He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 441: A New Journey


Zhenxin Town, the backyard of Dr. Damu.

One day after the Quartz Conference ended, Xiaozhi and his group, who were resting on vacation, were suddenly called to the research institute by Dr. Oki, as if there was something important.

"Oh, Xiaozhi, I'm really bothering you haha, I have to come here specially."

[Literary Museum www.wxguan.info] It is still the classic combination of Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and Xiaoxia, authentic.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and he said expectantly:

"Oh, do you have any gift for Dr. Oki? I won the top five results and my hometown has nothing. It's too chilling. At least give me a bicycle."

"Hehe... What more bicycles are needed, the funds are not enough recently."

Dr. Oki directly ignored his look of expectation, bicycles are a luxury item, and then said:

"I want to ask you to go to the Orange Islands and get something from an old friend of mine..."

Before the words were finished, the eyes of the two people behind were already brightened, and they fell into a hallucination state in place.

"Orange Islands, tropical islands in the south, sandy beaches, sea..."

"bikini big sister..."

Immediately, the two of them patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder, their eyes lit up for a while, and they directly made a choice for him.

"Doctor, leave it to us!"

They are going to be moldy after staying in Zhenxin Town for the past few days, what kind of vacation is this, they might as well go to the beach for a real vacation!

"Wait a minute, you two haven't said what it is yet!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pushed the two little friends back. Even so, he was a little bit more moved.

He stayed in Zhenxin Town since he was a child, and there really wasn't much fun to do, and the Chengdu Alliance next door officially started four months later, and he really had to find a place to take risks and kill time in these four months...

"Hehe, listen to me, the task is to go to a place called Bitter Orange Island in the Orange Islands, and find a person named Dr. Uchiki there. She recently salvaged a special Poké Ball nearby, but it seems that the research has reached an impasse. Yes, I plan to ask me to complete the follow-up research."

"Special Poké Ball?"

All three were curious.

"Can't the words be sent directly?"

Pokéballs are a special kind of material that can be digitized through the network and then transmitted remotely. Computers are the most basic application.

"No, the poke ball is a bit special and cannot be digitized."

Dr. Oki shook his head? But this is also showing the special nature of that elf ball? You must know that even Chi's ultimate ball can be stored in the computer.

"What about express delivery? Now Zhenxin Town is already in the Three Guarantees area, right?"

Xiao Gang came up with a new idea.

"No, it's too expensive? Express delivery companies for precious scientific research products don't dare to contract..."

Dr. Oki denied this idea again? Then he looked at the three people in front of him, and his tone sank:

"So I can only trouble you three juniors whom I value the most!"

The words fell? Xiaozhi and the three of them felt flattered, and their breathing became a little short.

Didn't expect them to have such a high status in Dr. Oki's heart? He agreed immediately? He even forgot to say goodbye, so he ran back home in a hurry and prepared his travel equipment.


In a short while, they were all fully equipped? Entering the state of travel again? Arrived at a terminal transportation transfer station in the south of Zhenxin Town.

Just looking at the cargo ships and planes around them, the three of them froze in place suddenly.

"Damn! I forgot to ask Dr. Oki for funding!!"

"Did you say that on purpose to make us take it lightly!"

"The old man is very bad!"

The three complained repeatedly, but it was unacceptable to go back after they had just come out, so they had to look around, trying to find a solution.

"Come on, come on~ the annual lucky draw~ the special prize is a round-trip ticket to Bitter Orange Island~~"

At this time, a burst of yelling attracted everyone's attention. The three of them looked at each other, and they couldn't help but all trembled. There was a chill down their backs.

They just went to Bitter Orange Island, and there was this kind of lottery next to it? Isn't it too weird...?

Is it impossible for the world to deliberately arrange around them?

"It doesn't matter, at least it's a way!"

Xiaozhi is so courageous? He immediately pulled the two of them closer.


Is this an old stall? There is a lottery machine on it? A staff member whose face cannot be seen is lazily yelling, and there is a sign hanging beside the stall.

"Rocket Transportation Group's annual lucky draw, only 100 yen once, special prize, free round-trip ticket to Bitter Orange Island!"

Seeing someone approaching, the staff member's attitude suddenly improved, and he was courteous to the three of them.

"The three of you are going to Bitter Orange Island, good luck! There are just three places for the last three special prizes left in this box. They only cost 100 yen each time, and the chances of winning are very high. It's a free gift, as long as you have your hands! "

These words also made Xiaozhi's eyes burn immediately, he took out the last 300 Wen left in his pocket and slapped it on the table, rolled up his sleeves, looking eager to fight.

"Hey... Lengtouqing, I fell for it..."

Seeing this, the staff secretly showed an expression of success.

It is true that you can do it with your own hands. This is not a lie.

It's just that the probability of rolling out the golden bead representing the special prize is less than 0.01%, which is as difficult as flying into the sky.

And shaking the last three golden beads at the same time, the probability is about the same as that of him succeeding the Rockets Group tomorrow...

"Haha, today I will squeeze all the money out of you, a stupid young man!" The staff laughed wildly in their hearts, but their expressions were respectful.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was already holding the handle and was about to shake it, Xiaogang quickly held his hand.

"Calm down, Xiaozhi, your luck has been bad, don't waste your money."

There are three trainers in Zhenxin Town, three unlucky ones, and one is more unlucky than the other, Xiaozhi's unlucky luck is probably in the middle.


Although what he said was correct, Xiaozhi still retreated cursing.

While hesitating, Xiaoxia pushed the two of them away, as if determined to win.

"Hmph, this beautiful girl has to do something about it, you two men should watch from behind!"

Amidst the dubious looks of the two, Xiaoxia walked to the front of the booth, carefully placed Bokby in her arms on her head, and stretched out her palm to hold it on the lottery machine.

"Hey Xiaoxia, your luck is not good either?"

"Everyone is equally divided, let me say one person at a time."

But today Xiaoxia seemed very confident, she ignored the two of them, turned her palms to the handle, and soon, the lottery machine vibrated, and a small bead rolled out with a "gulu gulu".

The golden light blinded the eyes of the other three.

"How can it be?!"

"It's really golden!?"

"What a bright light!?"

However, Xiaoxia's movements were not over yet, and she rolled twice vigorously, and the machine rolled out two small golden beads again.

"Oh~ There are three gold beads in total, and three round-trip air tickets, thank you uncle~"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia smiled at the corners of her eyes, and spread her palms towards the staff who were completely stupefied with a smile.

"Good chirp good chirp~~~"

On her head, Bokby was also innocently shaking his short hands, hiding his achievements and fame.

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