(4 more?!)


"Oh~ today's opponent is another little Lada? Haha, it seems that I hope to kill 100 wild little Ladas before I start my trip!"

At this time, Ah Jin had already run to a bush on the edge of the town. Suddenly, a purple and white mouse Pokémon sprang out, with a pair of signature teeth erected, grinning at him.

This made Ah Jin, who had just finished watching the film and hadn't calmed down yet, become excited instantly.

Although he has not yet become a trainer, he already has a lot of experience in fighting wild Pokémon, so he waved his finger:

"Otaro, prepare to fight!"


The long-tailed monster's hand on his shoulder suddenly jumped in front of little Lada with a brisk stride, the movement was very flexible, and the hand-shaped tail behind him was raised in front of him, looking serious.


At this time, the sky suddenly began to become cloudy, and there was faint thunder, as if there was going to be a storm soon.

"Hmph, rain can't interrupt my trial to become the strongest trainer in the universe, Otaro, use impact..."


Before the words were finished, there was a sudden white light in the sky, and the next moment, there was a burst of thunder, which shocked Ah Jin and the two Pokémon in front of him, and his heart felt cold for no reason, and he even slammed together. A lightning strike visible to the naked eye fell from the sky, and finally struck Ajin half a meter in front of him.

There was lightning white light in front of him, which completely frightened him into stupidity, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Lightning flashed past, leaving only a scorched black mark in front of Ah Jin's body, and he couldn't help swallowing several mouthfuls of saliva.

Turtle, it seems that the person is almost gone...?

But Ah Jin was courageous enough, so he quickly came back to his senses and patted his chest.

"Haha, lightning doesn't hit the same place at the same time, don't worry about these bells and whistles, Otaro, use impact...Zizizi!"


It was another terrifying lightning strike, this time it hit A Jin head-on, and the high-voltage current exploded instantly on his body, and even the air was filled with the smell of burnt barbecue...

Lightning flashed again, and Ah Jin, who was scorched black in an instant, also fell to the ground? It's just that the pain in his head at this moment? It's infinitely more intense than the pain in his body.


Because at this moment, countless words? patterns? images, information...

It's like the experience of another person's life? It suddenly poured into your mind completely, which made him have a splitting headache? Clutching his head, he rolled on the ground for a while.

Even the little Lada and the long-tailed monster next to him were stunned? They froze in place, not knowing whether to fight or not.


"Team Rocket..."

"Alliance King..."

All of a sudden, there were countless information in Ah Jin's mind, and he seemed to be browsing all the adventures of a person who looked very similar to himself from the perspective of God? Those battles that became more and more terrifying? This rookie who has not officially embarked on a trip is completely dumbfounded.

Until finally, a snow-capped mountain...

He saw "myself" hike up to the top of a snow mountain with a blue and yellow animal-shaped Pokémon, and have a final battle with a trainer wearing a red and white hat...

A Jin dare to say that even the battle of the king of heaven on TV is not so terrible? The screen is full of majesty and epic sense.


In the end, which trainer was successfully defeated? He let out a silent roar, and his body suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling white light.

But "I" was caught off guard and shot in the face? I covered my eyes and rolled violently in the snow? It seemed that I was blinded by a flash.

Memory so far? Stopped abruptly.

Ah Jin also opened his eyes? Suddenly, he remembered the name of the trainer with the red and white hat.


Immediately he shook his head, this lightning was really evil, so he had to forcibly dispel this redundant memory, seeing that the little purple mouse in front of him hadn't left yet, Ah Jin immediately turned his attention to it again.

"Oh~ Fengxue hasn't left yet, pincers, let's use strike!"

Long-tailed monster: "?"

What the hell is this called? Was my trainer stunned by lightning?



At the same time, on the other side of the city.

A middle-aged man was standing on the training ground of a private secret base.

Wearing a neat suit and uniform, with inch hair and a shadowy face, he gave off a heroic look.

There is a walkie-talkie tied around his collar, and he seems to be communicating with someone.

"Boss, our people have been paying attention to that kid Kintaro for more than a month. He is no different from an ordinary trainer at present, and his combat level is only slightly better than that of an ordinary trainer. He is mediocre and nothing outstanding."

Hearing this, Boss Sakagi frowned, thought for a while, and continued to speak:

"True bird, let your people continue to stare at him, and report anything unusual."

Matori, the direct secretary on the opposite side, quickly agreed, and then asked tentatively:

"Uh... By the way, boss, what have you been doing lately...?"

No wonder she was curious, they had all been in the city for more than a month, but Boss Sakagi had also disappeared for more than a month, and only communicated with her remotely through the walkie-talkie, and his whereabouts were mysterious.

"What am I doing? Jie Jie..."

Hearing this, Sakagi showed a rare smile, but the laughter made Matoshi shudder, very penetrating.

But this time, Boss Sakagi surprisingly gave an answer.

"I'm showing the greatness of fatherly love...!"

The walkie-talkie was cut off, and Boss Sakagi's attention returned to the scene. This is an empty training field surrounded by dense jungle.

And standing in front of him at this moment is a red-haired boy with long hair, handsome and handsome, even a bit like a young boy.

It's just that his expression is completely different from his appearance, even a little angry and violent, and he shouted at Sakagi angrily:

"Enough, who the hell are you! Why did you suddenly attack me and lock me up here!?"

Hearing this, Sakagi showed a smiling face with a kind look.

"I said, Ah Yin, I am your father."

Seeing that someone dared to scold him, the boy named Ah Yin immediately scolded back:

"Hey, I'm still your ancestor!"

Sakagi: "?"

Immediately, Ah Yin waved his thumb: "Nula, use metal claws!"

As soon as the words fell, a small, pitch-black upright beast in front of him immediately raised its claws, a layer of cold metal light had already condensed on them, and then stomped on the ground and rushed up.


It's just that this metal claw smashed on the arm of a heavy armored tyrannosaurus in front of Sakagi, causing only minor damage.

The heavy-armored tyrannosaurus even swung its arm fiercely, and the terrifying backhand knocked Niura into the air. After a while, he lost his fighting ability and fainted to the ground.

"Ayin, it seems that your ability is not enough. When you can defeat my heavy armored tyrannosaurus, I will let you go."

After finishing speaking, Sakagi just showed a benevolent smile, took back the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, and then turned away.

The inside of this place is free, but the outermost perimeter is surrounded by iron walls, and no one can go out without their own orders.

"It seems that there should be no grandfather on you... But it's good, after all, it's impossible for me to attack you..."

Sakagi then signaled everyone to leave the area and let his son be alone.

Taking advantage of this time, Boss Sakagi hopes to make his son strong enough so that he will not become his weakness.

For a moment, Ah Yin was left alone in this area, standing there with some unwillingness, clenched his fists.

"Damn it, how on earth am I going to defeat this man!"


In the next second, the clouds became dense, and a lightning strike fell from the sky, striking A Yinde right on his body.

In an instant, countless memory fragments poured into my heart.

The pain in his body was about to burst, but this made the corner of Ah Yin's mouth gradually draw a wicked smile.

It's all right, there's nothing in the way now...



[Kanto chapter, end]

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