In the middle of the night, the entire Quartz main stadium looked very dark. Due to the surrounding cover, even the moonlight that could shine in was very little.

Even the brazier on the high platform has been extinguished.

"it's over."

Xiaozhi walked to the end of the arena, where he used to stand, but he couldn't make it to the end.

Lowering his head and thinking for a while, Xiaozhi remembered the question that Brother Chi asked him after he was defeated in the quarterfinals.

"What is your future path?"

He hasn't been watching these days, and he is constantly thinking about this question in his mind, but now, he already has the answer.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi raised his palm and clenched it into a fist in front of him. His bright eyes seemed to illuminate the entire venue.

"Brother Chi, I have thought about it, the way forward in the future..."

In the soul space, Chi, who was sitting on the grand teacher's chair, opened his eyes and stopped shaking for a while, as if he was waiting for Xiaozhi's answer.

"I want to travel all over the world, constantly meet new Pokémon, constantly meet new partners, constantly defeat new powerful enemies, and overcome everything..."

"My Pokémon and I will become the strongest in the world together!"

At last he roared so loudly toward the original playing field that his voice still echoed in the air.

"I'm Xiaozhi from New Town, I want to become a Pokémon master!"

This dream has been in his heart from beginning to end, it has never changed, and it will not change in the future.

"I see..."

After a while, Chi spoke slowly.

This path is different from his. After all, he began to practice hard on the Silver Mountain after traveling for a year, constantly strengthening his own strength, but he actually knew very little about everything in this world.

"This road has a promising future."

Chi just answered so plainly, in the soul space, he had already closed his eyes, and slowly swayed again.


In reality, Pikachu on his shoulders also jumped to Xiaozhi's arm, stretched out his claws, and held it in his fist? He signaled that they would become the strongest partner.

"And me! And me!"

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped out from nowhere? He stretched out a snow-white and slender palm, and firmly held Xiaozhi's fist.

"I'm really Xiaolan from Xinzhen? The way of the future is to travel all over the world? See all the beautiful scenery, collect all the treasures? Eat all the delicacies!"

A vigorous girl wearing a white sun hat was already standing beside him, and her beautiful eyes were also shining brightly.

"Xiaolan? Why are you here?"

Was Xiaozhi caught off guard? He asked subconsciously.

"Hee hee? I'm passing by~"

Xiaolan just said with a smile, then grabbed Xiaozhi's arm and raised it high together.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only give a wry smile? Just let her grab it like this? He looked at the high sky ahead again.

At this time, a dazzling light appeared in the sky ahead, gradually illuminating the entire venue, and the fiery red light fell on the faces of the two.


There was a high-pitched chirp, and in the next second, a giant bird that was flaming red and covered in flames landed? It was very domineering, and it was the flame bird, the mascot of the alliance.

Seeing this, Xiaolan stepped forward and gently rubbed the flame bird's cheek.

"Hee hee~ Xiaozhi, I won't be going back to Zhenxin Town tomorrow? Recently, the boss Sakagi doesn't seem to be in the Kanto area. Sister Bilan told me a lot of Rockets' bases? Xiaohuo and I plan to go on an adventure~ Do you want to come with us? Let's go together~"

Did she really pass by the venue this time? She was going to pick up the flame bird for an adventure? She didn't expect to hear Xiaozhi's loud roar, and then ran out.

"Hehe... next time I will..."

The Rockets don't have a deep grudge against him, that's not the case.

"Then let's see you in four months~ You should go to the Chengdu area by then, right? I will go too!"

Both Xiaozhi and Xiaomao have gone, how boring it is for her to stay in the Kanto region alone, and these four months are enough for Xiaolan to search all the secret bases in the Kanto region.

Finally, Xiaolan stepped on the back of the flame bird, and the latter let out a loud cry again. The flame wings shook, and it rushed to the sky, bursting with violent roars.

In the distance, Xiaolan's frightened voice of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" can be heard.

It's just that even though the flame bird left completely, the light still shone on Xiaozhi's face and didn't dissipate.

In the sky, the sun has slowly risen.

"Come on, the harder you work, the luckier you will be!"

Xiao Zhi secretly puffed up, then rubbed Pikachu, and finally turned his head and left.



Time goes back to the days of the Quartz Conference Final Four.

Johto area, Wakaba town.

On the second floor of a small house, a black-haired boy was sitting in front of the TV, and the live broadcast of the Quartz Conference was playing on the screen.

This young man was about the same age as Xiao Zhi, and his appearance was equally high-spirited.

But the temperament is more like Xiaomao, also looks a bit handsome, but he looks like ADHD and wants to jump, and a black hair is stubbornly raised in front of his forehead, expressing that this is not a Lord who can stand still.

At this moment, the scene of the masked man fighting Chi was broadcasting on the TV, it was the battle between Chi Yan Roaring Tiger and Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

"Turtle, is the quality of this year's Quartz Conference so high? These two Pokémon that I haven't seen before are very good..."

While watching, he admired.

This boy is Kintaro, a native of Wakaba Town, who turned ten years old last week. He has already ordered the initial Pokémon and training family certification with Dr. Soraki here, but it will take four months to get the approval to go on a trip. Let him wait at home anxiously, so he can only watch some channels from other regions to relieve his boredom.


There is also a little purple monkey Pokémon lying on his shoulder, with a cute head, flexible movements, short arms without fingers, but a slap finger at the end of the tail, which looks a bit weird.

"Oh! Otaro, do you also want to become a muscular monkey like that? Sure enough, I think the same!"


Ajin pointed to the Roaring Tiger and Muscle Mosquito on the screen, as if he had confirmed the training direction, which made the long-tailed monster slap his face directly, a little angry.

Although he has not yet become an official trainer, this long-tailed monster hand is already his Pokémon, and he has taken a similar nickname after his name.

Next, Chi in the screen suddenly chose to abstain after easily defeating Roaring Tiger, which made A Jin very dissatisfied. The pants were half dragged, so they were gone?

But the muscle fight on TV also aroused Ah Jin's enthusiasm. He quickly grabbed a yellow and black hat and put it on. He grabbed the long-tailed monster's hand and ran towards the stairs. After a while, he was about to put on his shoes and go out. , I plan to go to the wilds of Zhenkou to find a few miscellaneous fish to fight.

"Hey Ah Jin, it's going to rain soon, don't go too far!"

A short-haired woman in the living room reminded her.

"I know Mom! Let's go, Otaro!"


One person and one monkey, just went out like this.


(It's three more today)

(Thinking about the end of the three chapters, there will be another chapter...Maybe 4 more later...)

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