He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 431 Your roaring tiger has a bright future

"Referee, I abstain."

The volume was not loud, and the tone was very flat, but it made the entire venue of tens of thousands of people suddenly quiet and terrifying, as if they heard something terrible.

In the next second, the entire arena erupted with dissatisfaction, almost overturning the arena.

The pants are half off, and the body is just getting hot, so you abstained?

"Ahem... **Contestant, are you sure you said the right thing?"

The referee was stunned and asked subconsciously.

The current situation is infinitely superior to you. The masked man is half a Roaring Tiger. The three that were shown before are definitely no match for the muscular mosquito. Even if the remaining two are as strong as the Roaring Tiger, I'm afraid. It was also difficult to win, and you abstained?

Is the championship trophy of the Quartz Conference not enough?

"I am sure."

Chi just waved his hand indifferently, the fighting spirit that had just been aroused in his eyes had completely faded, and he became flat again, with a lazy look.

His miniature dragons had already fought enough for this meeting, and if he continued to send out the Muscle Mosquitoes to fight, except for the island god, the remaining four might be able to fight with their eyes closed, which would not be nutritious.

The ultimate beast is not a mythical beast. In terms of strength, it is probably one grade higher than ordinary Pokémon, and one grade lower than the second-level god.

Moreover, this muscle-explosive mosquito of his own has been kept with Bilan since it was caught, and has never been leveled at all. Chi is quite satisfied that he has the same combat power as the roaring tiger of the king level when he debuts.

As for the island god, Zeng Jin has already beaten him up, but now he is not very interested.

And Chi's other old-age Pokémon, uh... probably don't bother to come out to play this kind of housekeeping game.

In a battle, one would either meet the opponent, or rely on one's own calculations to make a comeback due to the disparity, but the masked man couldn't satisfy him anymore, so Chi naturally became lazy.

As for the dissatisfaction of the surrounding audience...

Unfamiliar, dissatisfied with it.


"**Contestant, why are you...!?"

On the other side, the expression under the mask of the masked man was very surprised.

I have to admit that the opponent is stronger than him, and much stronger...

Roaring Tiger is already his trump card, and although the island god is in his Poké Ball, it is not actually his Pokémon. He just followed him from the countryside to the big city for a stroll out of boredom.

The strength is much stronger than the Roaring Tiger? But the tacit understanding between the two is not high? The combat power that can be truly displayed will only be stronger than the Roaring Tiger.

If the fight continues, the masked man thinks his chance of winning is basically equal to zero.

But the opponent's abstention was something he didn't expect.

For a moment? The regret of winning by luck and not being able to fight against a strong enemy? And the unwillingness that the ace has already lost to the opponent, and many emotions rushed into his heart? This made the masked man feel mixed feelings.

"You just keep going? I'm not a participant, just a bystander."

Chi smiled faintly, the inexplicable words made the masked man slowly put out a question mark.

Then Chi turned around? Ignoring the dissatisfied voices around him? Controlling **'s body, he slowly exited.

"Oh, by the way, the power of Xiaozhi's armored chrysalis before is called the ultimate realm." Halfway through, Chi suddenly turned around as if thinking of something, and said:

"When you have come to the end of a road, it is the so-called extreme? Now you should be able to explore a new direction."

That look of passing on karma and teaching the way, obviously the other party's appearance is much smaller than himself? But the deep light like a master in the red eyes? Like the stars in the sea? Listen seriously.

In the Kanto region, middle and lower level trainers pull their hips at the same level, but they are different in the Alola region. The upper, middle and lower levels all pull their hips, so he has not heard the strong people in his hometown talk about the ultimate state.

"Well, your Roaring Tiger's ultimate path...you can't tell, it's not weak, it's not weak, it's not weak in every way, but in other words, it's not strong in every way, I want to find a way Stepping into the ultimate realm is as difficult as flying into the sky."

Speaking of this, Chi brows couldn't help frowning.

Generally speaking, choosing what you are best at as the ultimate path is the easiest way to step into the ultimate realm. For example, his Pikachu's extreme lightning is because Pikachu's power is strong enough.

For example, the extreme speed and explosive power of the green wind speed dog, because the latter is good at speed and explosive power.

Of course, this is relatively simple, not really simple.

But Pokémon with a barrel panel like Roaring Tiger is undoubtedly the most difficult type to step into the extreme realm...

"Senior, I understand."

The masked man bowed solemnly to Chi, his eyes sparkled brightly, as if he had found that ultimate path.

Those who are masters are teachers, and as a doctor of Pokémon, he naturally knows this truth. Although his grade is much higher than Chi, he still speaks of his predecessors.

Seeing this, Chi also evoked a smile, waved his hand casually, turned his head and left slowly.

"That roaring tiger has become a promising future..."

Truth be told, he admires the masked man.

A fierce trainer, his dream is not to make himself stronger, but simply hope that all the juniors in his hometown can enjoy the fun of fighting. On a border island with no history of alliances, he forcibly established a Pokémon alliance. .

"I hope to have a face-to-face conversation with you next time, Dr. Kukui."


"Hey! I just bought three buckets of popcorn, and you told me not to pop it!?"

In the auditorium, Xiaolan held three buckets of plus popcorn alone, covering her face. When she heard Xia Chi's abstention, she also joined the army of denouncing her dissatisfaction.

"As expected of Brother Chi, I have thought of 10,000 ways to hang and beat the masked man, but abstention is something I couldn't think of. It really is because my realm is not enough."

Xiao Gang next to him touched his chin, his eyes flickering.

"Oh, what a pity, I can't touch Brother Chi's trophy!"

Xiaoxia on the side also shook her head in disappointment.

Xiaozhi, who was sitting next to Xiaolan, took a bucket of popcorn plus, grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

The match was really exciting. With the same strength, but almost full of blood, they defeated the terrifying Roaring Tiger.

But one game is really not enough to eat!

But Xiaozhi soon felt relieved, after all, Brother Chi said before that reaching the top four is enough.

"It's estimated that there is no match between the blue and green bosses, and the red brother is not doing well..."

Seeing that Xiaolan next to her was still muttering and complaining, she almost raised a flag to protest, so Xiaozhi grabbed a handful of popcorn and blocked her mouth.

The first match of the semi-finals of the Quartz Conference came to an abrupt end in a way that no one expected.



far away.

Alola region, ether foundation base, a private room.

A middle-aged man in a white uniform was crossing his legs, staring at the TV with a flushed expression, breathing rapidly.

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