The Chi on the other end agreed, but there would be no water in the slightest. He raised his hand and pointed:

"Explosive Muscle Mosquito, use Enhanced Fist."

The two fists of the Explosive Mosquito condensed orange energy, and rushed forward without showing any sign of weakness.




Immediately, the two muscular Pokémon on the field collided again. The Flame Fist and the Enhancement Fist collided again and again, and both fists came out together. Within a few seconds, there were as many as ten punches, and flames and orange energy splashed all over the field. There were bursts of violent roars one after another.

The scene was extremely vigorous and straightforward, and the hand-to-hand combat also made countless audiences excited, and the cheers reached a climax.


At this time, the masked man suddenly let out a sound of surprise, he had excellent eyesight, and he discovered that the fist was evenly matched, but now his Roaring Tiger was at a disadvantage?

Even though the Roaring Tiger is dying, as a royal gladiator, the strength he can exert when he is dying will only be stronger, how could it be weakened?

"No, the Roaring Tiger has not been weakened, but the Explosive Muscle Mosquito has become stronger!"

The masked man narrowed his eyes, only to realize that the muscles of the Muscle Mosquito seemed to be getting bigger and stronger over time.

Although the range is small, the wins continue to increase? Is he an old fighter? If you look closely, you can find the changes.

"Enhanced punch?"

No, it's just a punch? How can it trigger the effect of strengthening the punch? And I recalled carefully in my mind, this weird feeling seems to have appeared from the very beginning? Just didn't pay attention to this.

"Hehe... finally found out?"

Seeing the puzzled expression on the other side? Chi smiled lightly.

But it's too late.

The victory and defeat have been divided.


How many punches? The two beasts finally staggered their fists, and the energy covered by the fists dissipated.

Then the two opened their palms at the same time, and knocked together with each other's palms, and their bodies exerted force? They entered the state of tug-of-war and pushing hands again.


Only this time? The Muscle Explosive Mosquito's muscles were obviously bigger, and its strength was also much stronger than the opponent's. After a while, it forcibly bent the palm of the Roaring Tiger, twisting it to an exaggerated range, which made the Roaring Tiger go The time center of gravity is a little unstable. The knee is bent? The arm hurts.

Chi seized the opportunity: "Use blood sucking now!"

At the end of the sentence? The Muscle Explosive Mosquito turned its head, and the slender white spiked mouthparts in front of its face were inserted into Roaring Tiger's arm tissue like this? This made the latter's painful body tremble suddenly.

This mouthpart is not used as a display, is it a muscular mosquito? That is also a mosquito.

Is it a mosquito? It will suck blood.


Then the sharp mouthparts that pierced the flesh squirmed? The Roaring Tiger's arm began to shrivel up visibly, as if it had been drained dry. The scene looked extremely horrifying.

On the other hand, there was a burst of green healing light on the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, restoring its physical strength to a state of nearly full blood.

The severe pain also made the Roaring Tiger burst out with the last strength, and the other tiger's paw, which was still strong and substantial, pushed the former away, and then it backed up again and again to keep the distance.

"Tiger Roar..."

It's just that the shriveled arm hung on the shoulder, looking very miserable and horrified, and the body was shaking violently. Obviously, this kind of battle made him a little scared for a while.

This is the Ultra Beast, which is different from the battle of regular Pokémon, just like a horror movie.

But Chi didn't pay attention to other factors at all, completely focused on the game, found an opportunity, and shouted decisively:

"It's over, Explosive Muscle Mosquito, use Explosive Punch!"


The Explosive Muscle Mosquito understood, its body had already rushed in front of the target, and while the Roaring Tiger was still frightened, a majestic fist suddenly blasted out, hitting the latter's abdomen.


In an instant, the explosion sounded like thunder, and Roaring Tiger's body was instantly blasted several meters away. He was in such a state of embarrassment that he fell down completely as soon as he landed.

Even the referee was frightened by the scene of sucking his flesh and blood. After confirming that the muscular mosquito would not suddenly go berserk and drain his flesh and blood, he slowly raised his arm.

"The Roaring Tiger can't fight, uh... the Explosive Muscle Mosquito wins!"

The referee recalled it in his mind, and then remembered the name of Muscle Mosquito, and opened his mouth to give a verdict.

Immediately, there was an uproar in the arena, obviously shocked by the fierce and frightening battle.

The masked man anxiously stepped forward to check Roaring Tiger's injuries, especially the shriveled arm, which looked as if the unicorn arm had been completely abolished, and this was a permanent wound, which he accepted. no.

"Don't worry, eat more after the game and you'll get back to normal."

Chi's voice reassured the masked man a little. After confirming that his old buddy was only unable to fight normally, he was completely relieved.

Don't look at the horror of the battle screen, but it is still a normal battle in essence, harmless to humans and animals.

Zeng Jin, the muscle-explosive mosquito, directly sucked a passing 500-kilogram kirby into a two-dimensional piece of paper, but the latter returned to its original state in an instant after being heavily fed the next year's food, and even gained 10 kg.

"Thanks a lot..."

The masked man got up slowly, raised his hand to put the Roaring Tiger back into the poke ball, and walked back to the trainer's position.


Looking at the Muscle Mosquito who was still energetic and flexing his muscles on the field, the expression under the mask of the masked man looked a little lonely.

The level and strength of the two Pokémon are obviously almost the same, but he was defeated, while the opponent was in a state of almost full health, although he also had his own information shortage [Literary Museum www.wxguan.xyz], completely ignorant of the battle of the explosive muscle mosquito The element of the method, but there is one more point that is also there.

There is a huge difference in the level of trainers between the two.

This commander named ** is more than one grade higher than him, and the whole game is advancing according to his script.

"Can you tell me why...?"

The masked man asked suddenly.

Although it was a nonsensical sentence, Chi knew that the other party wanted to ask, so he didn't hide it, so he said:

"The promotion of the alien beast is the characteristic of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito."

Almost most of the characteristics of the ultimate beasts are beast enhancements, that is, defeating an opponent will greatly improve their own abilities.

However, this is only an effect in the electronic world, and when Chi released the Explosive Muscle Mosquito from this world, he found that this characteristic had a new change.

Beast Ascension - Over time, abilities will slowly improve.

So don't look at the bells and whistles throughout the game, but Chi's decision-making has only one purpose from beginning to end.


The longer the fight lasts, the better it is for the Blast.

"Really... It seems that I have already lost from the beginning..."

Hearing this, the masked man sighed and smiled wryly.

Immediately, he held a poke ball in his waist, as if he had made a decision.

This is just the first Pokémon, and there are five more. He still has a chance to defeat the opponent. The flames of the masked man's war have not been extinguished!

Since it's the ultimate beast, then let's fight with the island gods who are natural enemies!

It's just that the masked man was about to send out his second Pokémon, but Dechi on the opposite side suddenly took back the full-bodied Muscle Mosquito, then turned his head and raised his hand to the referee in the middle, with a flat tone.

"Referee, I abstain."

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